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Hello From Canada! (1 Viewer)


May 30, 2005
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
I'm Russian/Polish/Ukrainian, but I currently live in Canada, sorry to say, there is no Canadian flag, OR a Russian flag up on the top left corner of this forum. :soap :2canadian
Welcome to Debate Politics!

The flags on the header were chosen at random. :)

Sorry Canada & Russia was missed, but those flags only prove that all are welcome regardless of where one comes from.
Soviet_Guy said:
I'm Russian/Polish/Ukrainian, but I currently live in Canada, sorry to say, there is no Canadian flag, OR a Russian flag up on the top left corner of this forum. :soap :2canadian

You are also human just like everyone else, like i'm Norwegian/German/Dutch/Danish/Roma(gypsy, originally from India) living in the US, no one cares, though you seem a bit canadian/russian nationalist, I think it would be better to have the Soviet flag or one red one with a hammer&sickle, russia and canada are both capitalist, so you are either socialist/communist/anarchist it does seem odd you would put up natonal/capitalist flags before international flags, maybe a UN one, don't see one of them, too bad they have the US flag
Hey guys,

I'm the creator of the upper-left image, I selected country flags at random and when I get the time, I'll take away a flag and change it with Russia. I tried to have a flag representing all walks of life.

I'll take the blame.
Ah, no blame needed AE, welcome to debate politics!
Arch Enemy said:
Hey guys,

I'm the creator of the upper-left image, I selected country flags at random and when I get the time, I'll take away a flag and change it with Russia. I tried to have a flag representing all walks of life.

Nice, :good_job: :bravo: :congrats: :respekt:

If I may suggest: If any flag needs to be replaced, I would like to know what the light blue flag with the white star is, I know my flags, and I've never seen a flag like that.
Soviet_Guy said:
Nice, :good_job: :bravo: :congrats: :respekt:

If I may suggest: If any flag needs to be replaced, I would like to know what the light blue flag with the white star is, I know my flags, and I've never seen a flag like that.

Its Somalia's, a poor country in northeast Africa, it used to be part of Ethiopia but broke away a long time ago, otherwise I don't know much more comrade.
Oh, a break off from Ethiopia you say, well, that explains why I never heard of it, can't be more than 100 sq miles then.

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