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hehe didn't really know where to start (1 Viewer)


New member
Jul 30, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
So. here i am. where are you? HA.

yeah. so have no idea what to do in this place... seem to find myself reading everyone's posts but fear posting myself:3oops:

hehe. so Hello. Guess you have to start somewhere.
Welcome to Debate Politics!

Tell us more about yourself. Are you more liberal or conservative?
What is the biggest thing in politics that really gets you going?
I don't know that I fit within a bound of liberal or conservative. Guess if i could be something of my own I am. Definetly lean towards liberal, but know that with ever claimed organization there are differening opinions and scandals.

Socialism sounds somewhat pleasant but... not all of it is sugar and lollipops.

Ha. guess that really didn't answer the question. but. I am leaving it be.

Was going to go into politics ..but decided what matters most are the little things, not the mass government that is so far only degrading. I can't imagine how much worse it can get... but really I can, i just don't want to.

Guess now i just like talking politics and trying to support the go getters that can debate their way into change. Of course, the little things matter most....
deadroses said:
So. here i am. where are you? HA.

yeah. so have no idea what to do in this place... seem to find myself reading everyone's posts but fear posting myself:3oops:

hehe. so Hello. Guess you have to start somewhere.

Don't ya hate that? I think I spent so much time lurking before I joined that I basically knew everyone before I started posting. Kind of helps in a way too.

Hi by the way. :2wave:
Kelzie said:
Don't ya hate that? I think I spent so much time lurking before I joined that I basically knew everyone before I started posting. Kind of helps in a way too.

Hi by the way. :2wave:

Now we can't shut her up! :2razz:
cnredd said:
Now we can't shut her up! :2razz:

Shut your mouth. You love every minute of it, and you know it.:2razz:
I know I do ;)

A realistic socialist! I feel like I'll like most of what you post deadroses!
haha.. sounds like you made an impression when you started talking kelzie:smile:

anyhow. hi!:2wave:

I have become so entirely bored that I find myself here way to often. maybe i really should be doing something productive instead. lol;)
I probably have you all beat. I joined in January and didn't make my first post until August. But I'm glad to be here and glad the rest of you are here too, bored or not. :2razz:
Well get to posting:) I have double the post and have been here less. hehe.

Glad you started posting. I am finding the more the merrier.

I need a chat room to argue in.. this is getting tedious.. i don't like waiting for responses over days! and.. sometimes.. i have no responses at all... sigh

sad. :(
We have a chat system - just havn't put it back up yet.
It wasn't utilized much so the priority is kinda low.
i wasn't sayin gi was unhappy.. ijust... yes. not to be priority.. i am sure i would be the lonely person sitting in there by myself asking why no one wants to just talk to me.. instead of post at me. hehe

thanks for the followup of my ramblings though:)

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