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Health Care Law Support for Repeal of Health Care Plan Up To 58% (1 Viewer)


Hippie Hater
DP Veteran
Oct 24, 2009
Reaction score
Dallas TEXAS
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
Three weeks after Congress passed its new national health care plan, support for repeal of the measure has risen four points to 58%. That includes 50% of U.S. voters who strongly favor repeal.

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely voters nationwide finds 38% still oppose repeal, including 32% who strongly oppose it.

For the previous two weeks following passage of the controversial plan, 54% of voters have favored repeal and 42% have opposed it.

Here we grow again....

Health Care Law - Rasmussen Reports
The Rasmussen Report may grow to 99%. It won't change a thing. No one cares about their report. It carries no weight.
Too bad we don't make laws based on Rasmussen polls.
rcp's avg poll of polls has the gop picking up EIGHT senate seats in just over six months from today

RealClearPolitics - 2010 Election Maps - Senate No Toss Ups

this is why

rcp's been at seven pretty steady for quite a while, but the best predictor of politics available to us has moved ILLINOIS into the red column

that'd be OBAMA'S seat, currently sat in by bad roland burris

the dem candidate from the land of lincoln, giannoulias, is owner of a bankrupt bank with mob ties and, worse, ties to blago

party on, progressives

obama's agenda is already roundly outta reach...

cap and trade, reg reform, the bank tax, the debt commission...

moving ksm downtown, mirandizing murderous mullahs, closing gitmo...

reaching out to iran, dadt, this prettified start treaty...

and that's BEFORE losing some EIGHT or so seats in just about 6 months

get used to it, party in power

NOTHING remains within your grasp

congrats on the health care bill---LOL!

i hope it's all you wanted
The Rasmussen Report may grow to 99%. It won't change a thing. No one cares about their report. It carries no weight.

Yeah it only tells how the American People feel on ths issue.....Screw them as long as Obama is happy.........:roll:

Interesting, one of those times I acted at surprise at a poll result some one else mentioned, the other two I was replying to some one posting poll numbers. Funny how you managed to dishonestly neglect to mention that.
Interesting, one of those times I acted at surprise at a poll result some one else mentioned, the other two I was replying to some one posting poll numbers. Funny how you managed to dishonestly neglect to mention that.

hahaha I knew you wouldn't be honest enough to admit you use polls when it suits you.

No one asked when you used them. Only that you use them when they suit you.

From the links:

You need to learn to read poll results. Over the lat week, it's averaging 50.5 %. Of course, since health care is dead as per your word, it's a nonissue, right?


And somehow you forgot a few polls.

PublicPolicyPolling 49 against, 45 for

Gallop 48 to 45

AP 43 to 41

Can't imagine why you skipped those polls, when I linked to RealClearPolitics that had the poll averages. Oh wait, I know, it's because those did not support what you wanted people to think.

And the last one:

From the link:

A 61 percent majority is in favor of an open military, while 30 percent are opposed, according to a Fox News national poll.
I knew more supported than opposed, but this is by a much larger margin than I thought. Wow.

It really is pathetic for you to not simply come clean and admit your mistake.
hahaha I knew you wouldn't be honest enough to admit you use polls when it suits you.

No one asked when you used them. Only that you use them when they suit you.

From the links:


And the last one:

It really is pathetic for you to not simply come clean and admit your mistake.

Oh...my...god...you got me responding to 3 polls. Results linked by others. Yes, that is such proof that I cite polls....if some one else brings up the poll. You will probably count this thread as the fourth example...
Interesting, one of those times I acted at surprise at a poll result some one else mentioned, the other two I was replying to some one posting poll numbers. Funny how you managed to dishonestly neglect to mention that.

Caught again redress..........:rofl
Oh...my...god...you got me responding to 3 polls. Results linked by others.

Yet another lie.

In one of those posts you cite polls yourself, no one else.

I quote again:

And somehow you forgot a few polls.

PublicPolicyPolling 49 against, 45 for

Gallop 48 to 45

AP 43 to 41

Yes, that is such proof that I cite polls....if some one else brings up the poll. You will probably count this thread as the fourth example...

As I said, I can keep going. You cite polls when they suit you. Thats what Navy Pride said and he was right.

Oh you want to change the argument where you personally bring up the poll and use it? No problem.

More evidence:

Another indicator:

Source: CNN poll: Generations disagree on same-sex marriage - CNN.com

Younger people are in favor of gay marriage. The older people most opposed are going to be out of the picture soon, while those who support are growing. I think it is an inevitability, the only question being how long it will take. The attitudes in this country towards gays has changed so dramatically just during my lifetime.


This poll is a little over a year old, but I doubt the numbers have changed much: Acceptance of Gay People in Military Grows Dramatically - washingtonpost.com


2 more examples of you instigating polls and citing them directly.

How much deeper are you going to dig that hole Redress before you admit Navy has you dead to rights?

Just curious.. :2wave:
Last edited:
Caught me responding to polls others posted. Guilty. Nothing like what you claimed though.

His claim never said you instigated the polls either. Merely that you do use them and he was right.

But just to shut down another one of your pitiful attempts to dodge personal responsibility, I gave you 2 other instances where you instigate the polls you cite to support your arguments.

Sad. Very sad.
Mostly on the right though. The left tends to be more logical.
Not really Redress, some of the dumbest arguments I've ever heard using emotion or emotional arguments came from liberals, this healthcare bill being a prime example, there is no logic behind it and it was sold using sob stories.
Caught me responding to polls others posted. Guilty. Nothing like what you claimed though.

I never said how many you used just that you have used them be it 1 or 100.......

Try again.......
Yeah but when you like the poll you cite it....shame on you.........

I never said how many you used just that you have used them be it 1 or 100.......

Try again.......

Guess what Navy, you are moving the goalpost. Show where I cite polls when they are convenient to me. Hint: responding to other peoples polls is not the same thing.
Not really Redress, some of the dumbest arguments I've ever heard using emotion or emotional arguments came from liberals, this healthcare bill being a prime example, there is no logic behind it and it was sold using sob stories.

I find that when lefties like redress are proven wrong, like her co heart DD they just attack the messenger......Its a simple ploy that never works......
Yeah but when you like the poll you cite it....shame on you.........

I find that when lefties like redress are proven wrong, like her co heart DD they just attack the messenger......Its a simple ploy that never works......

I don't even have to say anything, you have done all my work for me.
I don't even have to say anything, you have done all my work for me.

And typical Redress you run away from the evidence where I have you and only you citing a poll in defense of your argument on at least 2 separate occasions.

But you never addressed it.

This is me shocked.

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