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Hawaii may keep track of all Web sites visited (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 31, 2005
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Slightly Conservative
I am glad I do not live Hawaii.

Hawaii may keep track of all Web sites visited | Privacy Inc. - CNET News
Hawaii's legislature is weighing an unprecedented proposal to curb the privacy of Aloha State residents: requiring Internet providers to keep track of every Web site their customers visit.

Its House of Representatives has scheduled a hearing this morning on a new bill (PDF) requiring the creation of virtual dossiers on state residents. The measure, H.B. 2288, says "Internet destination history information" and "subscriber's information" such as name and address must be saved for two years.

H.B. 2288, which was introduced Friday, says the dossiers must include a list of Internet Protocol addresses and domain names visited. Democratic Rep. John Mizuno of Oahu is the lead sponsor; Mizuno also introduced H.B. 2287, a computer crime bill, at the same time last week.
I've known for a while that Hawaii was a lot more Socialist-Authoritarian/paternalistic than most of the USA, but I didn't know it was that bad.

Oh well, scratch Hawaii off the vacation list..... oh waitaminute, I'd already done that because of their idiotic gun laws...
I've known for a while that Hawaii was a lot more Socialist-Authoritarian/paternalistic than most of the USA, but I didn't know it was that bad.

I bet the next state to propose such a bill will be Utah so the government will know which of their Mormons are looking at dirty pictures.

But rather than do it as a government agency, they'll probably give out a government contract to pay for a private company to do this.

Which means that private company can double down on profit by selling such information to advertising and marketing firms.

So let's hear it for Capitalist-Authoritarianism over Socialist-Authoritarianism.
I bet the next state to propose such a bill will be Utah so the government will know which of their Mormons are looking at dirty pictures.

But rather than do it as a government agency, they'll probably give out a government contract to pay for a private company to do this.

Which means that private company can double down on profit by selling such information to advertising and marketing firms.

So let's hear it for Capitalist-Authoritarianism over Socialist-Authoritarianism.

Well, to be precise I'm none too fond of Authoritarianism, of any flavor....
Same here.

'S why I tend to lean libertarian-ish a lot of the time... if folks would just mind their own business and leave other folks alone...

Well, of course it isn't quite that simple, but if that was our baseline and we only stuck our nose in when it was really necessary.... that would work for me.
I'm sure that politicians would be exempt from the proposed law, they wouldn't want all the porn sites visited surfacing around election time.
'S why I tend to lean libertarian-ish a lot of the time... if folks would just mind their own business and leave other folks alone...

Well, of course it isn't quite that simple, but if that was our baseline and we only stuck our nose in when it was really necessary.... that would work for me.

Well, before I get to your point, let me address mine.

I just wanted to point out that just because someone holds socialist ideals doesn't mean that they endorse authoritarian policies. Those two things are mutually exclusive philosophies.

As for your libertarianism, if you want to get technical about it, then according to that philosophy companies that are internet service providers should have no government interference in collecting that information and doing whatever they want with it, such as selling it to marketing and advertising firms in order to make more money. And, of course, if the customers don't like it they can just choose to become a customer of another ISP that doesn't do that policy or not use internet service at all.

But those are besides the point, so I don't think you and I should belabor them in this thread. :)

I do think one thing, though. I think that, centuries from now, the internet will have made everybody much more tolerant or turn everyone into a criminal of one kind or another.
Well, before I get to your point, let me address mine.

I just wanted to point out that just because someone holds socialist ideals doesn't mean that they endorse authoritarian policies. Those two things are mutually exclusive philosophies.

As for your libertarianism, if you want to get technical about it, then according to that philosophy companies that are internet service providers should have no government interference in collecting that information and doing whatever they want with it, such as selling it to marketing and advertising firms in order to make more money. And, of course, if the customers don't like it they can just choose to become a customer of another ISP that doesn't do that policy or not use internet service at all.

But those are besides the point, so I don't think you and I should belabor them in this thread. :)

I do think one thing, though. I think that, centuries from now, the internet will have made everybody much more tolerant or turn everyone into a criminal of one kind or another.

Which are among the reasons I said "it isn't quite that simple" and also why my lean says "independent" instead of libertarian. :)

I don't agree that socialism and authoritarianism are mutually exclusive... in reality they seem to go hand in hand more often than not.
I've known for a while that Hawaii was a lot more Socialist-Authoritarian/paternalistic than most of the USA, but I didn't know it was that bad.

Oh well, scratch Hawaii off the vacation list..... oh waitaminute, I'd already done that because of their idiotic gun laws...

Not many people would spend their vacation time in Hawaii surfing the net and fending off attackers.

Trust me on this one. Hang loose!
As for your libertarianism, if you want to get technical about it, then according to that philosophy companies that are internet service providers should have no government interference in collecting that information and doing whatever they want with it, such as selling it to marketing and advertising firms in order to make more money. And, of course, if the customers don't like it they can just choose to become a customer of another ISP that doesn't do that policy or not use internet service at all.

Not really an option for most people, where their only choice for an ISP is a cable company or a phone company given exclusive rights to a territory in a government-granted monopoly.

Take away those monopolies, which I'm all for, and let there be free choice, then yeah.
Oh well, scratch Hawaii off the vacation list..... oh waitaminute, I'd already done that because of their idiotic gun laws...

You let a states gun laws dictate whether you vacation there? Oh well, less people when I go, hurray!
Please, can we not let this thread devolve into more people telling socialists what we believe? We reject Stalin and Mao the same way Christians reject the Holocaust and the Spanish Inquisition.

To actually discuss the OP, freedom requires some level of anonymity. If we are constantly afraid that others are watching us, and will judge us, then we cannot act the way we might like to. Not because of shame, but because we do not want to suffer the unjustified scorn of others. There are plenty of pressures that society, and government sponsored morality, do not have the right to impose on people. In this country, we do not all have to be the same. We are free to have different ideas, and different lives. We have the right to our unpopular beliefs. And we have the right to hold them without the constant scrutiny of others.
The Federal government has already set the example, so there is nothing stopping the states (left OR right leaning) from implementing their own draconian internet laws. Censorship and privacy intrusions are only going to increase from now on.
I've known for a while that Hawaii was a lot more Socialist-Authoritarian/paternalistic than most of the USA, but I didn't know it was that bad.

Oh well, scratch Hawaii off the vacation list..... oh waitaminute, I'd already done that because of their idiotic gun laws...

... seriously, is there any aspect of your life that doesn't revolve around guns? Most people put things like toothbrushes, underwear and in some cases contacts at the top of their list of things to bring on vacation. You think guns? Even if that's not what you're talking about - most people could care less about gun laws in whatever place they're traveling to on a vacation. I'm more likely to think about traffic in St. Maarten then I do about what their gun laws are. Yet you think of guns? Whatever the reason, it's just stupid to cross a place off a travel list simply because of a gun related issue.
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