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Has the Roe Topic Changed How You Will Be Voting? (1 Viewer)

Has the Roe Topic Changed How You Will Be Voting?

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Mar 27, 2022
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Has the Roe Topic Changed How You Will Be Voting?
Has the Roe Topic Changed How You Will Be Voting?
Nope. I will still vote republican. It looks like those who plan on changing their votes are single issue voters. I can remember when RINOs and other liberal posters would mock me for refusing to vote for anti-2nd amendment and pro-illegal immigration politicians. I guess since its an issue they care about then being a single issue voter is okay.
Has the Roe Topic Changed How You Will Be Voting?
It hasn't budged me one bit.

An attempted insurrection by Republicans basically decided my vote for a long time to come...although admittedly while an activist right wing court certainly doesn't help, it was already to late to secure my vote.
Has the Roe Topic Changed How You Will Be Voting?

Hasn't changed my vote. I never voted on a single issue. I do plan for the time being to not vote for the party that lies and that uses its power to punish people for free speech. And I won't vote for the party that I used to vote for until they wash the stink of Trump off themselves.
Hasn't changed my vote. I never voted on a single issue. I do plan for the time being to not vote for the party that lies and that uses its power to punish people for free speech. And I won't vote for the party that I used to vote for until they wash the stink of Trump off themselves.

Better pack a lunch, baby girl. They don't seem to be too interested in doing that any time soon. The midterm candidates are wearing "I supported Trump" like it's a badge of honor instead of humiliation.
Better pack a lunch, baby girl. They don't seem to be too interested in doing that any time soon. The midterm candidates are wearing "I supported Trump" like it's a badge of honor instead of humiliation.

That's because they are stupid and they are pandering to stupid people.
I don't vote for a candidate based on a single issue. While registered as a R, I have never voted party line. There are some R in my State that there is no way in heck I would vote for them. Way to far right.

Those who support overturning Roe V Wade, I will not vote for. It is a women's choice. What happened to the Covid war cry of "My Body, My Choice" from some Republicans?

Interesting when someone throws out the RINO tag. Well for me people like Gosar and MTGreene are the RINO's in the Party.
Yes but it's working. These people will turn out en masse for the midterms. Democrats just won't.
Democrats don't have to turn out. All they need to do is agree to receive an absentee ballot, sign it and hand it over to the person collecting them.
Democrats don't have to turn out. All they need to do is agree to receive an absentee ballot, sign it and hand it over to the person collecting them.
That is not true. Absentee ballots are not easy to get and it must be signed and mailed back in the official envelope or an official drop off box before a certain date.
You mean were people that were already in favor of all the LGBTQQA child grooming and the unfettered right to kill unborn babises up to and during the birthing process going to vote for republicans but have NOW because of the leaked memo decided NOT to vote for republicans?
You mean were people that were already in favor of all the LGBTQQA child grooming and the unfettered right to kill unborn babises up to and during the birthing process going to vote for republicans but have NOW because of the leaked memo decided NOT to vote for republicans?

another tinfoil hat bat shit insane dishonest unhinged triggered metldown post LMAO
That is not true. Absentee ballots are not easy to get and it must be signed and mailed back in the official envelope or an official drop off box before a certain date.

Don't confuse him with facts. It's easier to believe false narratives.
No, other. It all depends on the candidate's platform.
It hasn't budged me one bit.

An attempted insurrection by Republicans basically decided my vote for a long time to come...although admittedly while an activist right wing court certainly doesn't help, it was already to late to secure my vote.
I'm with you.
I was open to learning about people and their platforms. I have voted for republicans and independents in the past. This topic just has tipped me over to the left. I will be voting down the party line.
No. The Republican party went batshit insane years ago, so I was already going to vote against them.
There is no way it changes the votes of core Dems and core Republicans but it very well may, and I'm certain it will, pull back those suburban, educated women and a good number of Independents . It could also pull back young people who were annoyed at Biden for not getting BBB across the line. We likely won't see much of an improvement in Biden's numbers but I think this has the potential of a huge impact on the midterms.

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