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Has the GOP/right wing cultural war gone back to anti-gay for 2022? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 10, 2016
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For the past few years the GOP/right wing has seemed to leave the gay issue on the back burner and focused on the transgender issue. Now it seems they have come back to anti-gay issues. In one day Fox news mentioned gay issues over 200 times, including now going after Disney World. Once again they are mentioning the gay marriage issue and in one state passing a law allowing protection for those public servants who refuse to issue marriage licenses to gay couples, "for religious" reasons. So having no real policies to help the country, they are going back to this tried and true methods of getting their homophobic voters out to vote. As someone mentioned in another OP, a state is removing age limits to marriage so old men can marry underage girls, which seems to be okay with the right, but gay marriage is wrong?
Have they gone back to focusing on anti-gay issues? I think most of them recognize that it's an issue the left can beat them over the head with incessantly and is therefore a loser for them, politically speaking. When it comes to gay marriage most Americans (70% of those polled in some cases) support it - apart from unhinged loons like MGT I haven't heard many of the right going to the level of Santorum's "MAN ON DOG!" silliness.

What's he even up to these days?

For the past few years the GOP/right wing has seemed to leave the gay issue on the back burner and focused on the transgender issue. Now it seems they have come back to anti-gay issues. In one day Fox news mentioned gay issues over 200 times, including now going after Disney World. Once again they are mentioning the gay marriage issue and in one state passing a law allowing protection for those public servants who refuse to issue marriage licenses to gay couples, "for religious" reasons. So having no real policies to help the country, they are going back to this tried and true methods of getting their homophobic voters out to vote. As someone mentioned in another OP, a state is removing age limits to marriage so old men can marry underage girls, which seems to be okay with the right, but gay marriage is wrong?

Well vile hateful ignorant bigots can never let things like this go
but millions of righties are fine with equal rights for gays, for the first time its reach a majority (better late then never and still grossly low)

the problem is there's still tons of vile bigoted INDIVIDUALS among the GOP and way to many politicians and or propaganda sources like fox will cater to them and try to fire them up on false narrative issues like CRT etc
SO if say issues/mentions is searching right now on fox its a feeler to see how far they can stir the pot and rally those nutters
For the past few years the GOP/right wing has seemed to leave the gay issue on the back burner and focused on the transgender issue. Now it seems they have come back to anti-gay issues. In one day Fox news mentioned gay issues over 200 times, including now going after Disney World. Once again they are mentioning the gay marriage issue and in one state passing a law allowing protection for those public servants who refuse to issue marriage licenses to gay couples, "for religious" reasons. So having no real policies to help the country, they are going back to this tried and true methods of getting their homophobic voters out to vote. As someone mentioned in another OP, a state is removing age limits to marriage so old men can marry underage girls, which seems to be okay with the right, but gay marriage is wrong?
They are never more comfortable than when they are raging hypocrites.
Let them go anti-gay, their tiny little base is going to get run over.
For the past few years the GOP/right wing has seemed to leave the gay issue on the back burner and focused on the transgender issue. Now it seems they have come back to anti-gay issues. In one day Fox news mentioned gay issues over 200 times, including now going after Disney World. Once again they are mentioning the gay marriage issue and in one state passing a law allowing protection for those public servants who refuse to issue marriage licenses to gay couples, "for religious" reasons. So having no real policies to help the country, they are going back to this tried and true methods of getting their homophobic voters out to vote. As someone mentioned in another OP, a state is removing age limits to marriage so old men can marry underage girls, which seems to be okay with the right, but gay marriage is wrong?
Disney's new policies weren't mentioned in your media?
For the past few years the GOP/right wing has seemed to leave the gay issue on the back burner and focused on the transgender issue. Now it seems they have come back to anti-gay issues. In one day Fox news mentioned gay issues over 200 times, including now going after Disney World. Once again they are mentioning the gay marriage issue and in one state passing a law allowing protection for those public servants who refuse to issue marriage licenses to gay couples, "for religious" reasons. So having no real policies to help the country, they are going back to this tried and true methods of getting their homophobic voters out to vote. As someone mentioned in another OP, a state is removing age limits to marriage so old men can marry underage girls, which seems to be okay with the right, but gay marriage is wrong?

Not even on link to support any of your assertions here?
Disney's new policies weren't mentioned in your media?

Their policies of—- horror of horrors 🙄— having some characters be LGBT?

You being triggered over that rather does prove the point, doesn’t it.
Their policies of—- horror of horrors 🙄— having some characters be LGBT?

You being triggered over that rather does prove the point, doesn’t it.
LOL Thanks . I do appreciate being schooled on being triggered, by folks that are triggered by "'Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls"
For the past few years the GOP/right wing has seemed to leave the gay issue on the back burner and focused on the transgender issue. Now it seems they have come back to anti-gay issues. In one day Fox news mentioned gay issues over 200 times, including now going after Disney World. Once again they are mentioning the gay marriage issue and in one state passing a law allowing protection for those public servants who refuse to issue marriage licenses to gay couples, "for religious" reasons. So having no real policies to help the country, they are going back to this tried and true methods of getting their homophobic voters out to vote. As someone mentioned in another OP, a state is removing age limits to marriage so old men can marry underage girls, which seems to be okay with the right, but gay marriage is wrong?
The progressive left just calls anything not aligned with their very progressive agenda, anti something. If people who are fundamentally opposed to gay marriage or the gay lifestyle refuse to endorse homosexuality as natural and normal, the left will dub it as anti gay. In fact it's an opinion, a position on behavior and nothing more or less. It's not anti anything. mOst everyone who disapproves of the gay lifestyle recognizes they have constitutional rights.
LOL Thanks . I do appreciate being schooled on being triggered, by folks that are triggered by "'Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls"

Yawn. Coming from the people who melted down over the color of Obama’s suit that’s a laugh.

But hey, maybe you can cry harder at the thought of Disney daring to have LGBT characters!😂
Yawn. Coming from the people who melted down over the color of Obama’s suit that’s a laugh.

But hey, maybe you can cry harder at the thought of Disney daring to have LGBT characters!😂
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls

Trump lost.

And no amount of tearful weeping about the imaginary “deep state”, or Antifa, or BLM, can change the fact that your cult leader got his ass handed to him.
Trump lost.

And no amount of tearful weeping about the imaginary “deep state”, or Antifa, or BLM, can change the fact that your cult leader got his ass handed to him.
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls

Trump lost.

And no amount of tearful weeping about the imaginary “deep state”, or Antifa, or BLM, can change the fact that your cult leader got his ass handed to him.
For the past few years the GOP/right wing has seemed to leave the gay issue on the back burner and focused on the transgender issue. Now it seems they have come back to anti-gay issues. In one day Fox news mentioned gay issues over 200 times, including now going after Disney World. Once again they are mentioning the gay marriage issue and in one state passing a law allowing protection for those public servants who refuse to issue marriage licenses to gay couples, "for religious" reasons. So having no real policies to help the country, they are going back to this tried and true methods of getting their homophobic voters out to vote. As someone mentioned in another OP, a state is removing age limits to marriage so old men can marry underage girls, which seems to be okay with the right, but gay marriage is wrong?
The answer is no. But nice fairy tale.
Trump lost.

And no amount of tearful weeping about the imaginary “deep state”, or Antifa, or BLM, can change the fact that your cult leader got his ass handed to him.
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls

Trump lost.

And no amount of tearful weeping about the imaginary “deep state”, or Antifa, or BLM, can change the fact that your cult leader got his ass handed to him.
Leftists continue to try to make the idiotic argument that protecting children from shitheaded leftists promoting their agenda against children equates to attacking adult homosexuals and their lifestyles.
Leftists continue to try to make the idiotic argument that protecting children from shitheaded leftists promoting their agenda against children equates to attacking adult homosexuals and their lifestyles.

Conservatives continue to piss their pants and wail in horror at the very thought of Disney acknowledging that gay people exist.
Trump lost.

And no amount of tearful weeping about the imaginary “deep state”, or Antifa, or BLM, can change the fact that your cult leader got his ass handed to him.
Have a nice life.
For the past few years the GOP/right wing has seemed to leave the gay issue on the back burner and focused on the transgender issue. Now it seems they have come back to anti-gay issues. In one day Fox news mentioned gay issues over 200 times, including now going after Disney World. Once again they are mentioning the gay marriage issue and in one state passing a law allowing protection for those public servants who refuse to issue marriage licenses to gay couples, "for religious" reasons. So having no real policies to help the country, they are going back to this tried and true methods of getting their homophobic voters out to vote. As someone mentioned in another OP, a state is removing age limits to marriage so old men can marry underage girls, which seems to be okay with the right, but gay marriage is wrong?
well, they seem to think they won the abortion issue for now, so they have to go back to the dugout to find the issue to keep the base angry and in line.
Did they ever really leave that position?
Have they gone back to focusing on anti-gay issues? I think most of them recognize that it's an issue the left can beat them over the head with incessantly and is therefore a loser for them, politically speaking. When it comes to gay marriage most Americans (70% of those polled in some cases) support it - apart from unhinged loons like MGT I haven't heard many of the right going to the level of Santorum's "MAN ON DOG!" silliness.

What's he even up to these days?

70% of all Americans support gay marriage rights.

Only 55% of Republicans. Still a lot of waking up to reality to be accomplished.

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