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Has Fox News stopped reporting on the Hillary Clinton spy story? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 10, 2016
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All at once after a week of the Hillary Clinton is a spy story on Fox News, it seems that the story is slowly being dropped by Fox. It could be for two reasons. The first that Durham might just have filed more info at court that says the whole thing Fox was reporting was a lie or at least not the truth. Of course the other reason might just be as important. Hillary mentioned a magic word, malice. It is a legal term and though Hannity said bring it on, I do not think that Fox wants anymore billion dollar law suits against it. THey like Trump are in enough legal trouble. And maybe that is why the GOP and Fox have spent the entire week trying to deflect their viewers talking about Clinton rather then the multiple legal problems that have come to a head this week for Trump. What will they use nexxt to deflect?
All at once after a week of the Hillary Clinton is a spy story on Fox News, it seems that the story is slowly being dropped by Fox. It could be for two reasons. The first that Durham might just have filed more info at court that says the whole thing Fox was reporting was a lie or at least not the truth. Of course the other reason might just be as important. Hillary mentioned a magic word, malice. It is a legal term and though Hannity said bring it on, I do not think that Fox wants anymore billion dollar law suits against it. THey like Trump are in enough legal trouble. And maybe that is why the GOP and Fox have spent the entire week trying to deflect their viewers talking about Clinton rather then the multiple legal problems that have come to a head this week for Trump. What will they use nexxt to deflect?
Yup. I just posted this as well.
All at once after a week of the Hillary Clinton is a spy story on Fox News, it seems that the story is slowly being dropped by Fox. It could be for two reasons. The first that Durham might just have filed more info at court that says the whole thing Fox was reporting was a lie or at least not the truth. Of course the other reason might just be as important. Hillary mentioned a magic word, malice. It is a legal term and though Hannity said bring it on, I do not think that Fox wants anymore billion dollar law suits against it. THey like Trump are in enough legal trouble. And maybe that is why the GOP and Fox have spent the entire week trying to deflect their viewers talking about Clinton rather then the multiple legal problems that have come to a head this week for Trump. What will they use nexxt to deflect?
They stopped for both those reasons. The whole thing was BUNK. Remember that when Jordan and those of his ilk come up for election again............
All at once after a week of the Hillary Clinton is a spy story on Fox News, it seems that the story is slowly being dropped by Fox. It could be for two reasons. The first that Durham might just have filed more info at court that says the whole thing Fox was reporting was a lie or at least not the truth. Of course the other reason might just be as important. Hillary mentioned a magic word, malice. It is a legal term and though Hannity said bring it on, I do not think that Fox wants anymore billion dollar law suits against it. THey like Trump are in enough legal trouble. And maybe that is why the GOP and Fox have spent the entire week trying to deflect their viewers talking about Clinton rather then the multiple legal problems that have come to a head this week for Trump. What will they use nexxt to deflect?
What ARE they reporting on? Maybe nothing new has broken on the Clinton story.
They stopped for both those reasons. The whole thing was BUNK. Remember that when Jordan and those of his ilk come up for election again............
I don't think Durham does BUNK.
Here is what I see above the fold. Canada, Dr. Oz, Ukraine, trans-athletes, Cuomo. Not one mention of Hillary.

FireShot Capture 070 - Fox News - Breaking News Updates - Latest News Headlines - Photos & N_ ...png
What ARE they reporting on? Maybe nothing new has broken on the Clinton story.
What has broken is that Durham has contradicted the right wing media take on his pleading. I think somebody posted the Durham response to the Faux News horse crap in the "Durham Investigation heats up" thread. That thread title did not age well.
What is new that has broken is that Durham made it clear that Fox's stories were false.

Stop believing the lies.

Come back to reality.
ANY, and I mean ANY reliable news source with any integrity has blasted it as idiotic using good ol' facts.................case completely closed.....
All at once after a week of the Hillary Clinton is a spy story on Fox News, it seems that the story is slowly being dropped by Fox. It could be for two reasons. The first that Durham might just have filed more info at court that says the whole thing Fox was reporting was a lie or at least not the truth. Of course the other reason might just be as important. Hillary mentioned a magic word, malice. It is a legal term and though Hannity said bring it on, I do not think that Fox wants anymore billion dollar law suits against it. THey like Trump are in enough legal trouble. And maybe that is why the GOP and Fox have spent the entire week trying to deflect their viewers talking about Clinton rather then the multiple legal problems that have come to a head this week for Trump. What will they use nexxt to deflect?
Yea, that makes sense LOL
Fox reports what is in the Durham filing and they are afraid of a lawsuit by Hillary?

Hillary is afraid to file a lawsuit against Fox or any news organization reporting on the Durham investigation. Hillary would be subject to discovery motions. She doesn't want that.
What has broken is that Durham has contradicted the right wing media take on his pleading. I think somebody posted the Durham response to the Faux News horse crap in the "Durham Investigation heats up" thread. That thread title did not age well.
Yeah, we'll see.
What is new that has broken is that Durham made it clear that Fox's stories were false.

Stop believing the lies.

Come back to reality.
Sure, fine.
Then think again. It happened with this latest crap about spying. Which means he has B.S.ed before..............
Fox News has Ted Cruz-levels of backbone.
Funny you should mention him, I read he was out the other day hunting for self respect!

I think you're seeing what you want to see. Durham's words are pretty clear.
No Durham really did say that the right wing media coverage of it wasn't true.

I guess you don't know that because Fox News is hiding that from you.

You really need better sources.
All at once after a week of the Hillary Clinton is a spy story on Fox News, it seems that the story is slowly being dropped by Fox. It could be for two reasons. The first that Durham might just have filed more info at court that says the whole thing Fox was reporting was a lie or at least not the truth. Of course the other reason might just be as important. Hillary mentioned a magic word, malice. It is a legal term and though Hannity said bring it on, I do not think that Fox wants anymore billion dollar law suits against it. THey like Trump are in enough legal trouble. And maybe that is why the GOP and Fox have spent the entire week trying to deflect their viewers talking about Clinton rather then the multiple legal problems that have come to a head this week for Trump. What will they use nexxt to deflect?
Fox has let the story rest for two reasons...just not the reasons you mentioned.

They don't care about any threatened lawsuit by Hillary. She'll never go there. And the news they've presented is absolutely the truth.

No...the reasons are these: 1) The story ran its course...for the time being. There's nothing new to report until Durham takes more action. 2) They are letting the Trump hating media propaganda machine take a break from twisting themselves into un-credible pretzels trying to "explain away" the importance of what Durham has done recently.

Besides, there are other sources that are talking about Durham. Here's one that explains the situation in a nutshell: https://www.larouchepac.com/durham_...urham&utm_medium=email&utm_source=larouchepac

btw, I've consistently maintained my opinion that Durham won't be going after the "national security state".
I'm sorry that a bunch of trump republicans thought that were gonna get politically laid and are left out in the cold yet again.

You'd think they'd learn.

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