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Harris is the VP pick for Biden (1 Viewer)

Really? Perhaps you can point out the part in this video where Harris is well-spoken and confident...Either before or after she compares ICE to the KKK...

There enough sound bytes made Harris of her talking out of her ass to really damage Biden's chances. And the only cover she will possibly get is the fact that Joe has more instances of talking out of his ass than her.

She also comes off as very shrill. Not quite as shrill as Hillary came off, but shrill nonetheless. Nobody likes a shrill woman and her voice.

Harris' record in California will haunt her with progressives.

" Finally we have a African American who is clean , who is articulate.."

Come On Maaaaan!
Harris is just another democrat from San Fransisco who ignores the sprawling homeless camps, mentally ill eating from garbage cans, and sidewalks covered in human feces in her city, while claiming she has solutions for the nation.

It would be funny were it not so sad.
According to most polls, there is the very distinct possibility that Mr. Biden will be the 46th President and that Ms. Harris will be the 47th President.

This possibility makes many people happy.

Hopefully, those individuals who have been rioting and looting and killing will now have a change of heart and show respect to Ms. Harris by improving their behavior starting today.

Sure, the looters, arsonists, and those confronting the police are now shivering with fear because Harris could be the VP.
Given the situations in those major cities where Democratic mayors are totally helpless, Harris could be a good choice.
Maybe it will be like sending a hunting dog into a hen house where a fox is trapped inside.
The feathers and fur will fly.
Joe Biden made a wise choice, they will make a good team!


Please enlighten all of us how this helps Trump? Which Biden supporters will now switch Trump? I know - virtually no one...

Anecdotal evidence doesn't matter.
She may come with a little baggage. In the VP debates Pence should ask her about the practice of having office sex and not hiding it very well.

There wont be a debate... Pence aint allowed to be alone with a woman that is not his wife.
He's such a sniveling, cringing little ***** that he's likely going to feel insulted by Biden picking a woman.

Well he does have his lapdog
Excellent choice! The Donald will be tossing and turning tonight. Nothing is a bigger nightmare for him than a strong, competent, well-spoken assertive woman..... even worse, in his eyes, a black woman.

Actually, the bigger nightmare is the fear of what he faces on November 3rd and thereafter.

Joe Biden picks Kamala Harris as his running mate - CNNPolitics

Susan Rice is up to her corrupted ears in the Obama corruption scandal. Who else could slow sleepy Biden pick but Harris?
Why not? Biden needs Harris' moxie; Harris is set up to be President in 2024. Seems like a pretty good marriage.

I actually think it was the best choice out of all the people Biden was considering.

But Kamala Harris is no Michelle Obama or Condoleezza Rice. She's wishy-washy, sometimes takes bizarre stances on issues, and doesn't come across to me as someone who knows how to articulate points very well.

And the poster who pointed out that she is extremely unpopular in California is correct.
It could be a cold, dead rat for all I care.

The vote is against Trump.

Now Trump is gonna have to drop Pence because Harris is going to decimate him in a debate.
I think Pence is too loved by Evangelicals, for Trump to toss him.
Does he know she is not black?

Ms knee pads will not play well with cop haters, she prosecuted some black people.

Take that type of nonsensical comment elsewhere.
While Rice may have been a better pick in terms of governance, I suspect Harris is the better pick in terms of campaigning. Before you can govern, you've got to win the campaign!

Rice has the qualifications to be Secretary of State. Until she can get herself elected to some statewide office, though, if she were so inclined - I can't see her as more than that. Not that that's anything to be ashamed of - Secretary of State is a pretty good gig.
There enough sound bytes made Harris of her talking out of her ass to really damage Biden's chances. And the only cover she will possibly get is the fact that Joe has more instances of talking out of his ass than her.

She also comes off as very shrill. Not quite as shrill as Hillary came off, but shrill nonetheless. Nobody likes a shrill woman and her voice.

Harris' record in California will haunt her with progressives.

I had almost forgotten about Traitor Tulsi's Russia-enabled smear. Good to see that Kamala has risen from this. :thumbs:
I find it hilarious how every line of attack you people have on Biden - and now on Harris - overwhelmingly applies to the present occupant of the Oval Office. Projection much?

Irony is so ironic...
She will be a fine Vice President. The world will be watching her as a VP. She will do well under all the pressure. I have confidence in her.
My only fear is that she might fight a little too hard. But isn't that what Veeps are? The attack dogs doing the things the Pres candidate can't get away with?
I actually think it was the best choice out of all the people Biden was considering.

But Kamala Harris is no Michelle Obama or Condoleezza Rice. She's wishy-washy, sometimes takes bizarre stances on issues, and doesn't come across to me as someone who knows how to articulate points very well.

And the poster who pointed out that she is extremely unpopular in California is correct.

She's so unpopular in California, they elected her to the Senate with over 60% of the vote. :lamo

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