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Hannity to GOP leaders: ‘I’m getting a little sick and tired of all of you’ (1 Viewer)


Rule of Two
DP Veteran
Oct 17, 2006
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[FONT=&quot]Fox News host Sean Hannity says Republican leaders will be to blame if Donald Trump loses the presidential election.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]The conservative pundit told listeners of his talk radio show on Wednesday that he was “sick and tired” of House Speaker Paul Ryan, Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and others who condemned Trump’s controversial criticism of the parents of a slain Muslim American soldier.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]“If in 96 days Trump loses this election, I am pointing the finger directly at people like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham and John McCain,” Hannity said. “I have watched these Republicans be more harsh toward Donald Trump than they’ve ever been in standing up to Barack Obama and his radical agenda.[/FONT]

2 things:

1. I've spent the last 8 years watched a revolving door of Republicans and Conservatives alike make EVERY single argument they can against Obama. From the Republican who complained because Obama had the audacity to talk about race, to the Republicans who complained because he didn't salute a soldier one time to legitimate issues like Obama's shortcomings when it comes to managing certain economic or policy issues. Hannity is either DELUDED or on drugs, for his sake I hope it's the latter.


View attachment 67205216

I am guessing that personal responsibility does not extend to presidential candidates who have pissed off every single important demographic from veterans, to minorities, to women, and the disabled.

Anybody need more evidence that Hannity is a partisan hack?

2 things:

1. I've spent the last 8 years watched a revolving door of Republicans and Conservatives alike make EVERY single argument they can against Obama. From the Republican who complained because Obama had the audacity to talk about race, to the Republicans who complained because he didn't salute a soldier one time to legitimate issues like Obama's shortcomings when it comes to managing certain economic or policy issues. Hannity is either DELUDED or on drugs, for his sake I hope it's the latter.


View attachment 67205216

I am guessing that personal responsibility does not extend to presidential candidates who have pissed off every single important demographic from veterans, to minorities, to women, and the disabled.

Anybody need more evidence that Hannity is a partisan hack?

Anybody need more evidence that somebody else is too?

2 things:

1. I've spent the last 8 years watched a revolving door of Republicans and Conservatives alike make EVERY single argument they can against Obama. From the Republican who complained because Obama had the audacity to talk about race, to the Republicans who complained because he didn't salute a soldier one time to legitimate issues like Obama's shortcomings when it comes to managing certain economic or policy issues. Hannity is either DELUDED or on drugs, for his sake I hope it's the latter.


View attachment 67205216

I am guessing that personal responsibility does not extend to presidential candidates who have pissed off every single important demographic from veterans, to minorities, to women, and the disabled.

Anybody need more evidence that Hannity is a partisan hack?
I'm not sure of the exact response you're hoping to elicit here, but if your looking for agreement that Hannity is a self-serving bull**** artist - count me in!
Anybody need more evidence that somebody else is too?

Who are you talking about? Winning debates requires you to be specific. :)
I'm not sure of the exact response you're hoping to elicit here, but if your looking for agreement that Hannity is a self-serving bull**** artist - count me in!

I think he's defending Trump out of partisanship more than being self serving.
Hannity sometimes comes through, at some point the BS can get to be too much for him to being willing to swim through without issuing a well worded objection.

Hannity +1
Who are you talking about? Winning debates requires you to be specific. :)

Debate what? I said someone else appears to be a partisan hack. End of story.
Debate what? I said someone else appears to be a partisan hack. End of story.

Who? Are you scared of telling? This is a safe zone for you. Totally anonymous.
Debate what? I said someone else appears to be a partisan hack. End of story.

You dont think Hannity ever gets it right?

Not all that often to be sure.

But sometimes,

Who? Are you scared of telling? This is a safe zone for you. Totally anonymous.

If you can't figure it out maybe someone else can help you. My lips are sealed.
I think he's defending Trump out of partisanship more than being self serving.
I don't give him and guys like him that much credit.

I think doing his thing is his way to fame and fortune.

Kinda' like Billy Graham & Jim Bakker, et al - but with a different schtick!
You dont think Hannity ever gets it right?

Not all that often to be sure.

But sometimes,


I don't have a problem with Hannity. In fact, I think he is sincere.
If you can't figure it out maybe someone else can help you. My lips are sealed.

Weird, the only person being discussed in this thread is Hannity. Why won't you say? Are you scared of this person? As I said, no harm will come to you. No need to be afraid. :)
Weird, the only person being discussed in this thread is Hannity. Why won't you say? Are you scared of this person? As I said, no harm will come to you. No need to be afraid. :)

Let it go.
Let it go.

Who has frightened you to the point where you won't even speak their name? I will confront this person for you, I don't shy away from internet debates. Much less on a website designed for that purpose. :)

I don't have a problem with Hannity. In fact, I think he is sincere.

Hannity blames everyone except Trump for Trump losing his elections after arguing about personal responsibility. Trump is the only person responsible for getting Trump elected. If he can't do it, then it's his fault. :)

2 things:

1. I've spent the last 8 years watched a revolving door of Republicans and Conservatives alike make EVERY single argument they can against Obama. From the Republican who complained because Obama had the audacity to talk about race, to the Republicans who complained because he didn't salute a soldier one time to legitimate issues like Obama's shortcomings when it comes to managing certain economic or policy issues. Hannity is either DELUDED or on drugs, for his sake I hope it's the latter.


View attachment 67205216

I am guessing that personal responsibility does not extend to presidential candidates who have pissed off every single important demographic from veterans, to minorities, to women, and the disabled.

Anybody need more evidence that Hannity is a partisan hack?

I'm starting to think Hannity has lost his mind.
Donald Trump, and what he's said and done, will be to blame if he looses the election.

You can put all the sweat pickle and mayonnaise you want to in it, but you can't turn chicken **** into chicken salad.
Anybody need more evidence that somebody else is too?

How dare somebody have the audacity to criticize Sean Hannity? That's almost as bad as criticizing the Holy Trump!
Old slap head has been a Trump supporter from the begining, birds of a feather.
Who has frightened you to the point where you won't even speak their name? I will confront this person for you, I don't shy away from internet debates. Much less on a website designed for that purpose. :)

Hannity blames everyone except Trump for Trump losing his elections after arguing about personal responsibility. Trump is the only person responsible for getting Trump elected. If he can't do it, then it's his fault. :)

If He loses it will be because the system is rigged! At least according to certain posters who I won't name because he won't name names.
If He loses it will be because the system is rigged! At least according to certain posters who I won't name because he won't name names.

Someone on this forum has frightened him to the point where he won't say their name. Don't be so hard on him.
I enjoy some personalities on Fox News, but Hannity is a creep. I enjoy laughing at Limbaugh and Savage, but I can't listen to Hannity (too creepy). He's like a whining little monster that scurries about the room, ewww.
I enjoy some personalities on Fox News, but Hannity is a creep. I enjoy laughing at Limbaugh and Savage, but I can't listen to Hannity (too creepy). He's like a whining little monster that scurries about the room, ewww.

I think he is a secret perv....but he can rise to the occasion, and he did here.

2 things:

1. I've spent the last 8 years watched a revolving door of Republicans and Conservatives alike make EVERY single argument they can against Obama. From the Republican who complained because Obama had the audacity to talk about race, to the Republicans who complained because he didn't salute a soldier one time to legitimate issues like Obama's shortcomings when it comes to managing certain economic or policy issues. Hannity is either DELUDED or on drugs, for his sake I hope it's the latter.


View attachment 67205216

I am guessing that personal responsibility does not extend to presidential candidates who have pissed off every single important demographic from veterans, to minorities, to women, and the disabled.

Anybody need more evidence that Hannity is a partisan hack?

Hannity has been on the Trump train for the past year and a half. It's not secret. Today, he basically was so angry at Trump for not staying on message that he said on his radio show that he was mad at Republicans for not backing him, and that it's all their fault.

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