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Guns, Machete and Ammo Get Jan. 6 Protester a 4-Year Prison Term (1 Viewer)


Air Muscle
DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2020
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Seems like a light sentence, but maybe Mr Coffman handed over a few names to the FBI that helped to possibly reduce his sentence.

The weapons were found in Coffman’s pickup truck, which he parked a half-mile from the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, to attend a rally at the National Mall, the Justice Department said. His truck also was stocked with large-capacity ammunition-feeding devices, a crossbow, machetes, camouflage smoke devices and a stun gun, the government said.

“Coffman also carried a loaded handgun and a loaded revolver as he walked around the area that day,” the DOJ said in a statement.

Coffman didn’t have a license to carry a pistol in the District of Columbia and had not registered any firearms in the national database as required by law, the Justice Department said. A search of his home also uncovered 12 jars containing more ignitable substances for Molotov cocktails, the U.S. said.
It sounds like a light sentence, I agree. But when you think of the impact on his life - being away from family, not free to go anywhere, probably the loss of his job & income.....I'll bet it doesn't sound light to him. But I do think he should have gotten more time.

Well, forget the loss of job - he's 72. You'd think he might have known better.
It sounds like a light sentence, I agree. But when you think of the impact on his life - being away from family, not free to go anywhere, probably the loss of his job & income.....I'll bet it doesn't sound light to him. But I do think he should have gotten more time.

Well, forget the loss of job - he's 72. You'd think he might have known better.

They gave a black woman 5 years in prison for a mistaken vote that was not counted.

It pays to be white.
It sounds like a light sentence, I agree. But when you think of the impact on his life - being away from family, not free to go anywhere, probably the loss of his job & income.....I'll bet it doesn't sound light to him. But I do think he should have gotten more time.

Well, forget the loss of job - he's 72. You'd think he might have known better.
Maybe it's light because he didn't use any of those weapons? (Thankfully)
Seems like a light sentence, but maybe Mr Coffman handed over a few names to the FBI that helped to possibly reduce his sentence.

The weapons were found in Coffman’s pickup truck, which he parked a half-mile from the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, to attend a rally at the National Mall, the Justice Department said. His truck also was stocked with large-capacity ammunition-feeding devices, a crossbow, machetes, camouflage smoke devices and a stun gun, the government said.

“Coffman also carried a loaded handgun and a loaded revolver as he walked around the area that day,” the DOJ said in a statement.

Coffman didn’t have a license to carry a pistol in the District of Columbia and had not registered any firearms in the national database as required by law, the Justice Department said. A search of his home also uncovered 12 jars containing more ignitable substances for Molotov cocktails, the U.S. said.
Just a friendly kegger..
Seems like a light sentence, but maybe Mr Coffman handed over a few names to the FBI that helped to possibly reduce his sentence.

The weapons were found in Coffman’s pickup truck, which he parked a half-mile from the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, to attend a rally at the National Mall, the Justice Department said. His truck also was stocked with large-capacity ammunition-feeding devices, a crossbow, machetes, camouflage smoke devices and a stun gun, the government said.

“Coffman also carried a loaded handgun and a loaded revolver as he walked around the area that day,” the DOJ said in a statement.

Coffman didn’t have a license to carry a pistol in the District of Columbia and had not registered any firearms in the national database as required by law, the Justice Department said. A search of his home also uncovered 12 jars containing more ignitable substances for Molotov cocktails, the U.S. said.
Not possible. The insurrectionists weren't armed. Just ask any republican.
Seems like a light sentence, but maybe Mr Coffman handed over a few names to the FBI that helped to possibly reduce his sentence.

The weapons were found in Coffman’s pickup truck, which he parked a half-mile from the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, to attend a rally at the National Mall, the Justice Department said. His truck also was stocked with large-capacity ammunition-feeding devices, a crossbow, machetes, camouflage smoke devices and a stun gun, the government said.

“Coffman also carried a loaded handgun and a loaded revolver as he walked around the area that day,” the DOJ said in a statement.

Coffman didn’t have a license to carry a pistol in the District of Columbia and had not registered any firearms in the national database as required by law, the Justice Department said. A search of his home also uncovered 12 jars containing more ignitable substances for Molotov cocktails, the U.S. said.

Meanwhile a person is sitting in prison for at least a decade with no chance of parole for being caught with a joint of marijuana in some red states.

The priorities in our nation are all messed up.

That person should be facing much more than only 4 years in prison.
Seems like a light sentence, but maybe Mr Coffman handed over a few names to the FBI that helped to possibly reduce his sentence.

The weapons were found in Coffman’s pickup truck, which he parked a half-mile from the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, to attend a rally at the National Mall, the Justice Department said. His truck also was stocked with large-capacity ammunition-feeding devices, a crossbow, machetes, camouflage smoke devices and a stun gun, the government said.

“Coffman also carried a loaded handgun and a loaded revolver as he walked around the area that day,” the DOJ said in a statement.

Coffman didn’t have a license to carry a pistol in the District of Columbia and had not registered any firearms in the national database as required by law, the Justice Department said. A search of his home also uncovered 12 jars containing more ignitable substances for Molotov cocktails, the U.S. said.
If all he got was 4 years, he must have cooperated quite nicely with the FBI.
Meanwhile a person is sitting in prison for at least a decade with no chance of parole for being caught with a joint of marijuana in some red states.
Totally insane. Here, the provinces are raking it in from legal pot sales.
Seems like a light sentence, but maybe Mr Coffman handed over a few names to the FBI that helped to possibly reduce his sentence.

The weapons were found in Coffman’s pickup truck, which he parked a half-mile from the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, to attend a rally at the National Mall, the Justice Department said. His truck also was stocked with large-capacity ammunition-feeding devices, a crossbow, machetes, camouflage smoke devices and a stun gun, the government said.

“Coffman also carried a loaded handgun and a loaded revolver as he walked around the area that day,” the DOJ said in a statement.

Coffman didn’t have a license to carry a pistol in the District of Columbia and had not registered any firearms in the national database as required by law, the Justice Department said. A search of his home also uncovered 12 jars containing more ignitable substances for Molotov cocktails, the U.S. said.
what firearms do you think he had that were required to be registered nationally?
Not possible. The insurrectionists weren't armed. Just ask any republican.
Remind us about the firearm that was fired that day?
The firearm that a capitol police officer used to shoot and killed a unarmed tressapsser.
The only violence with a firearm that day.
Remind us about the firearm that was fired that day?
The firearm that a capitol police officer used to shoot and killed a unarmed tressapsser.
The only violence with a firearm that day.
Nobody shot an unarmed trespasser.
nobody? a police officer did

Question for you: If the same circumstances happened at DoJ headquarters, would DoJ security try to stop them from entering?
It sounds like a light sentence, I agree. But when you think of the impact on his life - being away from family, not free to go anywhere, probably the loss of his job & income.....I'll bet it doesn't sound light to him. But I do think he should have gotten more time.

Well, forget the loss of job - he's 72. You'd think he might have known better.
By the looks of his personal arsenal, his "job' may be domestic terrorism. imo
It sounds like a light sentence, I agree. But when you think of the impact on his life - being away from family, not free to go anywhere, probably the loss of his job & income.....I'll bet it doesn't sound light to him. But I do think he should have gotten more time.

Well, forget the loss of job - he's 72. You'd think he might have known better.
What were the guidelines? Are the terms lenient for these crimes? It seems most J6 sentences are lenient.
But, believe me at 72, 4 years could be a life sentence.
Remind us about the firearm that was fired that day?
The firearm that a capitol police officer used to shoot and killed a unarmed tressapsser.
The only violence with a firearm that day.
Maybe if a shot was fired by Police before the Insurrectionists entered the Capital building, we would be having a completely different conversation.

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