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Gulf Oil Rig Explodes off La. Coast (1 Viewer)

Glad to see that nobody was killed and the well was inactive. I do wonder exactly how an inactive well explodes though.
Glad to see that nobody was killed and the well was inactive. I do wonder exactly how an inactive well explodes though.

That is a very good question.
Does inactive means it's sealed? Could the seal have broken?
Glad to see that nobody was killed and the well was inactive. I do wonder exactly how an inactive well explodes though.
It may have still had some of whatever they were drilling for onboard.
I was just about to post this story...BDBoop U beat me to it.


I'm asking myself the same question: "How does an inactive oil rig explode when it's not pumping or drilling for oil?"
I was just about to post this story...BDBoop U beat me to it.


I'm asking myself the same question: "How does an inactive oil rig explode when it's not pumping or drilling for oil?"

Methinks there are some major points that have yet to come to light.
Oil platform explodes off La. coast; 13 rescued

Ohhhhhh Nooooooo!!!!!! :shock: :doh

GRAND ISLE, La. — An offshore oil platform exploded and was burning Thursday in the Gulf of Mexico about 100 miles off the Louisiana coast. All 13 workers were rescued from the water, the U.S. Coast Guard said.
The explosion aboard the platform, owned by Mariner Energy, occurred west of the site of the April offshore rig blast that caused the massive BP oil spill.
Patrick Cassidy, a spokesman for Mariner Energy, told CNBC that there does not appear to be any oil leaking.
The Coast Guard said the explosion was reported by a commercial helicopter flying over the site around 9 a.m. CDT.
All 13 workers at the platform were plucked from the water by a supply boat and taken to another platform where they were waiting to be picked up by the Coast Guard, the agency said.
"Thirteen people were seen huddled together in the water wearing gumby suits or immersion suits, water protection suits, so we were able to confirm that all people were accounted for," Coast Guard spokesman Chief Petty Officer John Edwards said.
Oil platform explodes off La. coast - U.S. news - Life - msnbc.com
Re: Oil platform explodes off La. coast; 13 rescued

Good to see they were able to rescue everyone.
Re: Oil platform explodes off La. coast; 13 rescued

Ohhhhhh Nooooooo!!!!!! :shock: :doh

Just goes to show you that the Deep Horizon disaster was not an isolated event, which is why I have been calling BS on all those who just want things to continue as they have. There is a reason for government, and part of it is regulation. We need some of that regulation we lost back. I am going to wait for the report to come out, and will be very interested to see if there were safety violations that contributed to the explosion, or if inspections were rubber stamped by the parent company of the well, instead of government inspectors doing their job.

Now I am not big on big government, but there are times when the government does need to oversee things. This is one of those times. I strongly believe that a lot of the anti-government backlash we are now seeing is the result of the government going too far in using its powers, which is why I do sympathize with many of those who have been bitten by the government. However, the backlash itself does seem to be headed too far in the other direction. What we really need is something in the middle, regulation, but regulation done intelligently. Having said this, I know that I am crawling out on a ledge here, because where intelligence is concerned, our government seems to have the IQ of a box of rocks. But we do need to do something, and I don't trust the oil industry to monitor itself. We have already seen the result of that.
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Re: Oil platform explodes off La. coast; 13 rescued

Just goes to show you that the Deep Horizon disaster was not an isolated event, which is why I have been calling BS on all those who just want things to continue as they have. There is a reason for government, and part of it is regulation. We need some of that regulation we lost back. I am going to wait for the report to come out, and will be very interested to see if there were safety violations that contributed to the explosion, or if inspections were rubber stamped by the parent company of the well, instead of government inspectors doing their job.

Now I am not big on big government, but there are times when the government does need to oversee things. This is one of those times. I strongly believe that a lot of the anti-government backlash we are now seeing is the result of the government going too far in using its powers, which is why I do sympathize with many of those who have been bitten by the government. However, the backlash itself does seem to be headed too far in the other direction. What we really need is something in the middle, regulation, but regulation done intelligently. Having said this, I know that I am crawling out on a ledge here, because where intelligence is concerned, our government seems to have the IQ of a box of rocks. But we do need to do something, and I don't trust the oil industry to monitor itself. We have already see the result of that.

some conservative you are.
Re: Oil platform explodes off La. coast; 13 rescued

some conservative you are.

Wait he is a conservative? I thought he was a liberal trying to discredit the conservatives...
Re: Oil platform explodes off La. coast; 13 rescued

At first they said there was no oil leaking, but now there is a sheen about a mile long. The well was producing about 60,000 gallons of oil and 900,000 cubic feet of natural gas per day. Don't know how big the leak is, or if was just some residual oil and there is no leak.

From this article.
Re: Oil platform explodes off La. coast; 13 rescued

There is a reason for government, and part of it is regulation.
Only an anarchist would disagree.
Re: Oil platform explodes off La. coast; 13 rescued

All of these recent oil rig issues seem a bit suspicious to me. I smell sabotage.
Re: Oil platform explodes off La. coast; 13 rescued

All of these recent oil rig issues seem a bit suspicious to me. I smell sabotage.

I seriously doubt it. That thought briefly crossed my mind at the beginning of the BP debacle. If there was even the slightest hint of even a tiny bit of malfeasance, though, you can bet that BP and Mariner would be screaming from the rooftops how they're just the poor, blameless victims of ecoterrorism. They'd make it out to be the eco-9/11 if they could
Re: Oil platform explodes off La. coast; 13 rescued

All of these recent oil rig issues seem a bit suspicious to me. I smell sabotage.

I smell foxes guarding henhouses.
Re: Oil platform explodes off La. coast; 13 rescued

I seriously doubt it. That thought briefly crossed my mind at the beginning of the BP debacle. If there was even the slightest hint of even a tiny bit of malfeasance, though, you can bet that BP and Mariner would be screaming from the rooftops how they're just the poor, blameless victims of ecoterrorism. They'd make it out to be the eco-9/11 if they could

No doubt, but maybe it was the "real" accident. And then wacko enviros decided to use the opportunity to make a disaster even worse and push their "no drilling" agenda even further so as to force the matter. We all know the envirowackos aren't above such tactics. And I'm not talking about your run of the mill "save the planet" people, I'm talking the whacked out extremists like the idiot who took hostages @ the Discovery Channel building.
Re: Oil platform explodes off La. coast; 13 rescued

All of these recent oil rig issues seem a bit suspicious to me. I smell sabotage.

Huh interesting and considering what happened yesterday at the Discovery channel it isn't that far of a jump considering what the crazies do with an environmental message.

edit: See you thought of the same thing I did.
Re: Oil platform explodes off La. coast; 13 rescued

All of these recent oil rig issues seem a bit suspicious to me. I smell sabotage.
I think probably the media is just covering it more. I don't think something like this would have made front-page news if it wasn't for the BP spill.
Re: Oil platform explodes off La. coast; 13 rescued

Now... a mile strech of oil :slapme:

GRAND ISLE, La. — Another oil rig exploded and caught fire Thursday off the Louisiana coast, spreading a mile-long oil sheen in the Gulf of Mexico west of the site of BP's massive spill. All 13 crew members were rescued.

Coast Guard Petty Officer Bill Coklough said the sheen, about 100 feet (30 meters) wide, was spotted near the platform. Firefighting vessels were battling the flames.

The company that owns the rig, Houston-based Mariner Energy, did not know what caused the blast, which was reported by a helicopter flying over the area.

Mile-long sheen after fire on Gulf oil platform - U.S. news - Life - msnbc.com
Re: Oil platform explodes off La. coast; 13 rescued

Just goes to show you that the Deep Horizon disaster was not an isolated event

This is not even remotely the same type of thing, so I don't know how it proves that.

At first they said there was no oil leaking, but now there is a sheen about a mile long.

There's no leak, those early reports were erroneous.


An explosion on an offshore oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico early today ignited a fire that caused workers to evacuate into the water, but the U.S. Coast Guard said that all the workers survived and there are no oil leaks reported near the platform.

"The fire is out, and there are no reports of visible sheen in the water," Troedsson said at a press conference this afternoon. "There are no reports of leaks, but we continue to investigate."

Earlier reports from the U.S. Coast Guard had suggested that an oily sheen was seen near the site, sparking fears of another oil spill like the BP's Deepwater Horizon Spill, just east of this explosion.

A press release from the Mariner Energy said an initial examination of the site revealed no leaking oil.

"In an initial flyover, no hydrocarbon spill was reported," read the release.


I think probably the media is just covering it more. I don't think something like this would have made front-page news if it wasn't for the BP spill.

Re: Oil platform explodes off La. coast; 13 rescued

It's da eebil BP. Somehow.

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