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Group arrested for skipping out on restaurant bill...hitting the waitress with car (1 Viewer)


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Mar 25, 2010
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Group Arrested For Skipping Out On Restaurant Bill, Hitting Waitress With Car (Video)

A California man and three female friends were arrested after skipping out on paying their bill at a restaurant and subsequently running over their waitress.

Rowshaid Cordell Pellum, 24, and three friends left Mexico Lindo, an Anaheim-based restaurant, without paying their tab — prompting waitress Maria Uriostegui to chase them all the way to the parking lot, KTLA reported.

Surveillance video showed Uriostegui confronting the group in the parking lot, and then being run over by the foursome in their vehicle. The car fled the scene after it hit the waitress.

Uriostegui told reporters that she tried to get the group to pay their tab while they were dining, but they laughed and walked out of the restaurant. When she followed them out of the building to get their license plate number, they laughed at her again before hitting her with the car.

Ugh. The first two thugs look like they are thoroughly enjoying themselves, the third thug looks like a total moron and the fourth thug looks like she'd make a very happy-go-lucky kindergarten teacher.

What possesses these idiots to act like this?
Re: Group arrested for skipping out on restaurant bill...hitting the waitress with ca


I hope someone smacks thug #1 and wipes that smug smile off his face.
Re: Group arrested for skipping out on restaurant bill...hitting the waitress with ca

What pieces of ****. They already didn't pay the restaurant bill, and then they go and run her over like that.
Re: Group arrested for skipping out on restaurant bill...hitting the waitress with ca


They didn't just nudge her out of the way. They actually drove right over the top of her!!!
Re: Group arrested for skipping out on restaurant bill...hitting the waitress with ca

Group Arrested For Skipping Out On Restaurant Bill, Hitting Waitress With Car (Video)

A California man and three female friends were arrested after skipping out on paying their bill at a restaurant and subsequently running over their waitress.

Rowshaid Cordell Pellum, 24, and three friends left Mexico Lindo, an Anaheim-based restaurant, without paying their tab — prompting waitress Maria Uriostegui to chase them all the way to the parking lot, KTLA reported.

Surveillance video showed Uriostegui confronting the group in the parking lot, and then being run over by the foursome in their vehicle. The car fled the scene after it hit the waitress.

Uriostegui told reporters that she tried to get the group to pay their tab while they were dining, but they laughed and walked out of the restaurant. When she followed them out of the building to get their license plate number, they laughed at her again before hitting her with the car.

Ugh. The first two thugs look like they are thoroughly enjoying themselves, the third thug looks like a total moron and the fourth thug looks like she'd make a very happy-go-lucky kindergarten teacher.

What possesses these idiots to act like this?

That was no bump or tap, but a full-on "run her over"!

I'm surprised she got back up!

They had to be wasted ...
Re: Group arrested for skipping out on restaurant bill...hitting the waitress with ca

What pieces of ****. They already didn't pay the restaurant bill, and then they go and run her over like that.

doubt they even left a tip
Re: Group arrested for skipping out on restaurant bill...hitting the waitress with ca

I really really hope the waitress is ok. I also hope they slam the law at them and they spend a long time rotting in prison.
Re: Group arrested for skipping out on restaurant bill...hitting the waitress with ca

Please don't let them get shot by a cop.

Just good honest people.
Re: Group arrested for skipping out on restaurant bill...hitting the waitress with ca

The waitress is an idiot. Tell the manager and continue waiting your tables.
Re: Group arrested for skipping out on restaurant bill...hitting the waitress with ca

The waitress is an idiot. Tell the manager and continue waiting your tables.

and the manager docks her wages for the unpaid tab
Re: Group arrested for skipping out on restaurant bill...hitting the waitress with ca

From my time in the food service industry it was common knowledge black people, in general, are terrible tippers.
But we had more white people do the dine and dash.

I hope they get the book thrown at them, and the waitress gets a large civil settlement from these criminals.
Re: Group arrested for skipping out on restaurant bill...hitting the waitress with ca

Group Arrested For Skipping Out On Restaurant Bill, Hitting Waitress With Car (Video)

A California man and three female friends were arrested after skipping out on paying their bill at a restaurant and subsequently running over their waitress.

Rowshaid Cordell Pellum, 24, and three friends left Mexico Lindo, an Anaheim-based restaurant, without paying their tab — prompting waitress Maria Uriostegui to chase them all the way to the parking lot, KTLA reported.

Surveillance video showed Uriostegui confronting the group in the parking lot, and then being run over by the foursome in their vehicle. The car fled the scene after it hit the waitress.

Uriostegui told reporters that she tried to get the group to pay their tab while they were dining, but they laughed and walked out of the restaurant. When she followed them out of the building to get their license plate number, they laughed at her again before hitting her with the car.

Ugh. The first two thugs look like they are thoroughly enjoying themselves, the third thug looks like a total moron and the fourth thug looks like she'd make a very happy-go-lucky kindergarten teacher.

What possesses these idiots to act like this?

Let's see Rowshaid Cordell , he such a good boy headed for college grandma said so ! :lamo
Re: Group arrested for skipping out on restaurant bill...hitting the waitress with ca

That has to be attempted murder. Either way, you can tell how unjustly the police treat blacks by how serious the first two are taking this.
Re: Group arrested for skipping out on restaurant bill...hitting the waitress with ca

Group Arrested For Skipping Out On Restaurant Bill, Hitting Waitress With Car (Video)

A California man and three female friends were arrested after skipping out on paying their bill at a restaurant and subsequently running over their waitress.

Rowshaid Cordell Pellum, 24, and three friends left Mexico Lindo, an Anaheim-based restaurant, without paying their tab — prompting waitress Maria Uriostegui to chase them all the way to the parking lot, KTLA reported.

Surveillance video showed Uriostegui confronting the group in the parking lot, and then being run over by the foursome in their vehicle. The car fled the scene after it hit the waitress.

Uriostegui told reporters that she tried to get the group to pay their tab while they were dining, but they laughed and walked out of the restaurant. When she followed them out of the building to get their license plate number, they laughed at her again before hitting her with the car.

Ugh. The first two thugs look like they are thoroughly enjoying themselves, the third thug looks like a total moron and the fourth thug looks like she'd make a very happy-go-lucky kindergarten teacher.

What possesses these idiots to act like this?


Beyond that, I'm unable to post the words I'd like to.
Re: Group arrested for skipping out on restaurant bill...hitting the waitress with ca

They should go directly to working the chow line genpop. 10-15 years.
Re: Group arrested for skipping out on restaurant bill...hitting the waitress with ca

Please don't let them get shot by a cop.

Just good honest people.

Innocents, really. Here is a picture of them as a child.
Re: Group arrested for skipping out on restaurant bill...hitting the waitress with ca

Just wait until some libtard idiot claims that the arrest was racially motivated.
Re: Group arrested for skipping out on restaurant bill...hitting the waitress with ca

They were once someone's bundle of joy, waiting to spring out and make a life that was right with the world.

And then they grew up.
Re: Group arrested for skipping out on restaurant bill...hitting the waitress with ca

Group Arrested For Skipping Out On Restaurant Bill, Hitting Waitress With Car (Video)

A California man and three female friends were arrested after skipping out on paying their bill at a restaurant and subsequently running over their waitress.

Rowshaid Cordell Pellum, 24, and three friends left Mexico Lindo, an Anaheim-based restaurant, without paying their tab — prompting waitress Maria Uriostegui to chase them all the way to the parking lot, KTLA reported.

Surveillance video showed Uriostegui confronting the group in the parking lot, and then being run over by the foursome in their vehicle. The car fled the scene after it hit the waitress.

Uriostegui told reporters that she tried to get the group to pay their tab while they were dining, but they laughed and walked out of the restaurant. When she followed them out of the building to get their license plate number, they laughed at her again before hitting her with the car.

Ugh. The first two thugs look like they are thoroughly enjoying themselves, the third thug looks like a total moron and the fourth thug looks like she'd make a very happy-go-lucky kindergarten teacher.

What possesses these idiots to act like this?

Looks like assault with a deadly weapon and attempted murder. Lock their ass up for about 20 years and see if they keep smiling.
Re: Group arrested for skipping out on restaurant bill...hitting the waitress with ca

Please don't let them get shot by a cop.

Just good honest people.

Um yeah cops really shouldn't be shooting people in jail.
Re: Group arrested for skipping out on restaurant bill...hitting the waitress with ca

Just wait until some libtard idiot claims that the arrest was racially motivated.

Just wait until some idiot right winger says... Oh wait, you already did
Re: Group arrested for skipping out on restaurant bill...hitting the waitress with ca

Just wait until some idiot right winger says... Oh wait, you already did

Yes, just wait until someone actually says the truth. You people ought to give that a shot one of these days.
Re: Group arrested for skipping out on restaurant bill...hitting the waitress with ca

Yes, just wait until someone actually says the truth. You people ought to give that a shot one of these days.


You've somehow concluded that liberals think all arrests of black people are unwarranted. There's nothing I can do for a person who thinks that. You're done. Gone. Off the deep end. Whackoville. So far off from reality that you can never, ever be brought back into the realm of reasonable discussion with us adults.
Re: Group arrested for skipping out on restaurant bill...hitting the waitress with ca

This happened in March 2015. Hardly "breaking news"
Re: Group arrested for skipping out on restaurant bill...hitting the waitress with ca

They should go directly to working the chow line genpop. 10-15 years.

only one was driving

why should the other three be charged with that assault

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