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groundhog christmas (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 26, 2014
Reaction score
over yonder
Political Leaning
remember the movie groundhog day. the dude repeated the same day over and over. thats how i feel about the christmas season. every one is the same. we are trapped in this terrible cycle of christmas. every year the same... black friday sales people shopping gettting upset and angry . traffic. the music . the stinking holiday music! you walk into a convenience store. and hear **** from 1949. it makes me sick. repeat this hundreds of times. happy holidays . ..? what am i missing?
remember the movie groundhog day. the dude repeated the same day over and over. thats how i feel about the christmas season. every one is the same. we are trapped in this terrible cycle of christmas. every year the same... black friday sales people shopping gettting upset and angry . traffic. the music . the stinking holiday music! you walk into a convenience store. and hear **** from 1949. it makes me sick. repeat this hundreds of times. happy holidays . ..? what am i missing?

The giving spirit, a loving family, delicious food...
the military should use this to torture enemy combatants

I want someone to tell me they like this ****. tell me about the holiday spirit every stinking season. do you feel warm inside? thats not holiday spirit, THATS ****!!!!!!
I want someone to tell me they like this ****. tell me about the holiday spirit every stinking season. do you feel warm inside? thats not holiday spirit, THATS ****!!!!!!

guess what ! a christmas miracle!!!!! I do like christmas!! and groundhogs!!
I want someone to tell me they like this ****. tell me about the holiday spirit every stinking season. do you feel warm inside? thats not holiday spirit, THATS ****!!!!!!

The door is thataway.. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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