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Got any famous ancestors? (1 Viewer)

Luke Skywalker

DP Veteran
May 4, 2007
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Mark Twain is one of mine - my great great grandmother was a Clemens.... Don't know exactly how she was related to him, but she was directly related in some way.... Am in the midst these days of trying to find out exactly how.

Anyone else?
Yep - an outlaw and a sweetheart to a President. :)
not FAMOUS but one of my grand fathers served directly for GW.
Mark Twain is one of mine - my great great grandmother was a Clemens.... Don't know exactly how she was related to him, but she was directly related in some way.... Am in the midst these days of trying to find out exactly how.

Anyone else?

I wanted to name our first son Huckleberry Finn but my wife had to go and be a spoil sport about it :2razz: (and no I am not kidding--I was dead serious about it. I still call him Huckleberry sometimes just for spite)
Not that I'm aware of, but I've never done that genealogy thing either. My last name IS mentioned in the Bible a couple of times though. :mrgreen:
Does Adam count?

For the sake of discussion, I'd say absolutely! :)

Knowing it and proving it (to non-believers, that is) are two different things, but (imho) if you know it to be true, that's all that matters!
Not that I'm aware of, but I've never done that genealogy thing either. My last name IS mentioned in the Bible a couple of times though. :mrgreen:

Hello, Ms. Methuselah. :2razz:
I haven't traced it with a professional company, but I feel pretty good about it. :)

For the sake of discussion, I'd say absolutely! :)

Knowing it and proving it are two different things, but (imho) if you know it to be true, that's all that matters!
I am more famous than any of my ancestors: I am Napoleon Bonaparte.
Related to Francis Marion (alias Swamp Fox.)

And this next thing has nothing to do with relations, but when my great grandmother was a little girl her family had some horses stole off their farm by Jesse James and his gang in the state of Kentucky.
Ghenghis Khan! Beaten to it by a couple of minutes! :lol:
Mark Twain is one of mine - my great great grandmother was a Clemens.... Don't know exactly how she was related to him, but she was directly related in some way.... Am in the midst these days of trying to find out exactly how.

Anyone else?

My late husband was related to a very famous author -- same name as his (and therefore mine) -- so I won't share his name. It's a great source of pride for his family.
Mark Twain is one of mine - my great great grandmother was a Clemens.... Don't know exactly how she was related to him, but she was directly related in some way.... Am in the midst these days of trying to find out exactly how.

Anyone else?

Benjamin Harrison- the man who served the shortest term as president, lol. Oh, and one of my cousins who is a Nobel Prize recipient in economics.
Benjamin Harrison- the man who served the shortest term as president, lol. Oh, and one of my cousins who is a Nobel Prize laureate in economics.

Wow! That's fascinating lizzie!
I wanted to name our first son Huckleberry Finn but my wife had to go and be a spoil sport about it :2razz: (and no I am not kidding--I was dead serious about it. I still call him Huckleberry sometimes just for spite)

:rofl That's funny!

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