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GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty[W:31,50] (1 Viewer)

Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

I'm not sure why you think any of this is funny. I have been praying daily for all the truth to come out about PP and for the truth-tellers to be believed. Surely, this is what we all want, and if it's found that Planned Parenthood has done nothing illegal, I will be glad that PP has been vindicated. Truth is truth.

Now why don't you laugh your ass off about that?

Guilty until proven innocent--the GOP way since 2009 .
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

This won't stop them from trying other things.

They must have that money, after all.
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

I'm new, but you're probably right.

Not if we keep bumping it into the new posts section...
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

Moderator's Warning:
With several people making baiting posts and one even suggesting that pro-lifers should be "called into the thread", a clear baiting post, I'm going to give you all one chance only. Stick to the topic of the thread and nothing but the topic of the thread or I will infract those that continued with the baiting and then thread ban them.
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

Now that Chaffetz's admitted he could not find any wrongdoing of Planned Parenthood's records perhaps an investigation into David Daleiden's organization and any potential illegitimate activities including any false charitable contributions can be uncovered.
From the following article:

Republican committee chair admits: No evidence Planned Parenthood misused federal funding

Chaffetz’s admission is also the latest setback in Republicans’ efforts to strip funding from the organization, which were instigated by a series of quickly-debunked videos promoted by an anti-abortion group, the Center for Medical Progress.

Democrats on the committee are now asking to speak to the man behind the videos, David Daleiden, accusing him of taking part in “a host of potentially illegal activities, including filing false documents with government agencies, falsely impersonating a legitimate business concern, soliciting charitable contributions under false pretenses, and secretly recording Planned Parenthood officials without their consent.”

Daleiden’s organization claimed that the videos showed Planned Parenthood officials negotiating the sale of fetal tissue, which is prohibited under the terms of its federal funding agreement. Those allegations incited some conservatives into accusing Planned Parenthood of using that money for abortions, which is not the case.

Moreover, as MSNBC reported, the organization has also been cleared of any allegations of wrongdoing after investigations in several states.

Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

Guilty until proven innocent--the GOP way since 2009 .

Throw crap against the wall and see what sticks has been elevated to an art form. A very expensive artform.
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

This will be the shortest PP thread in the history of DP

Well, except maybe my Two-Part threads on "The Unintentional Consequences of Personhood Status for the Unborn"

Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

Now that Chaffetz's admitted he could not find any wrongdoing of Planned Parenthood's records perhaps an investigation into David Daleiden's organization and any potential illegitimate activities including any false charitable contributions can be uncovered.
From the following article:

Republican committee chair admits: No evidence Planned Parenthood misused federal funding



The GOP's use of the "Public Knee Jerk Reaction, Hysteria Witch Hunt Method" rather than calling on our high-tech enforcement agencies to collect REAL evidence to bring down PP speaks for itself. In other words, they knew that it would easier to manage internal damage control, sensationalism and drama than "IMMEDIATELY" turning the entire matter of to the DOJ.

I think at this point investigating David Daleiden and his organization, CMP would be such a huge indictment on the GOP as to their motive for pursuing this matter within Congress (politically capitalize off of the videos).

Sadly, the GOP won't be shamed by their failure. They rarely are - over any obvious screw up.

But that won't stop them from continuing to bash and attempt to bring down PP regardless of any findings. This will be the only political device to sustain the confidence of the hard right conservatives/religions in order to keep those political election collection plates filled.
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty


The GOP's use of the "Public Knee Jerk Reaction, Hysteria Witch Hunt Method" rather than calling on our high-tech enforcement agencies to collect REAL evidence to bring down PP speaks for itself. In other words, they knew that it would easier to manage internal damage control, sensationalism and drama than "IMMEDIATELY" turning the entire matter of to the DOJ.

I think at this point investigating David Daleiden and his organization, CMP would be such a huge indictment on the GOP as to their motive for pursuing this matter within Congress (politically capitalize off of the videos).

Sadly, the GOP won't be shamed by their failure. They rarely are - over any obvious screw up.

But that won't stop them from continuing to bash and attempt to bring down PP regardless of any findings. This will be the only political device to sustain the confidence of the hard right conservatives/religions in order to keep those political election collection plates filled.

If they really felt they had a point with the videos, they would have released them to the authorities unedited ( I mean REALLY unedited no edits, no add ons) and let the authorities decide. They could have made notations for the authorities where they felt the issues were. But no edits. That is not what they did. They edited, added on visuals that had nothing to do with Plannned Parenthood. Hell, even a POTUS candidate bought into the deception (twitiching baby). They were going for an emotional reaction .

If they do not want it to look like a witch hunt, they should act in a different manner. They only have themselves to blame if charges against them come about.
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

Throw crap against the wall and see what sticks has been elevated to an art form. A very expensive artform.

But look on the "bright side" - it's not their money they're spending; It's *our* taxpayer money they're wasting.
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

But look on the "bright side" - it's not their money they're spending; It's *our* taxpayer money they're wasting.

Ahhhh...fiscal conservatism at its finest.

First they spent a crapload investigating a non event, now they will spend a crapload of money investigating the people making the false charges.
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

I'll be waiting for the pro lifers who have been attacking PP to step up and comment on this. :lamo

I am filled with disgust at your view of what you do to your fellow man, as if it were honorable. Disgust!
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

This reminds me Vito Barbieri saying this:


The GOP is painfully clueless on female anatomy. Their knowledge on PP is even more painful.

Your false assesment of the right is brings the level of cluelessness to new levels. Our understanding of what is really going on at PP puts us many levels beyond any insults can ever do,
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

Your false assesment of the right is brings the level of cluelessness to new levels. Our understanding of what is really going on at PP puts us many levels beyond any insults can ever do,

Your guilty no matter what stance is understanding?

I'll buy that for a dollar.

This is not about understanding anyway.

It is all about the five hundred million dollars they get from the government. that is what you are really after.

Superior understanding my arse.

There is no real morality in constantly attacking Planned Parenthood. And if I had the clout, I'd be suing you guys for things like slander, libel, harassment, and anything else that can be brought to bear on you.
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

Throw crap against the wall and see what sticks has been elevated to an art form. A very expensive artform.
Well, that really depends on who's crap and who's wall...
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

Well, that really depends on who's crap and who's wall...

Well, a congressional probe revealing unfounded allegations is pretty expensive crap. If it was a pricey load and a valuable lesson was learned...well...ok. But methinks no lesson was learned and the false allegations will start flying again....once they think the public forgot the last load bearing wall.;)
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

Well, a congressional probe revealing unfounded allegations is pretty expensive crap. If it was a pricey load and a valuable lesson was learned...well...ok. But methinks no lesson was learned and the false allegations will start flying again....once they think the public forgot the last load bearing wall.;)
I think that in this case the stink will linger log enough for people to know when it counts...
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

Your false assesment of the right is brings the level of cluelessness to new levels. Our understanding of what is really going on at PP puts us many levels beyond any insults can ever do,

An elected official not understanding female anatomy is a "false assessment"?

Good grief.
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

An elected official not understanding female anatomy is a "false assessment"?

Good grief.

I am not talking about elected officials. I am talking about the left, and their attempted insults which I don't understand. Why insult us when we want to stop what's wrong? And what do you mean not understanding the female anatomy?

We understand the female anatomy just fine. And it's not about the female anatomy. It's about the uncontrolled efforts of homicidal group to carry out some weird and scary plan. What we don't understand is what this mysterious addiction to death you (all of you) have? I can only guess that there is a rampant case of insanity within the leftist community. What else could it be?

How on earth a group of people, in this day and age, can support some of the most prehistoric and savage practices is beyond the sane mind.

Good grief!
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

I am not talking about elected officials. I am talking about the left, and their attempted insults which I don't understand. Why insult us when we want to stop what's wrong? And what do you mean not understanding the female anatomy?

We understand the female anatomy just fine. And it's not about the female anatomy. It's about the uncontrolled efforts of homicidal group to carry out some weird and scary plan. What we don't understand is what this mysterious addiction to death you (all of you) have? I can only guess that there is a rampant case of insanity within the leftist community. What else could it be?

How on earth a group of people, in this day and age, can support some of the most prehistoric and savage practices is beyond the sane mind.

Good grief!

Stating the obvious is an insult? As mentioned in the video, it's female anatomy 101. How was Todd Akin's idiotic "legitimate rape" comment not an insult to women?

What weird and scary plan? Please elaborate.

We understand the female anatomy just fine.

Yes, as Todd Akin has brilliantly demonstrated. :)
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

I am not talking about elected officials. I am talking about the left, and their attempted insults which I don't understand. Why insult us when we want to stop what's wrong? And what do you mean not understanding the female anatomy?

We understand the female anatomy just fine. And it's not about the female anatomy. It's about the uncontrolled efforts of homicidal group to carry out some weird and scary plan. What we don't understand is what this mysterious addiction to death you (all of you) have? I can only guess that there is a rampant case of insanity within the leftist community. What else could it be?

How on earth a group of people, in this day and age, can support some of the most prehistoric and savage practices is beyond the sane mind.

Good grief!

Hyperbolic blather
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

Hyperbolic blather

IT's not hyperbolic blather at all. The only reason you say that is (1) you have no defense to answer with, and (2) you only want to protect abortion. No other reason. Now if you are going to use two-worded answers and not contribute to this debate, then get lost.
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

Moderator's Warning:
Cut out the snarky, insulting posts, and address the OP and the OP only. Otherwise, points and thread bans will be issued. There are now two in thread warnings.

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