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GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty[W:31,50] (1 Viewer)


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Sep 30, 2013
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GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

Jason Chaffetz says he's found no evidence of wrongdoing by the family planning provider.
Jennifer Bendery
White House & Congressional Reporter, The Huffington Post

WASHINGTON -- Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, said Thursday that the GOP's investigation into Planned Parenthood's use of federal funds hasn't turned up anything.

"Did I look at the finances and have a hearing specifically as to the revenue portion and how they spend? Yes. Was there any wrongdoing? I didn't find any," he said during a Judiciary Committee hearing on the family planning provider.

Chaffetz, a candidate for House speaker, grilled Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards during a five-hour hearing last week. He questioned her salary, asked about the organization's expenses and revenues, and pressed Richards on why the group had revenue of $127 million last year if it's a nonprofit. (Nonprofits put their revenues back into their programs.)

But after all that, he concluded that Planned Parenthood isn't doing anything sketchy with its money. "Did we find any wrongdoing? The answer was no," Chaffetz said.

His concession will be music to Democrats' ears, who have long accused Republicans of trying to sink Planned Parenthood because they oppose abortion. The women's health care provider gets about $500 million a year in federal funds, but federal law prohibits any of it from being used for abortions. Instead, the money is used to subsidize a range of health care services for low-income women, including birth control, cancer screenings and tests for sexually transmitted diseases.

Chaffetz said Thursday that he still supports digging into Planned Parenthood's activities, even if they're using their money appropriately.

So...he didn't find anything, but wants to keep probing...LOL
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

BWAHAHAHAHAH. I remember many people claiming PP did something wrong.. will they participate in this thread? LOL.
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

Jason Chaffetz says he's found no evidence of wrongdoing by the family planning provider.
Jennifer Bendery
White House & Congressional Reporter, The Huffington Post

WASHINGTON -- Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, said Thursday that the GOP's investigation into Planned Parenthood's use of federal funds hasn't turned up anything.

"Did I look at the finances and have a hearing specifically as to the revenue portion and how they spend? Yes. Was there any wrongdoing? I didn't find any," he said during a Judiciary Committee hearing on the family planning provider.

Chaffetz, a candidate for House speaker, grilled Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards during a five-hour hearing last week. He questioned her salary, asked about the organization's expenses and revenues, and pressed Richards on why the group had revenue of $127 million last year if it's a nonprofit. (Nonprofits put their revenues back into their programs.)

But after all that, he concluded that Planned Parenthood isn't doing anything sketchy with its money. "Did we find any wrongdoing? The answer was no," Chaffetz said.

His concession will be music to Democrats' ears, who have long accused Republicans of trying to sink Planned Parenthood because they oppose abortion. The women's health care provider gets about $500 million a year in federal funds, but federal law prohibits any of it from being used for abortions. Instead, the money is used to subsidize a range of health care services for low-income women, including birth control, cancer screenings and tests for sexually transmitted diseases.

So...he didn't find anything, but wants to keep probing...LOL

Very good news indeed.
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

BWAHAHAHAHAH. I remember many people claiming PP did something wrong.. will they participate in this thread? LOL.

I doubt it.

Chaffetz even admits it was a waste of time (and his no Y axis graph made him look like an oaf).
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

I doubt it.

Chaffetz even admits it was a waste of time (and his no Y axis graph made him look like an oaf).

I'll be waiting for the pro lifers who have been attacking PP to step up and comment on this. :lamo
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

I doubt it.

Chaffetz even admits it was a waste of time (and his no Y axis graph made him look like an oaf).

This reminds me Vito Barbieri saying this:


The GOP is painfully clueless on female anatomy. Their knowledge on PP is even more painful.
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

"Chaffetz, a candidate for House speaker"


Did they just lose another potential Speaker?
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty


Chaffetz, a candidate for House speaker [...]"


Did they just lose another potential Speaker?

Obviously chaffetz is a socialist now.
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

This reminds me Vito Barbieri saying this:


The GOP is painfully clueless on female anatomy. Their knowledge on PP is even more painful.

Wow, that is hilarious. I'm guessing that sex for him and his ilk is something done in complete darkness, missionary style, and quickly, without passion.
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

"Chaffetz, a candidate for House speaker"


Did they just lose another potential Speaker?

seriously, that godless commie shouldn't be anywhere near the speakers chair....
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

So...he didn't find anything, but wants to keep probing...LOL

That sounds very homoerotic.
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

I'll be waiting for the pro lifers who have been attacking PP to step up and comment on this. :lamo

I'm not sure why you think any of this is funny. I have been praying daily for all the truth to come out about PP and for the truth-tellers to be believed. Surely, this is what we all want, and if it's found that Planned Parenthood has done nothing illegal, I will be glad that PP has been vindicated. Truth is truth.

Now why don't you laugh your ass off about that?
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

I'm not sure why you think any of this is funny. I have been praying daily for all the truth to come out about PP and for the truth-tellers to be believed. Surely, this is what we all want, and if it's found that Planned Parenthood has done nothing illegal, I will be glad that PP has been vindicated. Truth is truth.

Now why don't you laugh your ass off about that?
What do you think should happen to people that deliberately lied in this very serious matter?
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

I'm not sure why you think any of this is funny. I have been praying daily for all the truth to come out about PP and for the truth-tellers to be believed. Surely, this is what we all want, and if it's found that Planned Parenthood has done nothing illegal, I will be glad that PP has been vindicated. Truth is truth.

Now why don't you laugh your ass off about that?

Vindicated, but now PP's name has been trashed, dragged through the mud, and the people who made the video are vicious liars.

Not to mention the taxpayer money wasted on this so-con wankfest.
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

Funny how none of the posters who wanted to burn PP down based on no data sure are keeping quiet today....:lamo
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

I'm not sure why you think any of this is funny. I have been praying daily for all the truth to come out about PP and for the truth-tellers to be believed. Surely, this is what we all want, and if it's found that Planned Parenthood has done nothing illegal, I will be glad that PP has been vindicated. Truth is truth.

Now why don't you laugh your ass off about that?

"*IF* it's found"???? It *HAS* been found!!

Your posts are hilarious. A congressional investigation run by republicans finds that PP did nothing illegal and you still won't admit that PP broke no laws.
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

I'm not sure why you think any of this is funny. I have been praying daily for all the truth to come out about PP and for the truth-tellers to be believed. Surely, this is what we all want, and if it's found that Planned Parenthood has done nothing illegal, I will be glad that PP has been vindicated. Truth is truth.

And so now you believe that the truth has come out and there was no wrongdoing?
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

Vindicated, but now PP's name has been trashed, dragged through the mud, and the people who made the video are vicious liars.

Not to mention the taxpayer money wasted on this so-con wankfest.

Yeah? More like when they provided all the proof any rational person would accept regarding Obama's birthplace, the rigidly close-minded will cling to their beliefs no matter what the facts are.
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

Funny how none of the posters who wanted to burn PP down based on no data sure are keeping quiet today....:lamo

To their credit, almost none supported that, at least online.
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

The pro lifers are still dodging this thread. :lamo
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

The pro lifers are still dodging this thread. :lamo

Yup, they are all A-Skeered!
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

Yup, they are all A-Skeered!

Well, we could start calling them into this thread...LOL
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

I'm not sure why you think any of this is funny. I have been praying daily for all the truth to come out about PP and for the truth-tellers to be believed. Surely, this is what we all want, and if it's found that Planned Parenthood has done nothing illegal, I will be glad that PP has been vindicated. Truth is truth.

Now why don't you laugh your ass off about that?

I am glad if you are satisfied with the results.

Will this stop the Planned Parenthood bashing?
Re: GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty

As with Ben--Ghazi--zi.

I$$A has thrown his hat into the Speaker's race .

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