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GOP already going after Biden's Supreme Court pick... (1 Viewer)


Todays GOP: wrong on EVERYTHING!!!
DP Veteran
Mar 15, 2021
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Washington State
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falsely saying she was soft on sex offenders to begin with....and for providing protection for people in detention at Guantanamo.....

Senate confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson are set to begin Monday, and Republicans are already signaling their plan to attack her for providing legal representation to people imprisoned at Guantánamo Bay. In doing so, lawmakers are revealing a belief that certain people don’t deserve a quality legal defense — undermining a key pillar of the U.S. judicial system.
The GOP concedes that in her role as a Washington, D.C., public defender, Jackson did not choose her clients, but nonetheless accuses her of being too enthusiastic in their defense. “Jackson’s advocacy for these terrorists was ’zealous,’ going beyond just giving them a competent defense,” the Republican National Committee says on its website in a takedown of Jackson.

n a thinly sourced Twitter thread on Thursday, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) made a series of inflammatory attacks against Ketanji Brown Jackson, who is President Joe Biden’s nominee for the Supreme Court and currently a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.
The tweets dealt with some of Jackson’s past statements on sex offender registries and civil commitment, as well as her views on mandatory minimums. He claimed, without evidence, that Jackson “has a pattern of letting child porn offenders off the hook for their appalling crimes, both as a judge and as a policymaker.”

It was a preview of a tactic Republicans will likely deploy next week when Jackson testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee, of which Hawley is a member. But despite his claim that she is soft on sex offenses, nothing is particularly unusual about her judgments in such cases.
“I’m concerned that this is a record that endangers our children,” Hawley tweeted Thursday, in a thread that contained out-of-context screenshots of Jackson’s past statements and no links to the underlying material he was criticizing.

Maybe they can find someone who can’t remember the place, can’t remember the date, doesn’t know who else was there, and had to put 3 doors in their bedroom to claim something inappropriate happened to them.
falsely saying she was soft on sex offenders to begin with....and for providing protection for people in detention at Guantanamo.....

Senate confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson are set to begin Monday, and Republicans are already signaling their plan to attack her for providing legal representation to people imprisoned at Guantánamo Bay. In doing so, lawmakers are revealing a belief that certain people don’t deserve a quality legal defense — undermining a key pillar of the U.S. judicial system.
The GOP concedes that in her role as a Washington, D.C., public defender, Jackson did not choose her clients, but nonetheless accuses her of being too enthusiastic in their defense. “Jackson’s advocacy for these terrorists was ’zealous,’ going beyond just giving them a competent defense,” the Republican National Committee says on its website in a takedown of Jackson.

n a thinly sourced Twitter thread on Thursday, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) made a series of inflammatory attacks against Ketanji Brown Jackson, who is President Joe Biden’s nominee for the Supreme Court and currently a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.
The tweets dealt with some of Jackson’s past statements on sex offender registries and civil commitment, as well as her views on mandatory minimums. He claimed, without evidence, that Jackson “has a pattern of letting child porn offenders off the hook for their appalling crimes, both as a judge and as a policymaker.”

It was a preview of a tactic Republicans will likely deploy next week when Jackson testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee, of which Hawley is a member. But despite his claim that she is soft on sex offenses, nothing is particularly unusual about her judgments in such cases.
“I’m concerned that this is a record that endangers our children,” Hawley tweeted Thursday, in a thread that contained out-of-context screenshots of Jackson’s past statements and no links to the underlying material he was criticizing.

"of being too enthusiastic in their defense."

Is there not a motto that demands the legal profession provide an enthusiastic manner?
This thread should be posted under the "liberals can dish it out but they sure cant take it" forum
you never did reply to my question about who your supporting in the Putins war on Ukraine....
falsely saying she was soft on sex offenders to begin with....and for providing protection for people in detention at Guantanamo.....

Senate confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson are set to begin Monday, and Republicans are already signaling their plan to attack her for providing legal representation to people imprisoned at Guantánamo Bay. In doing so, lawmakers are revealing a belief that certain people don’t deserve a quality legal defense — undermining a key pillar of the U.S. judicial system.
The GOP concedes that in her role as a Washington, D.C., public defender, Jackson did not choose her clients, but nonetheless accuses her of being too enthusiastic in their defense. “Jackson’s advocacy for these terrorists was ’zealous,’ going beyond just giving them a competent defense,” the Republican National Committee says on its website in a takedown of Jackson.

n a thinly sourced Twitter thread on Thursday, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) made a series of inflammatory attacks against Ketanji Brown Jackson, who is President Joe Biden’s nominee for the Supreme Court and currently a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.
The tweets dealt with some of Jackson’s past statements on sex offender registries and civil commitment, as well as her views on mandatory minimums. He claimed, without evidence, that Jackson “has a pattern of letting child porn offenders off the hook for their appalling crimes, both as a judge and as a policymaker.”

It was a preview of a tactic Republicans will likely deploy next week when Jackson testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee, of which Hawley is a member. But despite his claim that she is soft on sex offenses, nothing is particularly unusual about her judgments in such cases.
“I’m concerned that this is a record that endangers our children,” Hawley tweeted Thursday, in a thread that contained out-of-context screenshots of Jackson’s past statements and no links to the underlying material he was criticizing.

Yea, they should not question her about what she has ruled on in the past or her experience. Instead, they should find out what she did in high school.
"of being too enthusiastic in their defense."

Is there not a motto that demands the legal profession provide an enthusiastic manner?

Being less than enthusiastic can get a lawyer disbarred, IIRC.
Maybe they can find someone who can’t remember the place, can’t remember the date, doesn’t know who else was there, and had to put 3 doors in their bedroom to claim something inappropriate happened to them.
Only the Democrats have a budget for that kind of thing.
A few really stupid Republicans are making a BIG mistake.

They know that the lady will be confirmed.

Nobody and no one can stop it.

So those Republican Senators who don't like her should either vote "NO" or abstain from voting or absent themselves that day.

They should wake up & smell the coffee. This is 2022.

This appointment is being hailed as one of the greatest developments in the history of this nation, just as the new law outlawing discrimination against certain hair styles is.
falsely saying she was soft on sex offenders to begin with....and for providing protection for people in detention at Guantanamo.....

Senate confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson are set to begin Monday, and Republicans are already signaling their plan to attack her for providing legal representation to people imprisoned at Guantánamo Bay. In doing so, lawmakers are revealing a belief that certain people don’t deserve a quality legal defense — undermining a key pillar of the U.S. judicial system.
The GOP concedes that in her role as a Washington, D.C., public defender, Jackson did not choose her clients, but nonetheless accuses her of being too enthusiastic in their defense. “Jackson’s advocacy for these terrorists was ’zealous,’ going beyond just giving them a competent defense,” the Republican National Committee says on its website in a takedown of Jackson.

n a thinly sourced Twitter thread on Thursday, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) made a series of inflammatory attacks against Ketanji Brown Jackson, who is President Joe Biden’s nominee for the Supreme Court and currently a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.
The tweets dealt with some of Jackson’s past statements on sex offender registries and civil commitment, as well as her views on mandatory minimums. He claimed, without evidence, that Jackson “has a pattern of letting child porn offenders off the hook for their appalling crimes, both as a judge and as a policymaker.”

It was a preview of a tactic Republicans will likely deploy next week when Jackson testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee, of which Hawley is a member. But despite his claim that she is soft on sex offenses, nothing is particularly unusual about her judgments in such cases.
“I’m concerned that this is a record that endangers our children,” Hawley tweeted Thursday, in a thread that contained out-of-context screenshots of Jackson’s past statements and no links to the underlying material he was criticizing.

It's gonna look pretty sad for republicans when none of them vote for the first black woman supreme court justice.
you never did reply to my question about who your supporting in the Putins war on Ukraine....
I dont remember being asked but I dont necessarily answer every moronic question posed by dishonest leftists
Given the nature of what Supreme Court picks go through these days, rather the smear campaigns by political opposition, this should be surprising. And it should be noted that this goes way back and is damn near bipartisan in intention.

I find it dubious and rather hypocritical for Democrats / left leaning media to all of a sudden get upset about opposition "going after" the pick.
It's gonna look pretty sad for republicans when none of them vote for the first black woman supreme court justice.
That is an accurate statement.

I hope that some Republicans vote for the lady.

By refusing to vote "YES" (or at least abstain), those Republicans are only making it more difficult for the Republicans to take back the Congress in seven more months.

Those recalcitrant Republicans have to learn how to play the game in 2022. They need to smile and rave about how wonderful it is that this strange nation is getting its first female Justice of that ethnicity. Their supporters will forgive them. They know that politics is a game of pretense.
A few really stupid Republicans are making a BIG mistake.

They know that the lady will be confirmed.

Nobody and no one can stop it.

So those Republican Senators who don't like her should either vote "NO" or abstain from voting or absent themselves that day.

They should wake up & smell the coffee. This is 2022.

This appointment is being hailed as one of the greatest developments in the history of this nation, just as the new law outlawing discrimination against certain hair styles is.
After the Garland fiasco, no one cares what Republicans think or want regarding Supreme Court Justices. They showed that the only game they are interested in playing is "I win and you lose" and they will not let anyone stop them. Screw them.

You should wake up and smell the coffee. This is 2022. Everyone knows how the GOP plays ball in the Senate, and no one has any illusions about how dirty they are willing to get in order to further pack the Court. And we all know that you'll be right there abetting them.

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