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Gluten Sensitivity Busted (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 19, 2012
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Years ago a clinical scientist, Peter Gibson at Monash University in Australia, published a paper implying that there were lesser forms of gluten sensitivity that didn't produce full blown celiac disease but did result in a number of nonspecific gastrointestinal symptoms. Since then the concept has ballooned as a means of explaining all sorts of ill-defined ailments such that at this point 18% of Americans claim to be sensitive to gluten and avoiding gluten in foods has turned into a multi-billion dollar industry.

Meanwhile, that same scientist went back and repeated his study using more subjects and better controls. He ended up deciding that there is no such thing as non-celiac gluten sensitivity, not the way he originally described it.

My prediction is that this will have absolutely no effect on the anti-gluten industry or on the people who claim to have gluten sensitivity.

Scientists who found gluten sensitivity evidence have now shown it doesn't exist - ScienceAlert
Years ago a clinical scientist, Peter Gibson at Monash University in Australia, published a paper implying that there were lesser forms of gluten sensitivity that didn't produce full blown celiac disease but did result in a number of nonspecific gastrointestinal symptoms. Since then the concept has ballooned as a means of explaining all sorts of ill-defined ailments such that at this point 18% of Americans claim to be sensitive to gluten and avoiding gluten in foods has turned into a multi-billion dollar industry.

Meanwhile, that same scientist went back and repeated his study using more subjects and better controls. He ended up deciding that there is no such thing as non-celiac gluten sensitivity, not the way he originally described it.

My prediction is that this will have absolutely no effect on the anti-gluten industry or on the people who claim to have gluten sensitivity.

Scientists who found gluten sensitivity evidence have now shown it doesn't exist - ScienceAlert

Is there a problem with the anti-gluten industry?
Is there a problem with the anti-gluten industry?

Aside from the fact that it's all hokum and nonsense, no. My capitalist hat is off to people who can sell cardboard-like slabs of stuff to people and call it gluten free bread, and at triple the normal price.
Years ago a clinical scientist, Peter Gibson at Monash University in Australia, published a paper implying that there were lesser forms of gluten sensitivity that didn't produce full blown celiac disease but did result in a number of nonspecific gastrointestinal symptoms. Since then the concept has ballooned as a means of explaining all sorts of ill-defined ailments such that at this point 18% of Americans claim to be sensitive to gluten and avoiding gluten in foods has turned into a multi-billion dollar industry.

Meanwhile, that same scientist went back and repeated his study using more subjects and better controls. He ended up deciding that there is no such thing as non-celiac gluten sensitivity, not the way he originally described it.

My prediction is that this will have absolutely no effect on the anti-gluten industry or on the people who claim to have gluten sensitivity.

Scientists who found gluten sensitivity evidence have now shown it doesn't exist - ScienceAlert

You are saying its complete rubbish meanwhile the scientist you quoted isn't saying that apparently... as per the bolded. Kind of vague.

And per your article:

Although experts estimate that only 1 percent of Americans - about 3 million people - actually suffer from celiac disease​

Now I've always contended that people were jumping on the band-wagon of claiming to have celiacs but that doesn't make celiacs not true.
Years ago a clinical scientist, Peter Gibson at Monash University in Australia, published a paper implying that there were lesser forms of gluten sensitivity that didn't produce full blown celiac disease but did result in a number of nonspecific gastrointestinal symptoms. Since then the concept has ballooned as a means of explaining all sorts of ill-defined ailments such that at this point 18% of Americans claim to be sensitive to gluten and avoiding gluten in foods has turned into a multi-billion dollar industry.

Meanwhile, that same scientist went back and repeated his study using more subjects and better controls. He ended up deciding that there is no such thing as non-celiac gluten sensitivity, not the way he originally described it.

My prediction is that this will have absolutely no effect on the anti-gluten industry or on the people who claim to have gluten sensitivity.

Scientists who found gluten sensitivity evidence have now shown it doesn't exist - ScienceAlert
Presuming that the updated information proves true, I predict your prediction to be correct.
You don't have to buy it, why do you care?

I care about junk being pushed as healthy. It's like the idiots that shop in the "Organic" section. Over priced for no reason other than to seperate fools from their money.
I care about junk being pushed as healthy. It's like the idiots that shop in the "Organic" section. Over priced for no reason other than to seperate fools from their money.
I don't purposely buy organic food cause it is a scam as well. Same with gluten. Gluten-free isn't healthier or a better choice unless you have celiac disease. Marketing and ignorance make a lot of money.

College humor has already mocked this, where people who are celiac vs people just being trendy dumb skeptic etc.
You are saying its complete rubbish meanwhile the scientist you quoted isn't saying that apparently... as per the bolded. Kind of vague.

And per your article:

Although experts estimate that only 1 percent of Americans - about 3 million people - actually suffer from celiac disease​

Now I've always contended that people were jumping on the band-wagon of claiming to have celiacs but that doesn't make celiacs not true.

Nothing like a gluten smoothie to start the day.
You are saying its complete rubbish meanwhile the scientist you quoted isn't saying that apparently... as per the bolded. Kind of vague.

And per your article:

Although experts estimate that only 1 percent of Americans - about 3 million people - actually suffer from celiac disease​

Now I've always contended that people were jumping on the band-wagon of claiming to have celiacs but that doesn't make celiacs not true.

Yes, every time someone points out that non-celiac gluten sensitivity is hokum someone says "But celiac disease is real, right?" Yes, it is, but it's nothing like what these 18% of the population claim to have.
You don't have to buy it, why do you care?

I don't have a problem with other people buying it. I just don't want anyone I care about falling for this nonsense.
Nothing like a gluten smoothie to start the day.

I think I'd eat a bullet if the doc said, "No bread or dairy for you anymore!"
Aside from the fact that it's all hokum and nonsense, no. My capitalist hat is off to people who can sell cardboard-like slabs of stuff to people and call it gluten free bread, and at triple the normal price.

Yeah, Ive always been skeptical of these faddish health diets from veganism, detoxification, juicing, organic foodstuffs, etc. They are pretty much all scams when it comes to purporting health benefits imo.
Yeah, Ive always been skeptical of these faddish health diets from veganism, detoxification, juicing, organic foodstuffs, etc. They are pretty much all scams when it comes to purporting health benefits imo.
I always thought juicing seemed reasonable as part of your diet, just not as your diet. It's just drinking your fruits and veggies instead of chewing them.
Is there a problem with the anti-gluten industry?

Yes, it's based on convincing people that they have a condition that VERY few people have. For thousands of years we've consumed gluten with only the rare person (Celiacs Disease) having an issue with it. Now we can't swing a dead cat without hitting another gluten intolerant person of someone who believes that gluten causes inflammation, auto-immune disorders, etc.
I think I'd eat a bullet if the doc said, "No bread or dairy for you anymore!"

I will not give my grilled cheese sandwiches for anyone!!!

You can have my cheese when you pry it from my cold dead hands (and even then you'll have to get at least one bite out of my mouth).
I always thought juicing seemed reasonable as part of your diet, just not as your diet. It's just drinking your fruits and veggies instead of chewing them.

Except juicing does cut down on the amount of non-soluble fibre you get from the fruit and veggies. It's still ggod for you and if it gets you to consume more fruits and veggies, that's great, but the best way to eat your fruits and veggies is to eat them (after covering the veggies in a nice thick smoked cheddar cheese sauce and baking the fruit into a pie).
I will not give my grilled cheese sandwiches for anyone!!!

You can have my cheese when you pry it from my cold dead hands (and even then you'll have to get at least one bite out of my mouth).

And clean up a melted ice cream sandwich from my other dead hand.
Except juicing does cut down on the amount of non-soluble fibre you get from the fruit and veggies. It's still ggod for you and if it gets you to consume more fruits and veggies, that's great, but the best way to eat your fruits and veggies is to eat them (after covering the veggies in a nice thick smoked cheddar cheese sauce and baking the fruit into a pie).

A guy I share an office with tried the all juicing diet. Lasted about 2 weeks. I'm surprised he lasted that long.
Except juicing does cut down on the amount of non-soluble fibre you get from the fruit and veggies. It's still ggod for you and if it gets you to consume more fruits and veggies, that's great, but the best way to eat your fruits and veggies is to eat them (after covering the veggies in a nice thick smoked cheddar cheese sauce and baking the fruit into a pie).
That's how I came to like broccoli. No lie. :2razz:
A guy I share an office with tried the all juicing diet. Lasted about 2 weeks. I'm surprised he lasted that long.

I tried a "Daniel fast" (fruit and veggies) for six weeks, lost about 20 lbs. and the day it ended I went to the local truck stop and had steak and eggs with pancakes. I did start drinking a lot more fruit juices as a result, since I found a brand that I really liked.

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