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Globalists spiral (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2015
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Southern Oregon
Political Leaning
Merkel has said the EU needs to stop other countries following Britain out of the door amid market fears that the bloc is 'no longer governable' after Brexit.

The German Chancellor told her conservative party board in a conference call that it was necessary to prevent other European Union members going down the same path as Britain.

Merkel is also said to have revealed that international financial markets are concerned the EU is 'no longer governable' in the wake of Britain's exit vote.

EU must stop others following Britain out of the door, Angela Merkel warns | Daily Mail Online
friday stock market had UK losing 3.15%... france 6.2%.. germany 6.8%

today monday has it Uk losing 2.5%.... france 3.4% and germany 3.5%

what we see is the money is betting on that the immigration issue harms and UK stopping the immigration issue is harmed less and germany bringing the immigration issue the most harmed the most
Merkel is not satisfied with her role in damaging European cultures in the present.

She hopes to be able to drive the final nail in the coffin in the future.
Merkel has said the EU needs to stop other countries following Britain out of the door amid market fears that the bloc is 'no longer governable' after Brexit.

The German Chancellor told her conservative party board in a conference call that it was necessary to prevent other European Union members going down the same path as Britain.

Merkel is also said to have revealed that international financial markets are concerned the EU is 'no longer governable' in the wake of Britain's exit vote.

EU must stop others following Britain out of the door, Angela Merkel warns | Daily Mail Online

Silly Globalists

...We are now closer to having an economic community in the best sense of the term -- we work with each other for the benefit of all. I think we've all become aware of the fact that our cultures and economics are intertwined. It's a complex mosaic that cannot be approached with a simple formula for the correct pattern to emerge. In many ways, we are in unchartered waters...

My concern is that the negligence of a few will adversely affect the majority. I've long been a believer in the "look at the solution, not the problem" theory. In this case, the solution is clear. We will have to leave borders behind and go for global unity when it comes to financial stability...
friday stock market had UK losing 3.15%... france 6.2%.. germany 6.8%

today monday has it Uk losing 2.5%.... france 3.4% and germany 3.5%

what we see is the money is betting on that the immigration issue harms and UK stopping the immigration issue is harmed less and germany bringing the immigration issue the most harmed the most
The markets always look ahead, and are primarily driven by fear.

What your numbers reflect is the now known and assumed BREXIT, vs the fears of other countries possibly leaving perhaps even culminating in the dissolution of the Union itself.
Silly Globalists

...We are now closer to having an economic community in the best sense of the term -- we work with each other for the benefit of all. I think we've all become aware of the fact that our cultures and economics are intertwined. It's a complex mosaic that cannot be approached with a simple formula for the correct pattern to emerge. In many ways, we are in unchartered waters...

My concern is that the negligence of a few will adversely affect the majority. I've long been a believer in the "look at the solution, not the problem" theory. In this case, the solution is clear. We will have to leave borders behind and go for global unity when it comes to financial stability...

Remember to pick up the bodies of those who disagree. Globalism will turn into fascism and it is not necessary. Cooperation for cooperations sake is. Let the people identify with their own cultures in their own countries. Groups that refuse to assimilate should stay in their own countries.
All the E.U. has to offer is a stick and no carrot.
ireland... sweden.. denmark...finland all going down hard with the stock market much worse than UK who has left it

ICELAND who said NO to the UNION is the only one gaiining in the stock marker

we see MERKEL has made a monstrous ERROR and her not resigning will only harm euro

ireland all of the nordic nations must secede also to survive
All the E.U. has to offer is a stick and no carrot.

Watching the three PMs, I would say she wants the UK in and is pressuring the others to support her. The Italian felt very unhappy and the Frenchman looked uncomfortable.
All the E.U. has to offer is a stick and no carrot.

The smart people in the EU already figured that out and seem to be trying to smooth the way and make it feel natural to stay. You see, the stick won't help.
All the E.U. has to offer is a stick and no carrot.

The smart people in the EU already figured that out and seem to be trying to smooth the way and make it feel natural to stay. You see, the stick won't help.
Ah, but when competing with global economic powers like China, the U.S., and the EU, the exiters may find Adam Smith's 'invisible hand' providing all the stick they'll need!
Watching the three PMs, I would say she wants the UK in and is pressuring the others to support her. The Italian felt very unhappy and the Frenchman looked uncomfortable.
So what else is new? :lamo
So what else is new? :lamo

It is true that one looks as though he stepped in a dog turd, while the other seems to have let go in his pants. I had noticed but not recognised it.
friday stock market had UK losing 3.15%... france 6.2%.. germany 6.8%

today monday has it Uk losing 2.5%.... france 3.4% and germany 3.5%

what we see is the money is betting on that the immigration issue harms and UK stopping the immigration issue is harmed less and germany bringing the immigration issue the most harmed the most


Merkel is not satisfied with her role in damaging European cultures in the present.

She hopes to be able to drive the final nail in the coffin in the future.

Seems so.....

Silly Globalists

...We are now closer to having an economic community in the best sense of the term -- we work with each other for the benefit of all. I think we've all become aware of the fact that our cultures and economics are intertwined. It's a complex mosaic that cannot be approached with a simple formula for the correct pattern to emerge. In many ways, we are in unchartered waters...

My concern is that the negligence of a few will adversely affect the majority. I've long been a believer in the "look at the solution, not the problem" theory. In this case, the solution is clear. We will have to leave borders behind and go for global unity when it comes to financial stability...

Yes indeed.

The markets always look ahead, and are primarily driven by fear.

What your numbers reflect is the now known and assumed BREXIT, vs the fears of other countries possibly leaving perhaps even culminating in the dissolution of the Union itself.

That would be a good thing for sovereignty.

Remember to pick up the bodies of those who disagree. Globalism will turn into fascism and it is not necessary. Cooperation for cooperations sake is. Let the people identify with their own cultures in their own countries. Groups that refuse to assimilate should stay in their own countries.

Fully Agree!

All the E.U. has to offer is a stick and no carrot.


ireland... sweden.. denmark...finland all going down hard with the stock market much worse than UK who has left it

ICELAND who said NO to the UNION is the only one gaining in the stock market

we see MERKEL has made a monstrous ERROR and her not resigning will only harm euro

ireland all of the nordic nations must secede also to survive

You got it!

Watching the three PMs, I would say she wants the UK in and is pressuring the others to support her. The Italian felt very unhappy and the Frenchman looked uncomfortable.

Yes.....and they are.
The EU, like the UN, in today's world....is a turd.
Silly Globalists

...We are now closer to having an economic community in the best sense of the term -- we work with each other for the benefit of all. I think we've all become aware of the fact that our cultures and economics are intertwined. It's a complex mosaic that cannot be approached with a simple formula for the correct pattern to emerge. In many ways, we are in unchartered waters...

My concern is that the negligence of a few will adversely affect the majority. I've long been a believer in the "look at the solution, not the problem" theory. In this case, the solution is clear. We will have to leave borders behind and go for global unity when it comes to financial stability...

Yes indeed.

:lol: you didn't click the link, did you? :)
So what else is new? :lamo

But at least the German was prompt and on time.

Good thing the Russians weren't invited, though. You wouldn't want people showing up drunk.
:lol: you didn't click the link, did you? :)

No I didn't until now.

But, as always, Trump is correct. This is a great time to invest in GB! By low and sell high...;)
No I didn't until now.

But, as always, Trump is correct. This is a great time to invest in GB! By low and sell high...;)
:lamo that was written on 2013! :2funny:

:) And, of course, the relevant part was that Trump was calling for getting rid of national borders on order to produce financial stability.

And, of course, now the relevant part is that you agreed it was wrong, until you found out that Trump said it, at which point you changed your mind so that you could agree with Trump. :D
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I haven't seen it mentioned in previous threads on this topic, but I believe and certainly hope that the UK Brexit vote will put a damper on those who were in pursuit of a UN world governance model that was and is to be funded out of climate change booty from the Paris accord and other bleedings of first world wealth they envision.
Looks like UK stock is winning again against germany stock... half of the third day UK and france stock jockeying who will win today barely and germany lagging behind after 2 days of UK blowing both france and germany out of the water and all nations in the euro each of the first 2 days

the older folks past 25 voted in a landslide to exit... more wise is what comes with experience.. so this simply is a wisdom issue the more conservative the more wise and successful
UK stock market has beat france and germany AGAIN all 3 days .. germany last all 3 days....HORRENDOUS BLUNDER by merkel!! and liberals

and big blunder by liberals showing how easy it is to secede and showing how the big issue is that the more wise voters are conservative. which will change things everywhere when a wisdom test for voters becomes law everywhere...

75% of 18-24 yr olds voted to stay in the euro which would mean the older and more wise voted in a landslide to leave more liberal euro union.. this will wake up the world and america .. liberalism will be finished...America has 30 conservative states ready to secede with canada' conservative province alberta joining THE CONSERVATIVE STATES OF AMERCA.. china is very conservative as well as russia and now europe and america will be also.... all these will have a wisdom test for its voters.. China probably has that in private.. they see the people that seem wise and they bring them in and give them wisdom tests and they then vote for their leaders and make the laws and that is why their GDP scores have soared.. whereas liberal europe stuck with making stupid mistakes of having liberalism
ireland... sweden.. denmark...finland all going down hard with the stock market much worse than UK who has left it

ICELAND who said NO to the UNION is the only one gaiining in the stock marker

we see MERKEL has made a monstrous ERROR and her not resigning will only harm euro

ireland all of the nordic nations must secede also to survive

It wouldn't surprise me to see the EU continue to shift East and end up as Warsaw Pact II, only with all of Germany as it's "leader" (in reality it will most likely end being the same leader as the original Warsaw pact).
that was written on 2013!

:) And, of course, the relevant part was that Trump was calling for getting rid of national borders on order to produce financial stability.

And, of course, now the relevant part is that you agreed it was wrong, until you found out that Trump said it, at which point you changed your mind so that you could agree with Trump. :D
THE 4 day pattern with the stock markets of UK.. FRANCE ,,and GERMANY..... EACH and every day UK was the winner of these 3...
each and every day Germany was the loser of these 3.

THE REASON is the wise can see that the immigration issue harms.. and UK shows they are saying most to NO they are helped the most and since germany is saying YES they are harmed the worst

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