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Glenn Beck 8/28 rally: It's a matter of honor (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 26, 2007
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San Antonio Texas
Political Leaning
New York
In front of the Lincoln Memorial in June, a group of students caught up in a moment of spontaneous patriotism broke into song. But the US Park Police were quick to shush the members of the Young America’s Foundation, saying singing is not allowed at the memorial. The song that was stifled? “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

So much for freedom of speech.

At the Martin Luther King, Jr., Center for Nonviolent Social Change in Atlanta this July, an official at the memorial to one of the greatest civil rights leaders in the world – my Uncle Martin – removed a bullhorn from the hands of Father Frank Pavone, an internationally recognized leader of the pro-life movement. We were a group more than 100 strong, in Atlanta to declare that abortion is the greatest violation of civil rights in our day. We brought a wreath to lay at Uncle Martin’s grave while we prayed, but due to a King Center official’s barricade at the gravesite, we weren’t allowed. The National Park Service said that would constitute a demonstration.

So much for freedom of assembly.
When I join Beck and all gathered at the Lincoln Memorial this weekend, I will talk about my Uncle Martin and the America he envisioned. I will talk about honor and character and sacrifice. I will be joined by those who represent the diversity of the human race.
Glenn Beck 8/28 rally: It's a matter of honor - CSMonitor.com

What a good read.

GRR Clicked the wrong tab, please move Mods. :(
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the rejection of that woman has been very telling.
Maybe it is just a boring thread

Yeah, Rev. King's Niece laying out why Beck's Rally is so important, in her own words... so dull.

Wait, let's start a Palin said something thread...

That'll get all the liberals flocking and 400 replies.
well, she's probably a racist.
Yeah, Rev. King's Niece laying out why Beck's Rally is so important, in her own words... so dull.

Wait, let's start a Palin said something thread...

That'll get all the liberals flocking and 400 replies.

MLK figured out a way to get action on his own. Some niece living off his name...pfffft... gimme a break here.
The way the lefties have avoided this thread is more telling.

Maybe people are tired of doing all the research you should be doing to get over this constant state of ignorance, people don't listen to the mouthpiece of a mouthpiece.
Holy Cow, read the words in the follow passage, then click on the article.

The rally will also give America another chance to honor and thank the men and women in our armed forces for the dangers they face every day in our stead. Unless you have a loved one in Iraq or Afghanistan, it’s too easy to forget that tens of thousands of Americans are far from the comforts of home, are directly in harm’s way, facing an enemy whohates us precisely because we are free. And coming just days before the ninth anniversary of 9/11, the day that roused us from our complacency, we could use another wakeup call, one of our own devising.

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