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Ginsburg's last wish was to 'not be replaced until a new president is installed': report (1 Viewer)

These two statements are not mutually exclusive.

The bottom line is, if people in a state are unhappy about how their elected representatives are establishing districts, it's up to them to fight it.
I don't like it when any political party engages in subterfuge and underhanded tactics to do nothing more than perform a power play. Now tell me, what happened four years ago when Obama wanted to appoint a new justice to replace Scalia? What did the GOP do?

Really? I assumed you knew already.
Im not a fan of either side packing the court but if the rules allow them to do it, then they are within their rights to do it. Just like republicans will do ot back when they get the power back.
Dont forget dems could of blocked all 3 of trumps nominees had it not bern for reid eliminating the filibuster on judical nominees. Whats happening now is predictable.

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I have not seen a good argument for it, it puts politicians above citizens.

Considering it's the politicians who are elected by the citizens establishing the districts, I'd say your statement is weak.


Fat chance, Mitch McConnell will show his hypocrisy and Lindsey Graham will show himself to be a liar,
Yeah, well, let's not forget Obama fired off a nomination shortly after Scalia passed; and every Dem yelled and screamed for McConnell to hold hearings. Same issue here. Maybe more important because the new SCOTUS term starts in two weeks.
Playing obtuse is cute and all, but you can save it for someone who feels like doing the same.

I didn't like it when McConnell refused to hold hearings on Garland. I've always felt that the President gets to make those selections and if one party ends up on the short end of the stick, oh well. I don't have a problem with a successor to Ginsburg for the same reason.
Fill the seat. Dems would do it.

X Factor, poster who spends most of his time calling people hypocrites, defends hypocrisy by pointing to deeds Democrats have not done. Color me shocked.

The Trumpists even aren't bothering to lie about something Democrats supposedly did in the past. Now they're basing their "Look at what you made me do!" routine on thinks Democrats haven't done.

Clue: The scum you love cheated Obama out of a seat, making up a bunch of bull**** about non-existent rules that made it OK, rules from which they now excuse themselves. Don't cry me a river if the Dems expand the court by four justices and make sure every last pick is someone you have previously called a "liberal activist judge."

Maybe we should just give you Trumpists what you want and finish tearing this experiment to shreds.
I didn't like it when McConnell refused to hold hearings on Garland. I've always felt that the President gets to make those selections and if one party ends up on the short end of the stick, oh well. I don't have a problem with a successor to Ginsburg for the same reason.

Well at least you're consistent.


Fat chance, Mitch McConnell will show his hypocrisy and Lindsey Graham will show himself to be a liar,
Oh 100% he'll reverse course on this. Trump is already saying they'll have someone this week.

They are reading the tea leaves here and know they must get a pick through now. Can't let Biden have the call.
You know - Biden can place two, while negotiating legislation mandating a null window for appointing judges 'x' days before an election. If they (Repubs) don't go along, keep appointing until they do.

(actually this would simply be one negotiation)
Not sure that "null window" would stand Constitutional scrutiny; the Constitution says "The President SHALL . . ." Also as I've pointed out in the past the "conservative" Justices frequently cross the line to vote with their "liberal" colleagues (far more often than the libs join the righties. Also 5-4 decisions tend NOT to be straight "party line" more than half the time.
Considering it's the politicians who are elected by the citizens establishing the districts, I'd say your statement is weak.

So how is politicians choosing their voters good for freedom or Democracy?

Does this promote freedom?

*tea* leaves. Its a good political move to appoint someone and its the constitutional thing to do. Even if he knew he didn't have the votes, the correct thing and the political thing to do is make an appointment.

Oh 100% he'll reverse course on this. Trump is already saying they'll have someone this week.

They are reading the trees leaves here and know they must get a pick through now. Can't let Biden have the call.
Im not a fan of either side packing the court but if the rules allow them to do it, then they are within their rights to do it. Just like republicans will do ot back when they get the power back.
Dont forget dems could of blocked all 3 of trumps nominees had it not bern for reid eliminating the filibuster on judical nominees. Whats happening now is predictable.

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More facts should stir much less, "well, both sides....." and much more aggressive representation in congress of the majority.
The SCOTUS used to protect the minority, and recently it is the congress doing that, the monied, white portion of it, anyway, in lockstep with the increasingly corporatist SCOTUS majority.

Reid only eliminated the 60 vote rule on judicial nominees below the SCOTUS level because republicans were blocking all votes on Obama's judicial nominees. Reid left the SCOTUS rules intact. There is no "both sides" in this argument. Reid actually waited much too long. McConnell used what Reid had done out of necessity, purely to give himself cover to relax the SCOTUS minimum vote requirement, continuing what he had been doing, preventing all Dem appointments to all courts. Reid left SCOTUS minimum vote intact out of consideration of history and cooperation.
Justice Ginsburg attracted a 95 to 3 senate vote in 1993. Trump's two appointees attracted the smallest confirmation votes in memory.

Trump has appointed 52 white males and one hispanic to appeals courts, the worst record since Nixon's. Obama appointed 27 percent blacks and
35 percent non-white in total, the approx. makeup of the US population demographic. 15 percent of Bush 43's appeals court nominations were black.

When your opposition departs from compromising to proceeding as if you did not even exist, you are left with no alternative than to appeal to voters to vote your party greater representation, as happened in the huge House gains in 2018.

Trump's Exaggerated Judicial Boasts - FactCheck.org
www.factcheck.org › 2019/11 › trumps-exaggerated-ju...

Claim: "The average age of my newly appointed circuit court judges is less than 50. They’re young, smart. That’s 10 years younger than President Obama’s nominees."

According to data compiled by FJC, only five presidents (Donald Trump, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter and Lyndon B. Johnson) have had a judicial appointee confirmed with a majority ABA rating of “Not Qualified,” and none had as many as Trump’s five. Both Bush and LBJ appointed four judges the ABA rated “Not Qualified,” while Carter and Clinton both got three judges confirmed with the same rating.

As for the quantity of appointed judges, Trump again derisively thanked Obama for the large number of judicial vacancies he inherited when he came into office. But Trump’s gratitude is misplaced.

Trump, Nov 6: You know, it is true, when I first came to office — because of what I said before, that I’ve always heard how important it is the choice of judges and the number of judges. And in my first day, I said to one of our assistants, “How many judges do I have to pick? How many are there?” And I figured I’d hear none or one, maybe two. They said, “Sir, you have 142.” I said, “No, no, no, tell me truth. I want the truth.” (Laughter.) That was it. And I say: Thank you, President Obama, very much.
When Trump took office, there were 112 federal judicial vacancies. That’s a high number of vacancies, but as we have written before, that was not the result of complacency by Obama, but rather opposition to Obama’s judicial nominations from Senate Republicans who held a majority during the last two years of Obama’s presidency. Experts told us Senate Republicans confirmed far fewer judicial nominees in Obama’s last two years than had been confirmed in the last two years of previous presidents. As a result, in early January 2017, just before Trump took office, there were 59 federal court nominees pending. That’s why Trump inherited so many vacancies.
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*tea* leaves. Its a good political move to appoint someone and its the constitutional thing to do. Even if he knew he didn't have the votes, the correct thing and the political thing to do is make an appointment.
So long as it's his party, yes? Cause he made the exact opposite argument with Obama.


Fat chance, Mitch McConnell will show his hypocrisy and Lindsey Graham will show himself to be a liar,

"When there is a vacancy on the SCOTUS, the President is to nominate someone, the Senate is to consider that nomination... There's no unwritten law that says that it can only be done on off-years. That's not in the Constitution text." ~ Barack Obama
The only thing the GOP has one is the game of gerrymandering, for now at least.
Gerrymandering hasn't a damn thing to do with this.
Who asked her to?

The Democrat leaders.

She didn't think Trump would win. She felt she was too important and needed on the court. A bit of Hubris with Ginsburg. Like a 60-year old judge couldn't replace her? What landmark case did she write on since 2008?
Not sure that "null window" would stand Constitutional scrutiny; the Constitution says "The President SHALL . . ." Also as I've pointed out in the past the "conservative" Justices frequently cross the line to vote with their "liberal" colleagues (far more often than the libs join the righties. Also 5-4 decisions tend NOT to be straight "party line" more than half the time.
Well, the whole idea of an Amendment is to supercede prior constitutional text, so the only thing it must must pass is the proper legislative hurtles.

I do agree with your second supposition, though.
Trump? I don't think he made a statement about replacing Scalia. And even so, with Biden now flip flopping on his stance from 4 years ago its pretty much a wash. Thats why I say just follow what the constitution says to do - President appoints, Senate advizes and consents. 4 years ago the Senate did not consent - even without a vote which would have yielded the same outcome. This time they will.

Elections have consequences.

So long as it's his party, yes? Cause he made the exact opposite argument with Obama.
Well, the whole idea of an Amendment is to supercede prior constitutional text, so the only thing it must must pass is the proper legislative hurtles.

I do agree with your second supposition, though.
A constitutional amendment? So maybe our grandchildren's grandchildren would see it enacted. :cool:
Reid opened the door and McConnel followed his lead. If the democrats pack the courts like they are threatening, are you gonna complain that they are doing something more than what the republicans did, or are you gonna cheer about it
If the dems try to pack the senate by giving PR and DC statehood and the republicans decide to split a state like Texas into 3 states to counter it, are you gonna complain about that?

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