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Georgia lynching marker vandalized again (1 Viewer)

TU Curmudgeon

B.A. (Sarc), LLb. (Lex Sarcasus), PhD (Sarc.)
DP Veteran
Mar 7, 2018
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Lower Mainland of BC
Political Leaning
From ABC News

Georgia lynching marker vandalized again

A marker identifying the location of one of the most gruesome lynchings in Georgia history has once again been vandalized.

The Mary Turner and the Lynching Rampage historical marker was riddled with bullet holes for the second time in five years, The Valdosta Daily Times reported . In an email to the newspaper Thursday, Mary Turner Project coordinator Mark Patrick George said the marker was shot 13 times in the last two to three months. It was shot five times in July 2013.

The marker is dedicated to 13 lynching victims killed in Lowndes and Brooks counties.


The marker is racist since there isn't a single monument erected to commemorate the murders of all of the White people who were lynched by Blacks.


Besides those people who shot up the monument were only exercising their 1st and 2nd Amendment rights and only left-wing, liberal, loony, socialist, pinko, commies are complaining because all Real Patriotic True Patriotic Conservative Patriotic White Patriotic Fundamentalist Patriotic Evangelical Patriotic Christian Patriotic American Patriotic Patriots totally support the 1st and 2nd Amendments unreservedly (except for left-wing, liberal, loony, socialist, pinko, commies of course).

Nope. Neither the 1st Amendment nor the 2nd Amendment protects against vandalism.

And this segment of the base, these "very fine people" as Trump refers to some of them, feel emboldened by a POTUS that publicly supports them:

Nope. Neither the 1st Amendment nor the 2nd Amendment protects against vandalism.

Oh come on now!!

Surely you can see that they were only expressing their opinion (freedom of speech) while using guns (right to keep and bear arms). Those so-called "laws" that purport to restrict how and where people can use the guns that they have the God Given Right to possess are clearly unconstitutional.

From ABC News

Georgia lynching marker vandalized again

A marker identifying the location of one of the most gruesome lynchings in Georgia history has once again been vandalized.

The Mary Turner and the Lynching Rampage historical marker was riddled with bullet holes for the second time in five years, The Valdosta Daily Times reported . In an email to the newspaper Thursday, Mary Turner Project coordinator Mark Patrick George said the marker was shot 13 times in the last two to three months. It was shot five times in July 2013.

The marker is dedicated to 13 lynching victims killed in Lowndes and Brooks counties.


The marker is racist since there isn't a single monument erected to commemorate the murders of all of the White people who were lynched by Blacks.


Besides those people who shot up the monument were only exercising their 1st and 2nd Amendment rights and only left-wing, liberal, loony, socialist, pinko, commies are complaining because all Real Patriotic True Patriotic Conservative Patriotic White Patriotic Fundamentalist Patriotic Evangelical Patriotic Christian Patriotic American Patriotic Patriots totally support the 1st and 2nd Amendments unreservedly (except for left-wing, liberal, loony, socialist, pinko, commies of course).


Some history from my home town I did not know about.
Some history from my home town I did not know about.

"I know that some people might frown on lynching an eight month pregnant women because she objected to us lynching her husband, but we don't talk about that in polite company."?
"I know that some people might frown on lynching an eight month pregnant women because she objected to us lynching her husband, but we don't talk about that in polite company."?
Who are "us"?

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:yawn: You need to get some new material dude.

Really, where you're from when the POTUS publicly supports the KKK and Neo Nazis, it becomes "old news" does it? Not worthy of thinking about any more?

Strangely enough, things are different where I'm from. Politicians publicly supporting Neo Nazis and the KKK like Trump is not something people brush aside.

It really highlights the cultural differences between Canada and USA imo.
Really, where you're from when the POTUS publicly supports the KKK and Neo Nazis, it becomes "old news" does it? Not worthy of thinking about any more?

Strangely enough, things are different where I'm from. Politicians publicly supporting Neo Nazis and the KKK like Trump is not something people brush aside.

It really highlights the cultural differences between Canada and USA imo.

As you've been told before, the picture that you like to use was from the night before what happened in Charlottesville and Trump was not talking about that night. He was talking about the people that were there during the day that Heather Heyer was killed. Which had lots of people beyond the KKK and white supremacists. That you always try to tie what Trump said to him supporting racists from the night before says more about you than it does about him. Like for example that you can't be honest in your arguments.
Who are "us"?

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Please pay attention to punctuation. The sentence ended with a question mark (you know, a ?).

FYI, the "us" in that particular instance would be the people who don't actually frown on lynching an eight month pregnant women because she objected to the lynching of her husband (but don't really like talking about it where civilized people might overhear them.

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