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Freiheits Kämpfer (1 Viewer)

Freiheits Kämpfer

New member
Sep 4, 2005
Reaction score
Burning with the Gods in Walhalla
Political Leaning
Hello, people! I'm Freiheits Kämpfer-your disgruntled National Socialist from Germany.

I found this site on Google and thought it might be interesting.

A few things about meself: I enjoy politics and music. Plain and simple.

I look forward to meeting all of you!

Welcome to Debate Politics!

Why are you "disgruntled?"
Freiheits Kämpfer said:
Hello, people! I'm Freiheits Kämpfer-your disgruntled National Socialist from Germany.

I found this site on Google and thought it might be interesting.

A few things about meself: I enjoy politics and music. Plain and simple.

I look forward to meeting all of you!


I enjoy beating nazis in debate, see ya soon.
The reason for the question is that your location is Walhalla.
How can one be disgruntled there? :cool:
Freiheits Kämpfer said:
Don't get your hopes up

Because I'm burning.


Actually, Hitler only used the idea of the Norse Gods to further his own ambitions. He did the same with Christianity. In 1935, Hitler said in a speech that the state would support Christianity.
He said so so that the christian community would back him. It would later help escapees going through the Odesa trail. google it. anyway. welcome. I am not one who likes Nazi's, but, It's your right to be one. I have a friend who's friends with a Nazi. He doesn't hate Jews, but hates blacks. Does this sort of thing apply to you? I mean, is there a group of people you hate? other than your own afformentioned "Americans and the East". I asume you hate them as you cited them as people whom Germany has whored itself out to. Or, do you just believe in the whole Aryan thing? the ideal of it? If that's the case, then, well, um, best of luck to you! I think. . .

P.S. Do you mean [location] Vallhala, or is there something I haven't heard in Norse mythology?
Hello and welcome, FK.:2wave:

Well, isn't this great? Another nazi to add to the collection. I have to warn you though everyone except Auftrag and Aryan Imperium will pretty much hate you, those two will love you. You'll probably not be welcomed in this forum.

It appears there are what is it? 3 nazis in the last month, and I shouldn't forget that robwatchamacallit.
sorry. just remembered that in German, W is pronounced V. sorry.
danarhea said:
Actually, Hitler only used the idea of the Norse Gods to further his own ambitions. He did the same with Christianity. In 1935, Hitler said in a speech that the state would support Christianity.

You need to read a little history. Hitler never claimed to be a Wotanist.
Wotanism was encouraged by Hitler within the SS.
Glad to have you. I hope you enjoy it.
Freiheits Kämpfer said:
Germany has become a whore to the East and the Americans.


A nice cheap one, too.
Comrade Brian said:
You'll probably not be welcomed in this forum.
I disagree. Everyone is welcome here until they post or do something against the rules which equates to permanent revocation of posting privledges.

Nazi is not popular, but that does not mean their opinion does not count or warrant review.

*Just my thoughts*
jemanden willkommen heißen (<3 German Dictionary)

Welcome Matey! Glad to see another person who's got a different out-look on life then most people.

Comrade Brian is mistaken, he's glad you came here.. don't let people who have intolerance to Nazism get in your way. Just push them aside and carry on the debates!
FK... you're from Germany, right? I heard somewhere that raising your hand and heiling Hitler was illegal? Is it even legal to be a Nazi? ... Just wondering.
Freiheits Kämpfer, Sie sind ein absoluter Idiot

oder haben Sie Ihren Kopf herauf Ihren Aschloch?
Old and wise said:
Freiheits Kämpfer, Sie sind ein absoluter Idiot

oder haben Sie Ihren Kopf herauf Ihren Aschloch?

[mod gavel]
Please use the English language or translate for us in the future.

Thank you.

[/mod gavel]
vauge said:
[mod gavel]
Please use the English language or translate for us in the future.

Thank you.

[/mod gavel]

Sure, I wrote:

Freedom Fighter, you are an absolute idiot
or do you have your head up your ass?
vauge said:
I disagree. Everyone is welcome here until they post or do something against the rules which equates to permanent revocation of posting privledges.

Nazi is not popular, but that does not mean their opinion does not count or warrant review.

*Just my thoughts*

You must be Libertarian, not Republican, and I agree. Under the first amendment, people should be allowed to have whatever views they wish, unless they act on those views in a manner which threatens the rights of others.
danarhea said:
You must be Libertarian, not Republican, and I agree. Under the first amendment, people should be allowed to have whatever views they wish, unless they act on those views in a manner which threatens the rights of others.

As per the rules of this forum...

1. Freedom of Speech - "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

At Debate Politics we see freedom of speech as the right to communicate
ideas. With this right comes the responsibility to choose your words carefully and respect the rights of others. Common sense dictates the difference between one expressing themselves and one who is disruptive. If you are focused on contributing to the community, you will not have to be concerned with being a disruption. Disruptive behavior, such as personal attacks, can lead to temporary or permanent revocation of posting privileges.
Old and wise said:
Freiheits Kämpfer, Sie sind ein absoluter Idiot

oder haben Sie Ihren Kopf herauf Ihren Aschloch?

[mod mode]

Take you personal feelings to The Basement. This is not the place for them. Flaming and personal attacks do not belong anywhere but The Basement


[/mod mode]
Hallo Freiheits Kämpfer und Willkommen zum Debattieren von Politik! I'm fairly sure that we will have the wonderful opportunity to engage in further discourse.

Shalom ~ Sala'am,

I dare say we will cross swords,but if like Auftrag you are still a youngster,maybe you haven't matured enough to fully understand Naziism and see it for what it really is.
If that is the case,you probably haven't yet formed the political opinions that will remain with you for the rest of your life.
Been there worn the T shirt I can assure you!
I would have thought that being German,a Nazi is the last thing you would want to be,just look at what happened to your country as a result!most Germans I have spoken to absolutely despise Naziism,in fact it was thanks to many hours of discussion(and more than a few beers)with a German friend of mine,that I hold the beliefs that I now have and have had for the last 15 yrs.

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