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France's hypocrisy about terrorism (1 Viewer)


Jul 11, 2016
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I am not justifying the recent attacks in Nice in any way, shape, or form. However, the French government is nothing but hypocritical here.

In 1945, white French colonists in Algeria murdered between 1,200 and 45,000 Muslim Algerians of color. Even up to this day, there has been only one halfhearted apology from the French government. This massacre is glossed over schools. There is not a national day of mourning or repentance. It's almost as if the. Lives of thousands of people of color meant nothing at all.

Now, whenever there is a terrorist attack against white Frenchmen, the government goes ape crazy. There are moments of silence, singing of the national anthem, calls for war, racist screeds by do nazis like Marine Le Pen to commit genocide against people of color. The entire western world, too expresses their sympathies to France. Where were those condolences to the families of 45,000 Algerians killed by white French Christians?

A cartoon by the Pulitzer award winning Pat Bagley sums up this phenomenon:

Bagley Cartoon: Some Lives Matter More | The Salt Lake Tribune

I know that the topic of this cartoon is about the Brussels attacks, but the message is the same for these current attacks in Nice.

I am not justifying the recent attacks in Nice in any way, shape, or form. However, the French government is nothing but hypocritical here.

In 1945, white French colonists in Algeria murdered between 1,200 and 45,000 Muslim Algerians of color. Even up to this day, there has been only one halfhearted apology from the French government. This massacre is glossed over schools. There is not a national day of mourning or repentance. It's almost as if the. Lives of thousands of people of color meant nothing at all.

Now, whenever there is a terrorist attack against white Frenchmen, the government goes ape crazy. There are moments of silence, singing of the national anthem, calls for war, racist screeds by do nazis like Marine Le Pen to commit genocide against people of color. The entire western world, too expresses their sympathies to France. Where were those condolences to the families of 45,000 Algerians killed by white French Christians?

A cartoon by the Pulitzer award winning Pat Bagley sums up this phenomenon:

Bagley Cartoon: Some Lives Matter More | The Salt Lake Tribune

I know that the topic of this cartoon is about the Brussels attacks, but the message is the same for these current attacks in Nice.

Considering the fact you admire a degenerate a **** sucker who is one of the biggest mass murderers in history who makes Ted Bundy look like a ****ing boyscout and asaint you really don't have any room to comment about hypocrisy,genocide,massacres and death.Besides that if you have to reach back 70 something years ago in history to use as a example of hypocrisy today you lost the argument.

I am not justifying the recent attacks in Nice in any way, shape, or form. However, the French government is nothing but hypocritical here.

In 1945, white French colonists in Algeria murdered between 1,200 and 45,000 Muslim Algerians of color. Even up to this day, there has been only one halfhearted apology from the French government. This massacre is glossed over schools. There is not a national day of mourning or repentance. It's almost as if the. Lives of thousands of people of color meant nothing at all.

Now, whenever there is a terrorist attack against white Frenchmen, the government goes ape crazy. There are moments of silence, singing of the national anthem, calls for war, racist screeds by do nazis like Marine Le Pen to commit genocide against people of color. The entire western world, too expresses their sympathies to France. Where were those condolences to the families of 45,000 Algerians killed by white French Christians?

A cartoon by the Pulitzer award winning Pat Bagley sums up this phenomenon:

Bagley Cartoon: Some Lives Matter More | The Salt Lake Tribune

I know that the topic of this cartoon is about the Brussels attacks, but the message is the same for these current attacks in Nice.

A Maoist calling hypocrisy on the French regarding mass murder? Now, that's ironic.

The post above is out of line with regard to any form of common human decency and respect for the dead and suffering.
This is just disrespectful.

Wishing that all lives were treated equally, and that the victims of white terrorists are just as honored and remembered as the victims of islamist terrorists is human decency, not disrespect.
Wishing that all lives were treated equally, and that the victims of white terrorists are just as honored and remembered as the victims of islamist terrorists is human decency, not disrespect.

You have MAO as your avatar, are you serious right now?

I am not justifying the recent attacks in Nice in any way, shape, or form. However, the French government is nothing but hypocritical here.

In 1945, white French colonists in Algeria murdered between 1,200 and 45,000 Muslim Algerians of color. Even up to this day, there has been only one halfhearted apology from the French government. This massacre is glossed over schools. There is not a national day of mourning or repentance. It's almost as if the. Lives of thousands of people of color meant nothing at all.

Now, whenever there is a terrorist attack against white Frenchmen, the government goes ape crazy. There are moments of silence, singing of the national anthem, calls for war, racist screeds by do nazis like Marine Le Pen to commit genocide against people of color. The entire western world, too expresses their sympathies to France. Where were those condolences to the families of 45,000 Algerians killed by white French Christians?

A cartoon by the Pulitzer award winning Pat Bagley sums up this phenomenon:

Bagley Cartoon: Some Lives Matter More | The Salt Lake Tribune

I know that the topic of this cartoon is about the Brussels attacks, but the message is the same for these current attacks in Nice.

sins of colonialism
Mao preached racial equality, so it fits well.

Here is one of Mao Zedong's condemnations of racism. https://www.marxists.org/subject/china/peking-review/1963/PR1963-33a.htm

You sure you wanna use your boy, the Racial ethnic cleansing mass murder as a hero of "racial equality and living together??"

Here let's check out Mao's actions, not the words you cherry picked.

Mao’s ethnic genocide (1966-1976)

During the half century of communist occupation of Inner Mongolia, ethnic repression campaigns have been carried out against Mongols on many occasions. The largest such campaign started in the late 1960s, and continued for 10 long years. It’s referred to as the case of the so called ” New People’s Revolutionary Party of Inner Mongolian (PRPIP).”

This case is one of the most maliciously fabricated false cases by the Chinese regime, used to mobilize the Chinese mass population to persecute the Mongols (see Chinese Genocide in Inner Mongolia, by the author of these lines, 1997). It is one of the worst ethnic genocides perpetrated by a regime against a minority people, and should be regarded as an organized, long term, state sanctioned campaign of murder.

The violent and savage nature of that campaign committed by the Chinese authorities and carried out by so called “Ordinary Chinese”, is comparable to the Nazi’s “Ordinary Germans” that Mr. Goldhagen described in his book “Hitler’s Willing Executioners” Maoist slogans such as “the ethnic struggle eventually is a class struggle, the struggle shall be “as hard and relentless as it can be”, “you die, I live”, provided the justification to ordinary citizens to kill. It is an order of hatred. During that ten-years-long genocidal campaign, at least 50,000 Mongols were killed by the Chinese. The majority of these victims were the elites and intellectuals who were the core force of Mongolian national culture and society. Tens of thousands of children were orphaned and thousands of families were destroyed. About 800,000 Mongols survived the concentration camps, but were maimed after being tortured. All these were done by the Chinese openly and were a part of the daily activities of thousands of killers for many years.

There were even competitions carried out for catching some struggling Mongols. The authorities even held meetings and training courses to exchange their experiences in torture, skills and met hods that could maximize the agony of the victims. Those unspeakable crimes committed against innocent Mongols by the cold-blooded Chinese killers and torturers was partially documented by a recent book written by Mr. Tumen, “Kang Sheng and the False Case of “The People’s Revolutionary Party of Inner Mongolia”. The torturing of human beings to death as described in this book, is nothing less than the crimes committed by the Nazis against the Jews. It is hard to imagine that this kind of evil occurred in modern human history, especially in a country that claims a 5,000 year old civilization. The ethnic genocide and shocking ordeals endured by the Mongols during this period are still unknown to the world, and it happened 20 years after the world had seen the end of the Jewish Holocaust, and the peoples and the nations of

the world had sworn “Never Again!”.

In addition to the enormous loss in human lives, the Inner Mongols also suffered irreparable cultural and material damage during this period. Historical writings, books, virtually anything written in the classical Mongolian language was burned and destroyed. Buddhist temples housing the accumulated production of centuries of canonical scriptures and commentaries were razed to the ground. Equally tragically, the Chinese murderers in their frenzy also looted and robbed the Mongols of their family heirlooms: Buddhist implements, Art objects such as musical instruments, valuable handmade jewelry, headdresses made of precious stones, silks, gold and silver objects handed down from generations, to never be returned. The Mongols who survived the genocide continued in humiliating impoverishment.
Ethnic cleansing in Inner Mongolia | RadioRadicale.it
France's hypocrisy is that they are running in their worst enemy...those they are running in are very conservative with following an insane religion....France caused this by being very liberal which brought their death sentence of a giant imbalance of young to old...These people chops off heads of liberals like in france.. BUT BUT the leaders of france are too spineless to TELL THE TRUTH on the CAUSE and then to stop THE CAUSE by stopping liberalism

I am not justifying the recent attacks in Nice in any way, shape, or form. However, the French government is nothing but hypocritical here.

In 1945, white French colonists in Algeria murdered between 1,200 and 45,000 Muslim Algerians of color. Even up to this day, there has been only one halfhearted apology from the French government. This massacre is glossed over schools. There is not a national day of mourning or repentance. It's almost as if the. Lives of thousands of people of color meant nothing at all.

Now, whenever there is a terrorist attack against white Frenchmen, the government goes ape crazy. There are moments of silence, singing of the national anthem, calls for war, racist screeds by do nazis like Marine Le Pen to commit genocide against people of color. The entire western world, too expresses their sympathies to France. Where were those condolences to the families of 45,000 Algerians killed by white French Christians?

A cartoon by the Pulitzer award winning Pat Bagley sums up this phenomenon:

Bagley Cartoon: Some Lives Matter More | The Salt Lake Tribune

I know that the topic of this cartoon is about the Brussels attacks, but the message is the same for these current attacks in Nice.

Its a good thing you are not justifying the Nice massacre.
Like Turkey... France Military may take over because the govt is coveriing up the cause which is liberalism.. The govt running in the young that will destroy france ... Running them in to solve liberalism's error causing this death sentence of a giant imbalance of young to old

I am not justifying the recent attacks in Nice in any way, shape, or form. However, the French government is nothing but hypocritical here.

In 1945, white French colonists in Algeria murdered between 1,200 and 45,000 Muslim Algerians of color. Even up to this day, there has been only one halfhearted apology from the French government. This massacre is glossed over schools. There is not a national day of mourning or repentance. It's almost as if the. Lives of thousands of people of color meant nothing at all.

Now, whenever there is a terrorist attack against white Frenchmen, the government goes ape crazy. There are moments of silence, singing of the national anthem, calls for war, racist screeds by do nazis like Marine Le Pen to commit genocide against people of color. The entire western world, too expresses their sympathies to France. Where were those condolences to the families of 45,000 Algerians killed by white French Christians?

A cartoon by the Pulitzer award winning Pat Bagley sums up this phenomenon:

Bagley Cartoon: Some Lives Matter More | The Salt Lake Tribune

I know that the topic of this cartoon is about the Brussels attacks, but the message is the same for these current attacks in Nice.

Total nonsense, this tragedy took place as the Nazi regime died, it even started on the day the ceasefire was signed.

In that period there was no real French government in France, there may have been a provisional government but nothing more. The first real government was 1946 when the Fourth Republic was started and since then there has even been a Fifth Republic and both had nothing to do with this massacre nor where they responsible for it, so why would they apologize for that?

Also it was not so that the Algerians where not partly to blame for the problems to start, killing and raping white settlers after which the armed forces and other settlers committed very criminal actions against a lot of innocent Algerians, but that does not make the current French government hypocritical with regards to terrorism.

I am not justifying the recent attacks in Nice in any way, shape, or form. However, the French government is nothing but hypocritical here.

In 1945, white French colonists in Algeria murdered between 1,200 and 45,000 Muslim Algerians of color. Even up to this day, there has been only one halfhearted apology from the French government. This massacre is glossed over schools. There is not a national day of mourning or repentance. It's almost as if the. Lives of thousands of people of color meant nothing at all.

Now, whenever there is a terrorist attack against white Frenchmen, the government goes ape crazy. There are moments of silence, singing of the national anthem, calls for war, racist screeds by do nazis like Marine Le Pen to commit genocide against people of color. The entire western world, too expresses their sympathies to France. Where were those condolences to the families of 45,000 Algerians killed by white French Christians?

A cartoon by the Pulitzer award winning Pat Bagley sums up this phenomenon:

Bagley Cartoon: Some Lives Matter More | The Salt Lake Tribune

I know that the topic of this cartoon is about the Brussels attacks, but the message is the same for these current attacks in Nice.


I am not justifying the recent attacks in Nice in any way, shape, or form. However, the French government is nothing but hypocritical here.

In 1945, white French colonists in Algeria murdered between 1,200 and 45,000 Muslim Algerians of color. Even up to this day, there has been only one halfhearted apology from the French government. This massacre is glossed over schools. There is not a national day of mourning or repentance. It's almost as if the. Lives of thousands of people of color meant nothing at all.

Now, whenever there is a terrorist attack against white Frenchmen, the government goes ape crazy. There are moments of silence, singing of the national anthem, calls for war, racist screeds by do nazis like Marine Le Pen to commit genocide against people of color. The entire western world, too expresses their sympathies to France. Where were those condolences to the families of 45,000 Algerians killed by white French Christians?

A cartoon by the Pulitzer award winning Pat Bagley sums up this phenomenon:

Bagley Cartoon: Some Lives Matter More | The Salt Lake Tribune

I know that the topic of this cartoon is about the Brussels attacks, but the message is the same for these current attacks in Nice.

And now we know what the socialist think ! :roll:

I am not justifying the recent attacks in Nice in any way, shape, or form. However, the French government is nothing but hypocritical here.

In 1945, white French colonists in Algeria murdered between 1,200 and 45,000 Muslim Algerians of color. Even up to this day, there has been only one halfhearted apology from the French government. This massacre is glossed over schools. There is not a national day of mourning or repentance. It's almost as if the. Lives of thousands of people of color meant nothing at all.

Now, whenever there is a terrorist attack against white Frenchmen, the government goes ape crazy. There are moments of silence, singing of the national anthem, calls for war, racist screeds by do nazis like Marine Le Pen to commit genocide against people of color. The entire western world, too expresses their sympathies to France. Where were those condolences to the families of 45,000 Algerians killed by white French Christians?

A cartoon by the Pulitzer award winning Pat Bagley sums up this phenomenon:

Bagley Cartoon: Some Lives Matter More | The Salt Lake Tribune

I know that the topic of this cartoon is about the Brussels attacks, but the message is the same for these current attacks in Nice.

Your own link recounts that the French attacks were reprisals for initial Muslim attacks on French settlers.
Your own link recounts that the French attacks were reprisals for initial Muslim attacks on French settlers.

Who shouldn't have been occupying land that didn't belong to them...

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