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France Riots-Proving Liberal Policies Don't Work (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 16, 2005
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America (A.K.A., a red state)
Political Leaning
France has erupted in violence...again...this time because liberal labor unions are demanding that the government pass more typically obscenely expensive socialist policies and convincing people to keep treating this as a racial tolerance issue instead of as a problem with France's economy as a whole.

After attending college, it takes an average of FIVE YEARS for someone to find a job in France. THAT is how much labor unions and liberal policies sodomize the economy. The rioters, incited by the always destructive unions, are reacting to recent "radical" measures taken by the government to allow incompetent workers to be fired without absurdly long union red tape and court battles (because of Socialism and labor unions, there is this astonishingly long, costly, ridiculous process one must go through to fire someone. Damn near no one-no matter how incompetent-can just be fired...like they can here...until now). The fact that efficient, reasonable human resources policies are considered "radical" by the left speaks for itself.

Of course, France is too busy drowning in liberal dysfunction to realize that labor unions and Socialism in general is what has their economy circling the bowl in the first place, so it will eventually be unable to sustain its massive expenses-and we will probably bail them out :roll:.

Oh yeah, who exactly is rioting? Not just some fringe group, not Muslims, not angry, paranoid blacks, not poor people....It is the MIDDLE CLASS. The violence DID originally start with the religion of peace-as usual-but it now has engulfed everyone else who has been failed by Socialism. People from every race, every nationality, every creed, every economic background. Societies that struggle to take care of their poorest are normal. Ones that can't even take care of their middle class are in serious trouble. THAT is how badly Socialist policies like national healthcare have failed European countries like France. And you thought Socialisms economy-crippling effects stopped at France's $6.00/gallon gas prices!
Some basic things need to be cleared up

this time because liberal labor unions are demanding that the government pass more typically obscenely expensive socialist policies and convincing people to keep treating this as a racial tolerance issue instead of as a problem with France's economy as a whole.
This latest disturbance is regarding a bill that the many people (especially students) do not want to pass and are not over a new bill proposed by the unions.

and we will probably bail them out
Don't really understand your line of thinking here

The violence DID originally start with the religion of peace-as usual-
how so?
aquapub said:
France has erupted in violence...again...this time because liberal labor unions are demanding that the government pass more typically obscenely expensive socialist policies and convincing people to keep treating this as a racial tolerance issue instead of as a problem with France's economy as a whole.

After attending college, it takes an average of FIVE YEARS for someone to find a job in France. THAT is how much labor unions and liberal policies sodomize the economy. The rioters, incited by the always destructive unions, are reacting to recent "radical" measures taken by the government to allow incompetent workers to be fired without absurdly long union red tape and court battles (because of Socialism and labor unions, there is this astonishingly long, costly, ridiculous process one must go through to fire someone. Damn near no one-no matter how incompetent-can just be fired...like they can here...until now). The fact that efficient, reasonable human resources policies are considered "radical" by the left speaks for itself.

Of course, France is too busy drowning in liberal dysfunction to realize that labor unions and Socialism in general is what has their economy circling the bowl in the first place, so it will eventually be unable to sustain its massive expenses-and we will probably bail them out.
You're arrogance is unmatched. I see you're again making bull$**** claims of how the liberal left has f'd up the world? Funny cause it seems like it's your conservative possee that is dropping bombs all over the place killing and terrorizing innocent civilians for the sole purpose of helping out thier buddies in haliburton and big oil.
So if your f'd up concept of how concervatives function to make better the world is by creating an artificial conflict to sidetrack everyone's attention from the real issues. Then it truly speaks for itself of what the world will come to if radicals like you had your way.
jfuh said:
You're arrogance is unmatched. I see you're again making bull$**** claims of how the liberal left has f'd up the world? Funny cause it seems like it's your conservative possee that is dropping bombs all over the place killing and terrorizing innocent civilians for the sole purpose of helping out thier buddies in haliburton and big oil.
So if your f'd up concept of how concervatives function to make better the world is by creating an artificial conflict to sidetrack everyone's attention from the real issues. Then it truly speaks for itself of what the world will come to if radicals like you had your way.

once again jfuh is able to stay right on point and make a great argument
aquapub said:
France has erupted in violence...again...this time because liberal labor unions are demanding ...
A lie, of course, as is to be expected by radical repugnicans like you.

On the other hand, the Scandinavian countries are NOT rioting. That must prove that liberal policies DOES work.
Willoughby said:
1) This latest disturbance is regarding a bill that the many people (especially students) do not want to pass and are not over a new bill proposed by the unions.

2) Don't really understand your line of thinking here

3) how so?

1) Yes, you are right. What I meant to say was that there is a bill labor unions are trying to keep from being passed...so they can keep their absurdly cushy arrangement.

2) We bail EVERYONE out...of EVERY problem. If France can't get this under control, I guarantee America will end up involved somehow...and then France will go back to hating us for our trouble.

3) This whole situation did originally begin with Islamic immigrants, but it has now exploded into a middle class protest involving other races and backgrounds.
aquapub said:
2) We bail EVERYONE out...of EVERY problem. If France can't get this under control, I guarantee America will end up involved somehow...and then France will go back to hating us for our trouble
I'll just simply demonstrate the absurdidy of your claim. Per your above statment then, the moment I can give a single instance of someone not being bailed out with any problem your reasoning completely falls apart.
Ok, off the top of my head Darfur and Rawanda come to mind.
jfuh said:
You're arrogance is unmatched. I see you're again making bull$**** claims of how the liberal left has f'd up the world? Funny cause it seems like it's your conservative possee that is dropping bombs all over the place killing and terrorizing innocent civilians for the sole purpose of helping out thier buddies in haliburton and big oil.


FACT: France is one of the most liberal, Socialized countries on Earth...
and just like the others, it is in a shambles.

Bulls**t? Um...no, it's a common knowledge reality known to all who have graduated high school. You might want to look things like this up before mindlessly spewing like that. ;)


I've said it a hundred times here, and you've demonstrated it a hundred more:

Conservatives operate on facts, evidents, and reason...Liberals operate on hysterics and conspiracy theories.

France is off the deep end liberal and it is a wreck. You have no ability to refute this, so you moronically challenge it with lame, hysterical Bush conspiracy theories. The two aren't even related.

Are there any ADULTS who would like to debate here?
DeeJayH said:
once again jfuh is able to stay right on point and make a great argument


Thank you. I'm glad I'm not the only one who longs for intelligent, adult debate.
steen said:
1) A lie, of course, as is to be expected by radical repugnicans like you.

2) On the other hand, the Scandinavian countries are NOT rioting. That must prove that liberal policies DOES work.

1) Labor unions are demanding that it not be made reasonably easier to ditch worthless, incompetent workers. Turn on the news and try getting informed before bringing your angry lithium imbalance on this site. :roll:

2) Duh...

I'm not claiming that anytime there are riots that it must mean the political philosophy of the country is crap. I'm using the fact that the middle class is fed up and rioting over everything from $6.00/gallon gasoline to it taking 5 years to get a job to further my support my long, long held contention that Socialism destroys economies.

Without Socialisms high taxes and insanely inefficient, bereuacratic red tape, the cost of living wouldn't be what it is in France and people might actually be able to find work...hence, this problem wouldn't exist.

It is a straight line from France's Socialist policies to the unrest, and it is not rocket science.

Remove head from rectum, then debate.
jfuh said:
I'll just simply demonstrate the absurdidy of your claim. Per your above statment then, the moment I can give a single instance of someone not being bailed out with any problem your reasoning completely falls apart.
Ok, off the top of my head Darfur and Rawanda come to mind.

I was kidding before about you not graduating from high school, but maybe it's true. That statement I made was called a, "figure of speech." Look it up. Obviously I wasn't being literal. Jesus, do you ever think.
aquapub said:
1)FACT: France is one of the most liberal, Socialized countries on Earth...
and just like the others, it is in a shambles.
The former half, yes fact, the later an intentional lie. Proof? I don't see any of the scandanavian countries having any problems. Why only France seemingly.

aquapub said:
Bulls**t? Um...no, it's a common knowledge reality known to all who have graduated high school. You might want to look things like this up before mindlessly spewing like that. ;)
Yes and it's clear to me now that only having graduated from highschool is probably why you rant like an adolescent the way you do and sheepishly follow whatever your fanatical possee tells you. Precisly 0 independent though.

aquapub said:
2)I've said it a hundred times here, and you've demonstrated it a hundred more:
Conservatives operate on facts, evidents, and reason...Liberals operate on hysterics and conspiracy theories.
A very interesting conspiracy theory indeed. Alright fact and evidence, where's OBL? Doesn't seem to be in Iraq.

aquapub said:
France is off the deep end liberal and it is a wreck. You have no ability to refute this, so you moronically challenge it with lame, hysterical Bush conspiracy theories. The two aren't even related.
No I have not challenged with bush theory at all. In fact I don't think anyone here has yet brought up bush. I have brought up Scandanavian countries as a counter example to yours.
aquapub said:
I was kidding before about you not graduating from high school, but maybe it's true. That statement I made was called a, "figure of speech." Look it up. Obviously I wasn't being literal. Jesus, do you ever think.
Now, you're very much distorting through lie. Got caught with your pants down and now you claim it to be figure of speech? You not only bold faced the text but capitalized each word for exclaimation.
Progressive peoples admit to err. Back off the rhetoric and actually read something that was written by someone intelligent of the topics in contrast to your consistant bashing of our liberal left.
aquapub said:

FACT: France is one of the most liberal, Socialized countries on Earth...
and just like the others, it is in a shambles.

Bulls**t? Um...no, it's a common knowledge reality known to all who have graduated high school. You might want to look things like this up before mindlessly spewing like that.


I've said it a hundred times here, and you've demonstrated it a hundred more:

Conservatives operate on facts, evidents, and reason...Liberals operate on hysterics and conspiracy theories.

France is off the deep end liberal and it is a wreck. You have no ability to refute this, so you moronically challenge it with lame, hysterical Bush conspiracy theories. The two aren't even related.

Are there any ADULTS who would like to debate here?

1. Why do you hold such hate for liberals?

My worldview is not what the majority of liberals would deem as liberal, but for the purpose of this discussion, I will go ahead and throw myself in with the liberals, as I am sure you would consider me a liberal anyway. My point being is that as a liberal, I might disagree with conservatives, but I certainly don’t hate them or their ideology. I just simply disagree with it. Furthermore, I might disagree with President Bush, but I certainly don’t hate the man. In fact, I personally find him to be a likable individual. Your hate for liberals, as evidenced by countless posts authored by you, is so pathological that it really would border upon some type of neurosis or personality disorder. I mean why hate liberals simply because you disagree with them. Moreover, it’s a true sign of ignorance to always assume that one side is always right and the other is always wrong.

2. If you believe that you are representative of most conservatives, then you are a very poor ambassador for your fellow conservatives. You claim that liberals operate only on hysterics and conspiracy theories and that conservatives operate on facts, evidence, and reason. Your posts, like the one I am responding too, exhibit very little in the way of actual facts, as half-truths are as much of a lie as an out and out lie is. Moreover, they exhibit no reason at all. They are merely grounded in the type of pathological hatred for liberals and anyone view that differs from yours, that they are more reminiscent of the type of language and propaganda used by white supremacists or other radical and extremists hate groups.

3. It could be that France’s economy is slow because of labor unions. Then again, it could be because they simply choose to work less hours and trade increased productivity for more time off (which is probably the reason), or it could just be that as a nation they are being out competed for a host of reasons that having nothing to do with liberalism or socialism. Moreover, if socialism always leads to economic stagnation and failure, then why would Norway, a nation that is more socialist than France, have a higher per-capita GDP than the United States does?
Paris France is burning down burning down, Paris France is burning down burning down . . . my fair lady.

Oh the joy is overwhelming my heart swells when ever a French pastry shop has a brick thrown through its window. Look at me I'm giddy as a schoolgirl, first teacher and godzilla now this, kaloo kalay oh happy days this is the best birthday present that I could have imagined, in '02 it was the Iraq war and now this. Happy happy joy joy happy happy joy joy. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Conservatives operate on facts, evidents, and reason...Liberals operate on hysterics and conspiracy theories.
and yet you produce no evidence for the thing about immigrants being connected with these labour protests
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People, behave yourselves please.

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Kelzie said:
[mod mode]

People, behave yourselves please.

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This thread was started well with the intent of flaming and has resulted in such. It should go to where it belongs, in the basement.
jfuh said:
This thread was started well with the intent of flaming and has resulted in such. It should go to where it belongs, in the basement.

How is blaming the rioting in the streets on the social experiments created by lefitst ideologs intended to inflame? I see it more as simply stating the truth. Just because the facts don't agree with your argument doesn't mean that you are being attacked by an ad-hominem but rather it simply means that you are wrong.
jfuh said:
You're arrogance is unmatched. I see you're again making bull$**** claims of how the liberal left has f'd up the world? Funny cause it seems like it's your conservative possee that is dropping bombs all over the place killing and terrorizing innocent civilians for the sole purpose of helping out thier buddies in haliburton and big oil.

You're using the Bush administration as a model of fiscal conservatism? :shock:
I'm not claiming that anytime there are riots that it must mean the political philosophy of the country is crap.
and yet further down the post he seems to say exactly that:

It is a straight line from France's Socialist policies to the unrest, and it is not rocket science.
aquapub said:
I'm not claiming that anytime there are riots that it must mean the political philosophy of the country is crap.
Yeas, you only say so if the country is perceived as being liberal. Tye title of your tread proves that hypocritical view already.

I'm using the fact that the middle class is fed up and rioting ...
But wait, you claimed it was the labor unions, and now you suddenly claim it is the Middle Class! Back pedaling? Or are you just clueless from the start?

It is a straight line from France's Socialist policies to the unrest, and it is not rocket science.
Rather, it is just your lame "just because I say so" unsubstantiated misrepresentation of your wishful thinking as "fact." As is expected by repugnican dishonest posters.

Remove head from rectum, then debate, pup.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
How is blaming the rioting in the streets on the social experiments created by lefitst ideologs intended to inflame?
The tread flames through ****-poor lies.
steen said:
The tread flames through ****-poor lies.

Their socialist policies have lead to the disenfranchisement of the French citizenry that's why they're protesting but they're so fuc/king stupid that they are protesting for more of the same disease and not for the cure.
I feel genuinely sorry for France's youth..... Here is why.

The French government don't have any real balls. These so called reforms are really a **** in the wind. Most economic analysts will tell you that there needs to be more done to the French economy than just making it easier to sack young workers.

For example, the standard 35hr week in French law, has not been touched, neither is the French government touching the issue of privatisation of many government owned industries, and the crippling pension system, and farm subsidies have not been dealt with either.

It reeks of hypocrisy. The French government should be reforming the economy in the areas that I have mentioned above, but they won't do that, because then the over 30 demographic would be up in arms. Since the older demographic outnumbers France's youth, the French government would rather pretend to be reforming the economy, than actually upset the 'cafe latte socialist' baby boomers.

Shame on the French government..... France's economy will only recover and become more vibrant, when the 'Republic' actually deals with the real issues stiffling economic growth. But whilst populists like Chirac, and Le Penne are in power, you are not going to see this happen. Because it might cost the cynical politicians, votes.

Oh dear....:twocents:

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