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Fox News Poll: Biden-Trump a 5-point race in post-convention poll (1 Viewer)


Social Democrat
DP Veteran
Apr 28, 2015
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Third Coast
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Likely voters trust Trump over Biden on just one issue: the economy, by 5 points. Biden is favored on racial inequality (+12), coronavirus (+8), health care (+8), Supreme Court nominations (+7), and immigration (+7 points).

Source: Fox News Poll: Biden-Trump a 5-point race in post-convention poll

I figured this was just another one of a myriad of polls, until I took a deeper look inside, and found the 2nd graphic down - which I included above. I was surprised; Very surprised!

Biden up strong on SCOTUS nominations? And leading, if only barely, on Law & Order? Only down 5 on the Economy, but winning literally everything else? Including, dominating quite a few categories?

Then there's this hook: Biden dominates on 'compassion', but also leads on 'mental soundness'?

And finally, it seems the electorate places 'unemployment' & 'coronavirus' as their highest priorities, with 'crime & violence' a more distant 3rd. However, more describe the societal unrest as 'riots' - rather than 'protests'. I did not expect this last.

With this being a poll of 'likely voters', which is usually the most predictive poll type, it would seem to be a very good poll for Biden. He definitely seems to better have his finger on the pulse of the country, versus Trump. However, popularity and winning the vote count does not win American elections. The electoral college chooses the President. And given the current electoral infrastructure, a 5 pt win in the vote count is - IMO - cutting it close in terms of becoming inaugurated.

Source: Fox News Poll: Biden-Trump a 5-point race in post-convention poll

I figured this was just another one of a myriad of polls, until I took a deeper look inside, and found the 2nd graphic down - which I included above. I was surprised; Very surprised!

Biden up strong on SCOTUS nominations? And leading, if only barely, on Law & Order? Only down 5 on the Economy, but winning literally everything else? Including, dominating quite a few categories?

Then there's this hook: Biden dominates on 'compassion', but also leads on 'mental soundness'?

And finally, it seems the electorate places 'unemployment' & 'coronavirus' as their highest priorities, with 'crime & violence' a more distant 3rd. However, more describe the societal unrest as 'riots' - rather than 'protests'. I did not expect this last.

With this being a poll of 'likely voters', which is usually the most predictive poll type, it would seem to be a very good poll for Biden. He definitely seems to better have his finger on the pulse of the country, versus Trump. However, popularity and winning the vote count does not win American elections. The electoral college chooses the President. And given the current electoral infrastructure, a 5 pt win in the vote count is - IMO - cutting it close in terms of becoming inaugurated.

Absolutely stunning how the left ignores the law and order issue since it is a state and local responsibility, totally ignoring Seattle, Portland, LA, SF, Kenosha, Minneapolis, Chicago, NYC and the FACT that they have been run by liberal mayors for decades and it is mayors that hire, fund, and train city workers including the police. How is ANY President responsible for law and order in cities? Are you liberals this challenged when it comes to this issue?

Also find it quite interesting that there are foreigners here always posting negative Trump rhetoric and opinions as if they matter. You cannot vote in our election and have no understanding of our basic civics. Nothing ever changes the mind of a radical and you foreigners meet that definition

Source: Fox News Poll: Biden-Trump a 5-point race in post-convention poll

I figured this was just another one of a myriad of polls, until I took a deeper look inside, and found the 2nd graphic down - which I included above. I was surprised; Very surprised!

Biden up strong on SCOTUS nominations? And leading, if only barely, on Law & Order? Only down 5 on the Economy, but winning literally everything else? Including, dominating quite a few categories?

Then there's this hook: Biden dominates on 'compassion', but also leads on 'mental soundness'?

And finally, it seems the electorate places 'unemployment' & 'coronavirus' as their highest priorities, with 'crime & violence' a more distant 3rd. However, more describe the societal unrest as 'riots' - rather than 'protests'. I did not expect this last.

With this being a poll of 'likely voters', which is usually the most predictive poll type, it would seem to be a very good poll for Biden. He definitely seems to better have his finger on the pulse of the country, versus Trump. However, popularity and winning the vote count does not win American elections. The electoral college chooses the President. And given the current electoral infrastructure, a 5 pt win in the vote count is - IMO - cutting it close in terms of becoming inaugurated.

You should look a little deeper...such as, their sampling numbers.

This is the usual Fox News bogus poll.

Source: Fox News Poll: Biden-Trump a 5-point race in post-convention poll

I figured this was just another one of a myriad of polls, until I took a deeper look inside, and found the 2nd graphic down - which I included above. I was surprised; Very surprised!

Biden up strong on SCOTUS nominations? And leading, if only barely, on Law & Order? Only down 5 on the Economy, but winning literally everything else? Including, dominating quite a few categories?

Then there's this hook: Biden dominates on 'compassion', but also leads on 'mental soundness'?

And finally, it seems the electorate places 'unemployment' & 'coronavirus' as their highest priorities, with 'crime & violence' a more distant 3rd. However, more describe the societal unrest as 'riots' - rather than 'protests'. I did not expect this last.

With this being a poll of 'likely voters', which is usually the most predictive poll type, it would seem to be a very good poll for Biden. He definitely seems to better have his finger on the pulse of the country, versus Trump. However, popularity and winning the vote count does not win American elections. The electoral college chooses the President. And given the current electoral infrastructure, a 5 pt win in the vote count is - IMO - cutting it close in terms of becoming inaugurated.

Putting aside everything for a moment but the politics:

The Trump campaign is a flaming anus of fire and despair. The public is concerned about the disease that’s killed 200k of us that Trump’s admin has delivered nothing but conflicting messaging on. We can, and do, argue all day long about who said what when and yada but here’s the reality: Joannie Q Public doesn’t give a **** about politics usually. She is afraid for her family. Her kids school. Her own health. Maybe her job is good now, but what confidence does she have heading into the fall? Trump’s response to this has been to tell her the stock market is great, please come to his rallies. Also, what covid? Also, jobs are great.

Of course Trump is failing. We’re polarized but not to the extent that anyone not already voting for Trump is taking anything he’s selling seriously anymore. Incumbents who ignore what the country is telling them get ejected.
Five minutes and six minutes; they’re getting their response times down..........one is even whining about “furriners” with posting privileges....
Absolutely stunning how the left ignores the law and order issue since it is a state and local responsibility, totally ignoring Seattle, Portland, LA, SF, Kenosha, Minneapolis, Chicago, NYC and the FACT that they have been run by liberal mayors for decades and it is mayors that hire, fund, and train city workers including the police. How is ANY President responsible for law and order in cities? Are you liberals this challenged when it comes to this issue?

So his rhetoric about "law and order" is just hot air?

Also find it quite interesting that there are foreigners here always posting negative Trump rhetoric and opinions as if they matter. You cannot vote in our election and have no understanding of our basic civics. Nothing ever changes the mind of a radical and you foreigners meet that definition

Their opinions matter as much as yours does. Where it isn't relevant is at the ballot box, but this is a debate site so people can debate issues of any country. What matters is whether their opinion is an informed one, and whether they can defend their argument.
Five minutes and six minutes; they’re getting their response times down..........

Those poll categories are quite interesting and quite telling just how challenged the left is on major issues, the economy is affected by tax and regulation policies promoted by the President. Law and Order, COVID 19, and Racial equality controlled by the state and local officials. Why is it that an independent like you would vote for the same ideology over and over again that gave us those liberal city results of rioting, looting, destruction of property, murders of innocent people, racism? could it be you really don't want change?
Five minutes and six minutes; they’re getting their response times down..........one is even whining about “furriners” with posting privileges....

It's such a low brow position to take; especially on a debate site. Clearly some rather go the ad hominem route than actually debating the statements a poster makes.
Those poll categories are quite interesting and quite telling just how challenged the left is on major issues, the economy is affected by tax and regulation policies promoted by the President. Law and Order, COVID 19, and Racial equality controlled by the state and local officials. Why is it that an independent like you would vote for the same ideology over and over again that gave us those liberal city results of rioting, looting, destruction of property, murders of innocent people, racism? could it be you really don't want change?

Who has been in charge for the last 3+ years? Yeah, I want some change...
So his rhetoric about "law and order" is just hot air?

Their opinions matter as much as yours does. Where it isn't relevant is at the ballot box, but this is a debate site so people can debate issues of any country. What matters is whether their opinion is an informed one, and whether they can defend their argument.

Rhetoric really bothers you and you buy what you want to hear but the reality exists, NO President controls law and order in cities, that is state and local responsibility and if they don't do then the Federal Gov't needs to step in. You don't create law and order by electing the same ideology over and over again expecting different results. I asked you the last time any of those major cities that experienced rioting were run by a Republican and got silence, why is that?

this is a debate site so debate the issues not spreading propaganda. You tell me which of those poll categories are actually affected by the President? Which by state and local officials?
Who has been in charge for the last 3+ years? Yeah, I want some change...

In charge of what? Cities??? States????? The federal Gov't? why do you run from tough questions like what control does the President have over crime in the cities? Who hires, funds, and trains police? When was the last time those major cities that had rioting had a Republican mayor and city council? Seems to me if you want law and order, racial equality, COVID19 you vote for candidates that actually impact those results, Governors and mayors!
You should look a little deeper...such as, their sampling numbers.

This is the usual Fox News bogus poll.
We've been over this ... multiple times ...
We've been over this ... multiple times ...

Why won't you answer the basic question as to what control the President has over violence in the cities and actions taken in the states? Guess you didn't see the outrage when he sent troops to Portland. Seems the left is Constitutionally challenged
Putting aside everything for a moment but the politics:

The Trump campaign is a flaming anus of fire and despair. The public is concerned about the disease that’s killed 200k of us that Trump’s admin has delivered nothing but conflicting messaging on. We can, and do, argue all day long about who said what when and yada but here’s the reality: Joannie Q Public 7doesn’t give a **** about politics usually. She is afraid for her family. Her kids school. Her own health. Maybe her job is good now, but what confidence does she have heading into the fall? Trump’s response to this has been to tell her the stock market is great, please come to his rallies. Also, what covid? Also, jobs are great./

Of course Trump is failing. We’re polarized but not to the extent that anyone not already voting for Trump is taking anything he’s selling seriously anymore. Incumbents who ignore what the country is telling them get ejected.
Agreed. But we can't underestimate the structural advantage Trump has in the Electoral College, as we saw in 2016. He is very capable of winning - again.

One of the reasons we see so much unrest, is we are essentially experiencing the - 'Tyranny of the Minority'. When that occurs in a severe enough fashion for a long-enough period of time, things break. Systems are only as good as one's belief in them. Power, authority, and agreeing to be governed, derives from the citizenry handing-over their innate & intrinsic power - thereby allowing themselves to be governed.

Another popular vote nullified by the Electoral College, if it were to occur, is only going to sow more doubt & unrest among the populace.

Source: Fox News Poll: Biden-Trump a 5-point race in post-convention poll

I figured this was just another one of a myriad of polls, until I took a deeper look inside, and found the 2nd graphic down - which I included above. I was surprised; Very surprised!

Biden up strong on SCOTUS nominations? And leading, if only barely, on Law & Order? Only down 5 on the Economy, but winning literally everything else? Including, dominating quite a few categories?

Then there's this hook: Biden dominates on 'compassion', but also leads on 'mental soundness'?

And finally, it seems the electorate places 'unemployment' & 'coronavirus' as their highest priorities, with 'crime & violence' a more distant 3rd. However, more describe the societal unrest as 'riots' - rather than 'protests'. I did not expect this last.

With this being a poll of 'likely voters', which is usually the most predictive poll type, it would seem to be a very good poll for Biden. He definitely seems to better have his finger on the pulse of the country, versus Trump. However, popularity and winning the vote count does not win American elections. The electoral college chooses the President. And given the current electoral infrastructure, a 5 pt win in the vote count is - IMO - cutting it close in terms of becoming inaugurated.

I don't trust any of the polls.
Agreed. But we can't underestimate the structural advantage Trump has in the Electoral College, as we saw in 2016. He is very capable of winning - again.

One of the reasons we see so much unrest, is we are essentially experiencing the - 'Tyranny of the Minority'. When that occurs in a severe enough fashion for a long-enough period of time, things break. Systems are only as good as one's belief in them. Power, authority, and agreeing to be governed, derives from the citizenry handing-over their innate & intrinsic power - thereby allowing themselves to be governed.

Another popular vote nullified by the Electoral College, if it were to occur, is only going to sow more doubt & unrest among the populace.

Nothing I wrote was intended to suggest Trump isn’t going to try to block every vote he can. Sure, but it won’t look too different from every national election, just Trump is more open about it. More blunt object than the surgical strikes the GOP usually prefers. We now know that Brian Kemp is *not* the governor of GA, in example.

You’re right about unrest due to EC shenanigans. The GOP wants the EC to act as a firewall for their desire to retain power without having to actually compete for it. EC has to go.
Why won't you answer the basic question as to what control the President has over violence in the cities and actions taken in the states? Guess you didn't see the outrage when he sent troops to Portland. Seems the left is Constitutionally challenged

Selectively challenged constitutionally would be more like it. We have definitely experienced the anti-Trumps talk from both sides of their mouths regarding the above.
Nothing I wrote was intended to suggest Trump isn’t going to try to block every vote he can. Sure, but it won’t look too different from every national election, just Trump is more open about it. More blunt object than the surgical strikes the GOP usually prefers. We now know that Brian Kemp is *not* the governor of GA, in example.

You’re right about unrest due to EC shenanigans. The GOP wants the EC to act as a firewall for their desire to retain power without having to actually compete for it. EC has to go.

It's not going anywhere.
It's not going anywhere.

Ohhhh hell yes it is. States are already working on legal workaround that the SC even backed in a recent decision. It won’t be perfect but those workarounds will help bridge the gap to an amendment.

Direct national voting for potus is popular. Since 2000 we’ve had two elections that denied the will of the people. Its’ now baked into GOP national strategy - push swing states, ignore everything else. It’s what has allowed Trump to ignore the wildfires destroying one of the country’s economic engines.

EC allows a targeted polling attack with no benefit to the populace it ignores and the one it’s trying to sway. There’s no leverage anymore with the EC for citizens. ON BOTH SIDES. :)
Chomp: What I’m saying is Trump is running one of the all time world class bad campaigns. If it weren’t for his cult, he’d be begging Biden to take the gig right now. “Polarization” simply means GOP politicians don’t have to work for *their* votes anymore.
We've been over this ... multiple times ...

You see, there is a criteria for polls. It has to have the result that is wanted for some people to accept the poll.
Nothing I wrote was intended to suggest Trump isn’t going to try to block every vote he can. Sure, but it won’t look too different from every national election, just Trump is more open about it. More blunt object than the surgical strikes the GOP usually prefers. We now know that Brian Kemp is *not* the governor of GA, in example.

You’re right about unrest due to EC shenanigans. The GOP wants the EC to act as a firewall for their desire to retain power without having to actually compete for it. EC has to go.
You should look a little deeper...such as, their sampling numbers.

This is the usual Fox News bogus poll.

Lol what’s wrong with their sampling numbers?

1,311 voters.

Fox has been the most consistent firm in terms of not having their numbers go all over the place.

Biden +10, Biden +8, Biden +7, now Biden +5.

More reliable than that YahooNews poll someone made a thread about, or the online-only Reuters poll.
Lol what’s wrong with their sampling numbers?

1,311 voters.

Fox has been the most consistent firm in terms of not having their numbers go all over the place.

Biden +10, Biden +8, Biden +7, now Biden +5.

More reliable than that YahooNews poll someone made a thread about, or the online-only Reuters poll.

49% Democrats
46% Republicans
5% Independent

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