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Fox News Blocker (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 4, 2005
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Saint Paul, MN
Political Leaning
Man Sells Device That Blocks Fox News
It's not that Sam Kimery objects to the views expressed on Fox News. The creator of the "Fox Blocker" contends the channel is not news at all. Kimery figures he's sold about 100 of the little silver bits of metal that screw into the back of most televisions, allowing people to filter Fox News from their sets, since its August debut.

The Tulsa, Okla., resident also has received thousands of e-mails, both angry and complimentary - as well as a few death threats.

"Apparently the making of terroristic threats against those who don't share your views is a high art form among a certain core audience," said Kimery, 45.

Formerly a registered Republican, even a precinct captain, Kimery became an independent in the 1990s when he said the state party stopped taking input from its everyday members.

Kimery now contends Fox News' top-level management dictates a conservative journalistic bias, that inaccuracies are never retracted, and what winds up on the air is more opinion than news. "I might as well be reading tabloids out of the grocery store," he says. "Anything to get a rise out of the viewer and to reinforce certain retrograde notions."

Kimery's motives go deeper than preventing people from watching the channel, which he acknowledges can be done without the Blocker. But he likens his device to burning a draft card, a tangible example of disagreement.

And he's taking this message to the network's advertisers. After buying the $8.95 device online, would-be blockers are shown a letter that they can send to advertisers via the Fox Blocker site.

"The point is not to block the channel or block free speech but to raise awareness," said Kimery, who works in the tech industry.
Here's a link to the product's website as well.

Purchasing a FOX Blocker and telling the advertisers at FOX News why you did it will encourage advertisers spending their money somewhere else.

If we band together and tell the advertisers to shut the FOX up, we can help limit the scope, or at least the profitability of FOX News.

FOXBlocker is an innovative new product that filters out the FOX News network. Simply screw the filter into the back of your TV and never be exposed to right wing propaganda again (at least through FOX News). Using a proprietary technology, the FOXBlocker works to filter out FOX News from your cable lineup.

Protect yourself and your family, or send one to a misguided right wing friend.

I don't endorse the product and think that it's rather silly. But I thought there were some out there that might get a kick out of this thing and others that it would probably upset.
Sounds like a bit out of the show Boston Public.

A few weeks ago a school prinicple had a 'fox' blocker on all the TV's in school. The character, while being very liberal and could not stand Fox News, won the case on freedom of speech.

Get unique Mr Kimery.

To take a different stance, I see Fox News becoming MORE liberal. And it will, just to sell ad space for the next election. Hillary will get 100x the spots.
Mark my words...
vauge said:
Sounds like a bit out of the show Boston Public.

A few weeks ago a school prinicple had a 'fox' blocker on all the TV's in school. The character, while being very liberal and could not stand Fox News, won the case on freedom of speech.

Get unique Mr Kimery.

To take a different stance, I see Fox News becoming MORE liberal. And it will, just to sell ad space for the next election. Hillary will get 100x the spots.
Mark my words...

Actually, the script from Boston Public was based on this guys invention, they asked his permission to use the invention for the show, he consented, and then got free publicity for it.

Doesn't make it any less stupid though...
This is the only problem I have with it:
If we band together and tell the advertisers to shut the FOX up, we can help limit the scope, or at least the profitability of FOX News.
We still have free speech in this country and they have just as much right to spew so called "right wing" news that CNN has to spew so called "left wing" news. The left wing did the same thing to get Dr. Laura off the air, and they have tried to get Rush Limbaugh off the air also. Leave them alone. Let the free market determine it. If they have a following, they will survive, it they stink they won't.
Squawker said:
This is the only problem I have with it:
We still have free speech in this country and they have just as much right to spew so called "right wing" news that CNN has to spew so called "left wing" news. The left wing did the same thing to get Dr. Laura off the air, and they have tried to get Rush Limbaugh off the air also. Leave them alone. Let the free market determine it. If they have a following, they will survive, it they stink they won't.

Don't you know yet, free markets are anathema to liberals. If they can interfere, they will.

Most modern day televisions have a nice little function called "Channel Blocker" no need to pay some guy money to do it.

I am pretty much a Liberal, but I don't watch Fox News.. I watch CNN.. Just because CNN has 2 stations in my house :eek:
I've watch Fox quite a bit here in the last few months. Just to see what stupid thing they're going to put on the air next. Or how many more times they'll slip in the WMD's line with no factual proof or evidence. I thought they did a nice job on the POTUS news Conf. the other morning. They then went right into Martha slam. I still have no idea have they don't like her.
Pacridge said:
I've watch Fox quite a bit here in the last few months. Just to see what stupid thing they're going to put on the air next. Or how many more times they'll slip in the WMD's line with no factual proof or evidence. I thought they did a nice job on the POTUS news Conf. the other morning. They then went right into Martha slam. I still have no idea have they don't like her.

I think it's safe to say that FNC doesn't like anyone who is a Democrat. They perceive of Martha as one, so it is natural for them to take out their whip and use it on her.

Martha's pal is George Soros, probably the man that FNC hates 2nd most (next to Clinton) in America. It makes them crazy that his bucket 'o money is always full and when it overflows it falls into the laps of the Democrats. Nothing makes a good Republican squirm more than a Democrat with money. It's like a betrayal thing to them, it rubs then against the grain.

I do believe FNC has a right to spit out their version of the news. It's the price we all have to pay for freedom of speech.
26 X World Champs said:
I think it's safe to say that FNC doesn't like anyone who is a Democrat. They perceive of Martha as one, so it is natural for them to take out their whip and use it on her.

Martha's pal is George Soros, probably the man that FNC hates 2nd most (next to Clinton) in America. It makes them crazy that his bucket 'o money is always full and when it overflows it falls into the laps of the Democrats. Nothing makes a good Republican squirm more than a Democrat with money. It's like a betrayal thing to them, it rubs then against the grain.

I do believe FNC has a right to spit out their version of the news. It's the price we all have to pay for freedom of speech.

I see now it's starting to make perfect sense. So Martha's friends with Soros, whom Fox loathes- hence Fox loathes Martha. Now I understand why every time they talk about Martha they make it sound like she just crawled out from under a rock. I knew there had to be some reason for "Martha slam 2005."
You people must be seeing something the rest of us don't. I have never seen any hate of Martha Stewart. I don't have a clue as to how you come to that conclusion even. That is really a stretch. :roll:
Squawker said:
You people must be seeing something the rest of us don't. I have never seen any hate of Martha Stewart. I don't have a clue as to how you come to that conclusion even. That is really a stretch. :roll:

Oh yeah it's huge stretch alright. That's why I hear comments like: "My hat's off to Martha for looking forward to a good life after the slammer but right now she's in the slammer. Shouldn't she be doing, like, I don't know, slammer things? Mopping floors? Cleaning bathrooms? I'm thinking cooking meals, not cooking deals"

And "Tonight's we're Martha free zone. No Martha bull here folks. Let her go bake her cookies in jail or where ever- not here."

Anytime they get a chance to slam her they do. I didn't know why until Champs pointed out the obvious.
She got convicted. Since when is a criminal not a criminal?

After she was convicted, I wrote the food network to take her off the air while she was in the slammer because I could no longer watch that channel with a felon having a TV show.

Was sad, I missed "Good Eats".
People are saying that this is an assault on freedom of speech. This device is not mandatory. One can just turn it off if they have it and watch Fox anyway.
vauge said:
She got convicted. Since when is a criminal not a criminal?

After she was convicted, I wrote the food network to take her off the air while she was in the slammer because I could no longer watch that channel with a felon having a TV show.

Was sad, I missed "Good Eats".

I never said Martha wasn’t a convicted criminal, did I? Martha’s an extremely wealthy business woman who probably wouldn't give me the time of day if we passed on the street. And chances are she wouldn’t be caught dead on most of the streets I travel. I have no love lost for Martha.

All I’m saying is that Fox presents her and her situation in negative terms at every opportunity. Other white collar sleeze bags don't get the same treatment from Fox. Take for example how Brit Hume reported last fall when Daniel Bayly, Daniel O. Boyle, James A. Brown, Robert S. Furst, William R. Fuhs were all convicted in federal court of cooking the books at Merrill Lynch and Enron. Hume reported they “were caught up in the Enron scandal and if sentenced to serve time would be required to report to a federal facility.” In contrast when Hume reported on Martha she was “Guilty! with a capital “G” and she wasn’t going to report to any facility, she’s was “going to Jail! again with a capital “J.” And the morning she did report to the facility, I was watching and she didn’t “report” the newscaster said ,as the video feed played,: “This just in, we now have, and this is a live feed, this is just in to us, a live feed of Martha Stewart sneaking off to jail.” They repeated that "sneaking off to jail" comment several times over the morning. I had to leave and Tivoed them just to see if they were going to or not. So per Fox men that steal some 12 million from investors will be “reporting to a facility” and “were caught up in a scandal.” Martha who made a grand total of 75K from insider trading- sneaks off to jail.

You guys can defend Fox as being “Fair and Balanced” all you want, I’m not buying any of it.

I do agree with “Champs” that under the Constitution they have every right to freedom of speech just like any other network. Just don’t try to tell me they’re not completely biased in their reporting.
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vauge said:
She got convicted. Since when is a criminal not a criminal?

After she was convicted, I wrote the food network to take her off the air while she was in the slammer because I could no longer watch that channel with a felon having a TV show.

Was sad, I missed "Good Eats".

I believe the point of this particular thread is that FNC will ruthlessly attack known Democrats, guilty or not. For example, weren't G. Gordon Liddy & Ollie North in jail too, albeit a while ago? Does it ever come up on FNC? How about Ted Kennedy? Won't they constantly revile him on air every chance they get? Bill Clinton? They will ceaselessly talk about BJs & Clinton, but never investigate Tom Delay and his numerous rebukes by the Congress and his unbelievable attempt to change Republican Party Congressional rules to protect himself.

I think it's OK for FNC to be biased, but it's NOT OK to claim toe be "Fair & Balanced" when they are the furthest thing from it. FNC is as fair and balanced as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Jerry Falwell & Monica Crowley are Democrats!

Air America radio doesn't pretend to be "fair and balanced." They openly state they are a progressive radio station with an agenda to disprove Republican theory, and to question the hypocrisy.

Why can't FNC even tell the truth about themselves? :spin:
26 X World Champs said:
I believe the point of this particular thread is that FNC will ruthlessly attack known Democrats, guilty or not. For example, weren't G. Gordon Liddy & Ollie North in jail too, albeit a while ago? Does it ever come up on FNC? How about Ted Kennedy? Won't they constantly revile him on air every chance they get? Bill Clinton? They will ceaselessly talk about BJs & Clinton, but never investigate Tom Delay and his numerous rebukes by the Congress and his unbelievable attempt to change Republican Party Congressional rules to protect himself.

I think it's OK for FNC to be biased, but it's NOT OK to claim toe be "Fair & Balanced" when they are the furthest thing from it. FNC is as fair and balanced as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Jerry Falwell & Monica Crowley are Democrats!

Air America radio doesn't pretend to be "fair and balanced." They openly state they are a progressive radio station with an agenda to disprove Republican theory, and to question the hypocrisy.

Why can't FNC even tell the truth about themselves? :spin:
I don't get Air America out here. I only get one radio station and when it isn't playing country western music it’s got either Hannity or Rush ranting or babbling on. I was thrilled to hear Rush tell me, on my way home the other afternoon, how liberals were pissed off because not enough troops in Afghanistan were dying and that too many were being saved by battle field doctors. He went on to detail how he told this tidbit of wisdom directly to the troops when he was in Afghanistan recently. What a douche bag. Wish he’d start illegally downing drugs again. Maybe he’d be a nicer, more honest person.

But you’re absolutely right. I’ve heard Air America when driving to and from Portland (Oregon) and they constantly state they’re liberal and they’re making no attempt to hide that fact. Not to mention I saw Franken's show on Sundance when it was on, though it did put me to sleep, he did repeatedly say "we're liberal, we're biased and we're proud of it."
26 X World Champs said:
They will ceaselessly talk about BJs & Clinton, but never investigate Tom Delay and his numerous rebukes by the Congress and his unbelievable attempt to change Republican Party Congressional rules to protect himself.

I dunno, the other day they asked for an interview when he was heading to his car. Delay said "I have answered all your questions!" The FOXNEWS reporter - "You havn't answered mine - WHAT ARE YOU HIDING?" They gave him no slack. But on the other hand Gibson's show made him sound like he was the victim.
You lefties get your shorts in a wad over such silly things. Your news doesn't have any Republicans on the payroll, but that is ok. Fox News doesn't have enough liberals on the payroll to suit you and that isn't ok. Your news rarely gives the other side, and that is ok. Fox news doesn't give the other side enough air time to suit you and that isn't ok. What do you define as fair and balanced? You want a minute by minute accounting? All this nonsense about Fox is perpetuated by your leaders, so you won't listen to anything they have to say. It keeps you in line and devoted to the party.
Squawker said:
You lefties get your shorts in a wad over such silly things. Your news doesn't have any Republicans on the payroll, but that is ok. Fox News doesn't have enough liberals on the payroll to suit you and that isn't ok. Your news rarely gives the other side, and that is ok. Fox news doesn't give the other side enough air time to suit you and that isn't ok. What do you define as fair and balanced? You want a minute by minute accounting? All this nonsense about Fox is perpetuated by your leaders, so you won't listen to anything they have to say. It keeps you in line and devoted to the party.

To begin with actual news sources routinely give both sides of the issues. Tune into “Meet The Press” any Sunday morning and you’ll hear and see the likes of Mary Matalin-Republican Strategist, Robert Novak-The Chicago Sun-Times, Dana Priest-The Washington Post, Roger Simon-U.S. News & World Report, John Harwood- The Wall Street Journal, Albert Hunt- The Wall Street Journal. CNN and all the major networks have conservatives on all the time.

Second, my problems with Fox aren’t just that they’re biased. If they simply said “We’re a voice for Conservatives and proud of it!” I have much less of a problem them. But as many have pointed out they’re completely biased and yet make claims like we're “Fair and Balanced” and “We Report you Decide” which is complete BS. They’re not “Fair or Balanced.” Case in point. During this Poor Terri Schiavo event I heard them repeatedly report that her husband had kept her parents from seeing her and that the family had been involved in this fight for 15 years. That’s actually not true. The family originally, including her husband, got along after she got hurt and lived together, for years- many years. But if you get your news from Fox you’d never know that. Just like you’d probably never hear about the Duelfer report and still think Saddam had WMD’s. You’d think her husband is basically a bad guy and that he’s been at war with her family from the beginning. It’s miss reporting like that makes Fox viewers the least well informed of all cable news viewers. And they never make mistakes that like this in any direction other than towards the conservative slant.

The other problem I have with Fox is a lot of their air time is nothing but “Fluff.” But honestly, in their defense, I’m not sure they're any worse or any better than anyone else in this regards any more. It’s seems all the news sources available to us have gone down this crappy road. Where it’s much more important to find out if Brad and Jennifer are ever going to get back together then it is to report on what Congress is voting in the coming weeks.

But my main problem with Fox is they aren't honest with their veiwers and they don't inform with well. I heard a voice over the other day where a lady came on and said “Fox News- We’re Always Live” Which isn’t true either. They rerun their stuff between 1-4 am here. Then again maybe I heard her wrong, maybe she said “Fox News- We Always Lie.”
vauge said:
I dunno, the other day they asked for an interview when he was heading to his car. Delay said "I have answered all your questions!" The FOXNEWS reporter - "You havn't answered mine - WHAT ARE YOU HIDING?" They gave him no slack. But on the other hand Gibson's show made him sound like he was the victim.

Here's a typical example of FNC prejudice, only 24 hours old (Note that this is from an ANTI-FNC website that devotes itself to exposing FNC's unfair and unbalanced reporting:
Did Hannity Use Fake Nurses?

Nurse interviews were part of Hannity's repetoire this week while trying to discredit Michael Schiavo and the assessment that Terri was PVS. The nurses claimed that Terri was responsive not PVS and Michael was harsh and uncaring. One nurse claimed that she found an empty insulin vial in the room but was dismissed after reporting it and Michael Schiavo asked "Is that B..... dead yet?"

According to Florida records only one of these nurses is licensed by the State of Florida, Carla Sauer-Iyer. Two other guest nurses, Heidi Law and Trudy Capone, are not licensed as an RN or CNA in Florida. Thanks to our reader, Terry for this tip.

Source: http://www.newshounds.us/

What's typical is how FNC keeps suggesting lies so that eventually people start believing the lies as fact.

I even heard them report that when the feeding tube was removed from Terri that she was quoted as saying "I want to live." Right, she waited 15 years until her tube was removed to speak! Not once did anyone on Fox dispute the story they were reporting! Hannity kept saying it over and over again!

If you haven't watched OUTFOXED I strongly recommend it!
Pacridge said:
Hum, interesting- Will Franken put me to sleep the way he did on Sundance?

Personally, I like the RANDI RHODES show the best, and THE MAJORITY REPORT is good too.....They also have a show on Saturdays, early evening on the environment, hosted by RFK Jr. entitled RING OF FIRE that I really enjoy too.

How many regularly scheduled PRO-ENVIRONMENT radio shows are there?


26 X World Champs said:
Personally, I like the RANDI RHODES show the best, and THE MAJORITY REPORT is good too.....They also have a show on Saturdays, early evening on the environment, hosted by RFK Jr. entitled RING OF FIRE that I really enjoy too.

How many regularly scheduled PRO-ENVIRONMENT radio shows are there?



Randi Rhodes, I've heard her a few times and I'll say this for her- she’ll take callers from all sides and give them a chance to state their case. As long as they're respectful and make sense, she’s put them on the air. I heard her talk to a neo-con for about 20 minutes one day. I doubt a liberal would even get on Rush, Hannity or O’Reilly amd if they did it would be an insult fest. Randi had a logical intelligent conversation with this guy. She didn’t agree with him- but she let him state his case. That isn't any where, any time soon on right wing radio.

I could listen to her more often.

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