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For those of you who think that nobody could possibly believe in communism like I do (1 Viewer)


Jul 11, 2016
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Political Leaning
I've heard a lot of posters here call me a "troll." Some of you think that there is no way I could be serious about my beliefs. In fact, I have heard accusations that I am a right winger doing a bad impression of what he thinks a liberal is. Many of you have called me a poe. Personally, I think that this says much more about you than it says about me. Some of you are so naive, so sheltered, that you don't understand that billions of people around the world, including some in the USA, do hold a strong belief that the people, not the businesses, should rule. Some of you have beliefs so far to the right that you can't even see anything left of CNN or the Democratic Party (which would be considered center-right in most of the world), that you assume that it simply doesn't exist.

Maybe seeing that many, MANY other people in this country hold similar political views to mine will help you understand that yes, there are many people who support socialism and people's democracy.

Workers World – Workers & oppressed peoples of the world unite! : The Workers World Party, a party wil over a thousand members. Sometimes, I disagree with their views, especially their support for North Korea and their opposition to gun control, but for the most part, I think that they are a courageous bunch of forward thinkers who are not afraid to speak truth to power. Sometimes, I donate to their organization.

Revolution revcom.us : The Revolutionary Communist Party of the USA, this country's premiere Maoist party, which holds many of the same political beliefs that I do.

https://www.reddit.com/r/socialism/ : r/socialism, reddit's socialist subreddit, has over 60,000 subscribers. https://www.reddit.com/r/communism/ : reddit's communist subreddit, which is even more revolutionary than r/socialism, has over 17,000 subscribers

Perhaps if you still refuse to realize that many young americans are increasingly anti-racist, anti capitalist, and pro-equality, perhaps you might want to read these editorials, written by students at our country's finest institutions of higher learning, including Brown and Duke

Free speech, Black lives and white fragility | The Chronicle


Or read this article from Daily Kos, which deals with an anti capitalist forum in Cuba that many American college students attended:


And this one as well, by the same author: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/...s-Capitalist-Domination-in-the-Global-Economy

And read both this article and comments to see how many people here in the United States recognized Hugo Chavez for the hero that he is:


And this article describes quite well why I have the amount of respect and honor for Mao Zedong that I do:

So I would like to ask one thing: to stop slandering me as a troll, a poe, accusing me of lying about my race, my Chinese heritage, my background, etc. I have NEVER once accused any of you of being disingenuous about your political beliefs.

You may have honestly thought that I was a troll, since you disagreed with my ideals and my political thinking, and thought I had to either be crazy or lying. I hope all the sources I posted show that I am not alone in believing the things I do, and respecting the people that I respect. I am not a troll, I am not a poe. I am somebody who sincerely believes that there needs to be massive social change in this country, and that the best form of government is rule by the people, not by the corporations, just like many other people both online and in the real world.
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Re: For those of you who think that nobody could possibly believe in communism like I

You might want to stick to political debate and cut the "kill all the right wingers or send them for re-education" talk.
Re: For those of you who think that nobody could possibly believe in communism like I

Still not convinced.
Re: For those of you who think that nobody could possibly believe in communism like I

Still not convinced.

Did you read everything I linked to? You'll see that there are MANY, MANY people in real life who hold the same views that I do.

But if you don't believe that I genuinely believe that the people's government in the best government, then that's fine. Just bury your head in the sand, convinced that nobody at all could possibly support a communist revolution, in spite of evidence to the contrary
Re: For those of you who think that nobody could possibly believe in communism like I

I've heard a lot of posters here call me a "troll." Some of you think that there is no way I could be serious about my beliefs. In fact, I have heard accusations that I am a right winger doing a bad impression of what he thinks a liberal is. Many of you have called me a poe. Personally, I think that this says much more about you than it says about me. Some of you are so naive, so sheltered, that you don't understand that billions of people around the world, including some in the USA, do hold a strong belief that the people, not the businesses, should rule. Some of you have beliefs so far to the right that you can't even see anything left of CNN or the Democratic Party (which would be considered center-right in most of the world), that you assume that it simply doesn't exist.

So I would like to ask one thing: to stop slandering me as a troll, a poe, accusing me of lying about my race, my Chinese heritage, my background, etc. I have NEVER once accused any of you of being disingenuous about your political beliefs.

You may have honestly thought that i was a troll, since you disagreed with my ideals and my political thinking. I hope all the sources I posted show that I am not alone in believing the things I do, and respecting the people that I respect. I am not a troll, I am not a poe. I am somebody who sincerely believes that there needs to be massive social change in this country, and that the best form of government is rule by the people, not by the corporations, just like many other people both online and in the real world.

I have cut the quote for length, any who wish may look at the original post.

You imply that Communism is rule by the people, when this is simply not the case. Time and again, history, and its proponents themselves, have shown that Communism is nothing but tyranny, both economic and political. For Communism to stand, it necessitates tyranny, because it necessitates total conformity. History shows this to be true time and again, whether it be Mao, Stalin, or Kim Jong-Un; while they claim to carry out the will of people, they slaughter countless innocents, crushing any who would dare to dissent. If that is the will of the people, then give me a tyrant, for I want no part of it!
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Re: For those of you who think that nobody could possibly believe in communism like I

You might want to stick to political debate and cut the "kill all the right wingers or send them for re-education" talk.

I'll admit to being a bit hot headed and angry this afternoon, but sometimes, things like seeing police kill unarmed people of color without any repercussions just gets your blood boiling. I apologize for crossing the line into "attacking fellow DP forum users" territory.
Re: For those of you who think that nobody could possibly believe in communism like I

I have cut the quote for length, any who wish may look at the original post.

You imply that Communism is rule by the people, when this is simply not the case. Time and again, history, and its proponents themselves, have shown that Communism is nothing but tyranny, both economic and political. For Communism to stand, it necessitates tyranny, because it necessitates total conformity. History shows this to be true time and again, whether it be Mao, Stalin, or Kim Jong-Un; while they claim to carry out the will of people, they slaughter countless innocents, crushing any who would dare to dissent. If that is the will of the people, then give me a tyrant, for I want no part of it.

He knows this, he has already called for mass murder to achieve a communist America.
Re: For those of you who think that nobody could possibly believe in communism like I

Communism might be pretty great when you're not the one getting murdered or starved to death.
Re: For those of you who think that nobody could possibly believe in communism like I

He knows this, he has already called for mass murder to achieve a communist America.

I know, but I hold out hope that if he is hit over the head with the truth enough times that he will eventually come to some semblance of sense.
Re: For those of you who think that nobody could possibly believe in communism like I

I'll admit to being a bit hot headed and angry this afternoon, but sometimes, things like seeing police kill unarmed people of color without any repercussions just gets your blood boiling. I apologize for crossing the line into "attacking fellow DP forum users" territory.

Apology accepted.
Re: For those of you who think that nobody could possibly believe in communism like I


Like so many political theories & systems, communism sounds good (to some), but in the reality of real-life implementation - it sucks!
Re: For those of you who think that nobody could possibly believe in communism like I

I've heard a lot of posters here call me a "troll." Some of you think that there is no way I could be serious about my beliefs. In fact, I have heard accusations that I am a right winger doing a bad impression of what he thinks a liberal is. Many of you have called me a poe. Personally, I think that this says much more about you than it says about me. Some of you are so naive, so sheltered, that you don't understand that billions of people around the world, including some in the USA, do hold a strong belief that the people, not the businesses, should rule. Some of you have beliefs so far to the right that you can't even see anything left of CNN or the Democratic Party (which would be considered center-right in most of the world), that you assume that it simply doesn't exist.

Maybe seeing that many, MANY other people in this country hold similar political views to mine will help you understand that yes, there are many people who support socialism and people's democracy.

Workers World – Workers & oppressed peoples of the world unite! : The Workers World Party, a party wil over a thousand members. Sometimes, I disagree with their views, especially their support for North Korea and their opposition to gun control, but for the most part, I think that they are a courageous bunch of forward thinkers who are not afraid to speak truth to power. Sometimes, I donate to their organization.

Revolution revcom.us : The Revolutionary Communist Party of the USA, this country's premiere Maoist party, which holds many of the same political beliefs that I do.

https://www.reddit.com/r/socialism/ : r/socialism, reddit's socialist subreddit, has over 60,000 subscribers. https://www.reddit.com/r/communism/ : reddit's communist subreddit, which is even more revolutionary than r/socialism, has over 17,000 subscribers

Perhaps if you still refuse to realize that many young americans are increasingly anti-racist, anti capitalist, and pro-equality, perhaps you might want to read these editorials, written by students at our country's finest institutions of higher learning, including Brown and Duke

Free speech, Black lives and white fragility | The Chronicle


Or read this article from Daily Kos, which deals with an anti capitalist forum in Cuba that many American college students attended:


And this one as well, by the same author: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/...s-Capitalist-Domination-in-the-Global-Economy

And read both this article and comments to see how many people here in the United States recognized Hugo Chavez for the hero that he is:


And this article describes quite well why I have the amount of respect and honor for Mao Zedong that I do:

So I would like to ask one thing: to stop slandering me as a troll, a poe, accusing me of lying about my race, my Chinese heritage, my background, etc. I have NEVER once accused any of you of being disingenuous about your political beliefs.

You may have honestly thought that I was a troll, since you disagreed with my ideals and my political thinking, and thought I had to either be crazy or lying. I hope all the sources I posted show that I am not alone in believing the things I do, and respecting the people that I respect. I am not a troll, I am not a poe. I am somebody who sincerely believes that there needs to be massive social change in this country, and that the best form of government is rule by the people, not by the corporations, just like many other people both online and in the real world.

Sorry, I'm not buying what you're selling anymore. You've made over 300 posts on this forum, and I couldn't find even one post you made on anyone else's thread. You pontificate and then criticize those who disagree with you...carefully skating "the line."
Trollish behavior from a seasoned forum user. So. Who are you?
Re: For those of you who think that nobody could possibly believe in communism like I

Apology accepted.

I'll admit that telling Renae that she should be shot was very classless and in poor taste. That was my shortcoming, and something that I would not say again.

In the future, I will still call you guys out for your racism. I will still tell you when your ideas are foolish. I will still call you out for repeating NRA or koch brothers talking points. But i promise never to directly threaten violence on a fellow DP forum member.
Re: For those of you who think that nobody could possibly believe in communism like I

I've heard a lot of posters here call me a "troll." Some of you think that there is no way I could be serious about my beliefs. In fact, I have heard accusations that I am a right winger doing a bad impression of what he thinks a liberal is. Many of you have called me a poe. Personally, I think that this says much more about you than it says about me. Some of you are so naive, so sheltered, that you don't understand that billions of people around the world, including some in the USA, do hold a strong belief that the people, not the businesses, should rule. Some of you have beliefs so far to the right that you can't even see anything left of CNN or the Democratic Party (which would be considered center-right in most of the world), that you assume that it simply doesn't exist.

Maybe seeing that many, MANY other people in this country hold similar political views to mine will help you understand that yes, there are many people who support socialism and people's democracy.

Workers World – Workers & oppressed peoples of the world unite! : The Workers World Party, a party wil over a thousand members. Sometimes, I disagree with their views, especially their support for North Korea and their opposition to gun control, but for the most part, I think that they are a courageous bunch of forward thinkers who are not afraid to speak truth to power. Sometimes, I donate to their organization.

Revolution revcom.us : The Revolutionary Communist Party of the USA, this country's premiere Maoist party, which holds many of the same political beliefs that I do.

https://www.reddit.com/r/socialism/ : r/socialism, reddit's socialist subreddit, has over 60,000 subscribers. https://www.reddit.com/r/communism/ : reddit's communist subreddit, which is even more revolutionary than r/socialism, has over 17,000 subscribers

Perhaps if you still refuse to realize that many young americans are increasingly anti-racist, anti capitalist, and pro-equality, perhaps you might want to read these editorials, written by students at our country's finest institutions of higher learning, including Brown and Duke

Free speech, Black lives and white fragility | The Chronicle


Or read this article from Daily Kos, which deals with an anti capitalist forum in Cuba that many American college students attended:


And this one as well, by the same author: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/...s-Capitalist-Domination-in-the-Global-Economy

And read both this article and comments to see how many people here in the United States recognized Hugo Chavez for the hero that he is:


And this article describes quite well why I have the amount of respect and honor for Mao Zedong that I do:

So I would like to ask one thing: to stop slandering me as a troll, a poe, accusing me of lying about my race, my Chinese heritage, my background, etc. I have NEVER once accused any of you of being disingenuous about your political beliefs.

You may have honestly thought that I was a troll, since you disagreed with my ideals and my political thinking, and thought I had to either be crazy or lying. I hope all the sources I posted show that I am not alone in believing the things I do, and respecting the people that I respect. I am not a troll, I am not a poe. I am somebody who sincerely believes that there needs to be massive social change in this country, and that the best form of government is rule by the people, not by the corporations, just like many other people both online and in the real world.

The Wobblies? Out of curiosity, if Communism is so great then why do they call it "Solidarity Unionism"? Shouldn't they be as proud of what they are as you are?
Re: For those of you who think that nobody could possibly believe in communism like I

Sorry, I'm not buying what you're selling anymore. You've made over 300 posts on this forum, and I couldn't find even one post you made on anyone else's thread. You pontificate and then criticize those who disagree with you...carefully skating "the line."
Trollish behavior from a seasoned forum user. So. Who are you?

OK, ok, you got me. I'll admit that I'm actually Paleocon. I'm angry that I got banned, so I decided to pretend to be a socialist and try to be a strawman troll.

(Just kidding. I'm not serious about that. I repeat again, I am not a troll, and if you dislike the fact that I have strongly held political beliefs that you disagree with, then that's just too bad.)
Re: For those of you who think that nobody could possibly believe in communism like I

Sorry, I'm not buying what you're selling anymore. You've made over 300 posts on this forum, and I couldn't find even one post you made on anyone else's thread. You pontificate and then criticize those who disagree with you...carefully skating "the line."
Trollish behavior from a seasoned forum user. So. Who are you?

Damn!!! He's pushing 400 posts in 3 days!!
Re: For those of you who think that nobody could possibly believe in communism like I

Perhaps if you still refuse to realize that many young Americans are increasingly anti-racist, anti capitalist, and pro-equality, perhaps you might want to read these editorials, written by students at our country's finest institutions of higher learning, including Brown and Duke
Do I really need to point out that coincidentally, many communist/socialist states are anti-young people? Tiananmen Square ring a bell?

Or read this article from Daily Kos, which deals with an anti capitalist forum in Cuba that many American college students attended:
So? The majority of American college students are ignorant of real history and of world affairs in general. I don't even think that is up for debate.
Re: For those of you who think that nobody could possibly believe in communism like I

Obvious troll is still 100% obvious.
Re: For those of you who think that nobody could possibly believe in communism like I

I've heard a lot of posters here call me a "troll." Some of you think that there is no way I could be serious about my beliefs. In fact, I have heard accusations that I am a right winger doing a bad impression of what he thinks a liberal is. Many of you have called me a poe. Personally, I think that this says much more about you than it says about me. Some of you are so naive, so sheltered, that you don't understand that billions of people around the world, including some in the USA, do hold a strong belief that the people, not the businesses, should rule. Some of you have beliefs so far to the right that you can't even see anything left of CNN or the Democratic Party (which would be considered center-right in most of the world), that you assume that it simply doesn't exist.

Maybe seeing that many, MANY other people in this country hold similar political views to mine will help you understand that yes, there are many people who support socialism and people's democracy.

Workers World – Workers & oppressed peoples of the world unite! : The Workers World Party, a party wil over a thousand members. Sometimes, I disagree with their views, especially their support for North Korea and their opposition to gun control, but for the most part, I think that they are a courageous bunch of forward thinkers who are not afraid to speak truth to power. Sometimes, I donate to their organization.

Revolution revcom.us : The Revolutionary Communist Party of the USA, this country's premiere Maoist party, which holds many of the same political beliefs that I do.

https://www.reddit.com/r/socialism/ : r/socialism, reddit's socialist subreddit, has over 60,000 subscribers. https://www.reddit.com/r/communism/ : reddit's communist subreddit, which is even more revolutionary than r/socialism, has over 17,000 subscribers

Perhaps if you still refuse to realize that many young americans are increasingly anti-racist, anti capitalist, and pro-equality, perhaps you might want to read these editorials, written by students at our country's finest institutions of higher learning, including Brown and Duke

Free speech, Black lives and white fragility | The Chronicle


Or read this article from Daily Kos, which deals with an anti capitalist forum in Cuba that many American college students attended:


And this one as well, by the same author: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/...s-Capitalist-Domination-in-the-Global-Economy

And read both this article and comments to see how many people here in the United States recognized Hugo Chavez for the hero that he is:


And this article describes quite well why I have the amount of respect and honor for Mao Zedong that I do:

So I would like to ask one thing: to stop slandering me as a troll, a poe, accusing me of lying about my race, my Chinese heritage, my background, etc. I have NEVER once accused any of you of being disingenuous about your political beliefs.

You may have honestly thought that I was a troll, since you disagreed with my ideals and my political thinking, and thought I had to either be crazy or lying. I hope all the sources I posted show that I am not alone in believing the things I do, and respecting the people that I respect. I am not a troll, I am not a poe. I am somebody who sincerely believes that there needs to be massive social change in this country, and that the best form of government is rule by the people, not by the corporations, just like many other people both online and in the real world.
Honestly, who cares? It's a no-win situation. Either you genuinely support a failed ideology, or, you are an affected caricature who is wasting our time. Meh, I for one won't be wasting my time with you. ;)
Re: For those of you who think that nobody could possibly believe in communism like I

Honestly, who cares? It's a no-win situation. Either you genuinely support a failed ideology, or, you are an affected caricature who is wasting our time. Meh, I for one won't be wasting my time with you. ;)

An ideology which has created the world's best public healthcare system in Cuba?

And ideology which has increased the female literacy rate in China from about fifty percent to basically 100?

And ideology which overthrew an absolute monarch in Russia who relied on the words of a religious mystic (Rasputin) to guide his policy decisions?

An ideology which, even to this day, is the guiding beacon of inspiration for the world's most populous (an most successful and developed) countries?
Re: For those of you who think that nobody could possibly believe in communism like I

An ideology which has created the world's best public healthcare system in Cuba?

And ideology which has increased the female literacy rate in China from about fifty percent to basically 100?

And ideology which overthrew an absolute monarch in Russia who relied on the words of a religious mystic (Rasputin) to guide his policy decisions?

An ideology which, even to this day, is the guiding beacon of inspiration for the world's most populous (an most successful and developed) countries?

Once again I will ask, Why don't you move to a country that shares your political beliefs (like China or Cuba).?

We will disagree on many things. I realize you are posting your opinion.

While China has done some things well, not so sure about the management of air quality and other environmental issues.
Re: For those of you who think that nobody could possibly believe in communism like I

your talking to people who spend most of their time trying to convince others that obama is a secret communist who wants to take their guns and kill white people, and then make them all get gay married at an abortion clinic, inside a sharia FEMA camp

I wouldnt take anything they say too seriously :lol:
Re: For those of you who think that nobody could possibly believe in communism like I

Omg ,who cares?

I've heard a lot of posters here call me a "troll." Some of you think that there is no way I could be serious about my beliefs. In fact, I have heard accusations that I am a right winger doing a bad impression of what he thinks a liberal is. Many of you have called me a poe. Personally, I think that this says much more about you than it says about me. Some of you are so naive, so sheltered, that you don't understand that billions of people around the world, including some in the USA, do hold a strong belief that the people, not the businesses, should rule. Some of you have beliefs so far to the right that you can't even see anything left of CNN or the Democratic Party (which would be considered center-right in most of the world), that you assume that it simply doesn't exist.

Maybe seeing that many, MANY other people in this country hold similar political views to mine will help you understand that yes, there are many people who support socialism and people's democracy.

Workers World – Workers & oppressed peoples of the world unite! : The Workers World Party, a party wil over a thousand members. Sometimes, I disagree with their views, especially their support for North Korea and their opposition to gun control, but for the most part, I think that they are a courageous bunch of forward thinkers who are not afraid to speak truth to power. Sometimes, I donate to their organization.

Revolution revcom.us : The Revolutionary Communist Party of the USA, this country's premiere Maoist party, which holds many of the same political beliefs that I do.

https://www.reddit.com/r/socialism/ : r/socialism, reddit's socialist subreddit, has over 60,000 subscribers. https://www.reddit.com/r/communism/ : reddit's communist subreddit, which is even more revolutionary than r/socialism, has over 17,000 subscribers

Perhaps if you still refuse to realize that many young americans are increasingly anti-racist, anti capitalist, and pro-equality, perhaps you might want to read these editorials, written by students at our country's finest institutions of higher learning, including Brown and Duke

Free speech, Black lives and white fragility | The Chronicle


Or read this article from Daily Kos, which deals with an anti capitalist forum in Cuba that many American college students attended:


And this one as well, by the same author: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/...s-Capitalist-Domination-in-the-Global-Economy

And read both this article and comments to see how many people here in the United States recognized Hugo Chavez for the hero that he is:


And this article describes quite well why I have the amount of respect and honor for Mao Zedong that I do:

So I would like to ask one thing: to stop slandering me as a troll, a poe, accusing me of lying about my race, my Chinese heritage, my background, etc. I have NEVER once accused any of you of being disingenuous about your political beliefs.

You may have honestly thought that I was a troll, since you disagreed with my ideals and my political thinking, and thought I had to either be crazy or lying. I hope all the sources I posted show that I am not alone in believing the things I do, and respecting the people that I respect. I am not a troll, I am not a poe. I am somebody who sincerely believes that there needs to be massive social change in this country, and that the best form of government is rule by the people, not by the corporations, just like many other people both online and in the real world.
Re: For those of you who think that nobody could possibly believe in communism like I

your talking to people who spend most of their time trying to convince others that obama is a secret communist who wants to take their guns and kill white people, and then make them all get gay married at an abortion clinic, inside a sharia FEMA camp

I wouldnt take anything they say too seriously :lol:

Thank you for being the rare voice of reason on this forum. You and I need to continue fighting the good fight, and not let these right wing idiots all around us get to us.

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