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Finns Party Youth's: "Finland´d return to 1939 borders (including Karelia). " (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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i am 100% agree with Finns Party Youth's , Moksha folk ´d return back to Moksha lands (15c borders of Muscovy) , as we all know Stalinist regime was a criminal one and this occupation is totally illegal

Finns Party Youth's @PS_Nuoret autumn conference has made the decision to proclaim that #Finland should officially demand the return of territories (including #karelia) ceded to #Russia at the end of #ww2, so as to return to 1939 borders. #turpo #venäjä #karjalatakaisin

They're going to need more rakes.
I don’t recognize anyone but ethnic Saami as owners of any land west of the White Sea.
Didnt some people here say that the Finns won the Winter War?
Another strange dichotomy:

Litwin supporting the re-drawing of borders in Europe.

People should be careful what they wish for.
"Litwin supporting the re-drawing of borders in Europe. " Litwin , or Vova Putler (czar Muscovites ), who is not just supporting it, but practically has done it at least 4 times ?

Didnt some people here say that the Finns won the Winter War?

They had to settle for loss of Finnish territory after Stalin first offenses failed and he redoubled his efforts. None the less, the Finns were unbelievable fighters who made legendary use of their hodge-podge of artillery to decimate soviet forces. The designed the best system of targeting and instant and precise artillery fire control up to that time.

But a tiny country can only do so much, and the Soviets were willing to sustain incredible losses to wear down the Finns.

Still, the only reason Stalin signed a peace treaty with Finland (when Finland allied with Germany and re-occupied its lost territory) was the price he knew he had to pay if he desired to occupy Finland. So the Finns agree to re-surrender their territory and Stalin went on to focus exclusively on the Germans.
i am 100% agree with Finns Party Youth's , Moksha folk ´d return back to Moksha lands (15c borders of Muscovy) , as we all know Stalinist regime was a criminal one and this occupation is totally illegal



The Russians are scum and I don't see any country recovering its lost territory. It would be nice to see Poland regain its lost lands (as well as Germany) but no chance. The Russian drive to imperialism and expansion is in their DNA - their working motto being "What's yours is mine, and what's mine is mine".
The Russians are scum and I don't see any country recovering its lost territory. It would be nice to see Poland regain its lost lands (as well as Germany) but no chance. The Russian drive to imperialism and expansion is in their DNA - their working motto being "What's yours is mine, and what's mine is mine".

it already have happened , ask the Hans (china) and Norway . Putler transferred them good slaces of his dying empire. for beginning Poland can give back what Georgian gangster koba dzhugashvilli gave to Polish commies , Belastok (To Belarus) and eastern Germany/western Prussia to frau Merkel.
More schizophrenic analysis.

On the one hand Russia is an expansionist power invading Ukraine and threatening Europe, especially the Baltics.

On the other hand it's a dying empire which is giving its land away through abject weakness.

Which is it?
it already have happened , ask the Hans (china) and Norway . Putler transferred them good slaces of his dying empire. for beginning Poland can give back what Georgian gangster koba dzhugashvilli gave to Polish commies , Belastok (To Belarus) and eastern Germany/western Prussia to frau Merkel.

I have no idea what you are trying to say. Whatever miniscule concession the Russians may have given to China or Norway does not change the fact that the borders of the European states are frozen and will remain so. The Ukraine will not return its land grab from WII, nor will Russia, nor will Byelorussia, nor will Poland. There is no reason to suppose that Putin has the slightest intention of making any significant border adjustments to benefit Finland.

It is not in the character of Putin nor Russia to do so, while they are more than willing to invade countries that disagree (Ukraine and Georgia, most recently).
I have read that the Finns DID fight valiantly against the Russians.

Stalin, I hear, respected the Finns' famous military leader.

But let's be frank: If Russia had really wanted to take all of Finland, Finland could not have stopped it.

So today's Finns should be happy with what they have and stop all silly talk about getting back lost land.

(Of course, if Russia ever becomes a genuine democracy, maybe the Russians would be willing to open negotiations. But the chance that Russia will ever become a genuine democracy are as remote as, well, President Trump's winning a second term.)
I have no idea what you are trying to say. Whatever miniscule concession the Russians may have given to China or Norway does not change the fact that the borders of the European states are frozen and will remain so. The Ukraine will not return its land grab from WII, nor will Russia, nor will Byelorussia, nor will Poland. There is no reason to suppose that Putin has the slightest intention of making any significant border adjustments to benefit Finland.

It is not in the character of Putin nor Russia to do so, while they are more than willing to invade countries that disagree (Ukraine and Georgia, most recently).
do you think that Norway is not Europe? or did you forget about 1991? and they have a new 1991 (1917) is on the way ...



I have read that the Finns DID fight valiantly against the Russians.

Stalin, I hear, respected the Finns' famous military leader.

But let's be frank: If Russia had really wanted to take all of Finland, Finland could not have stopped it.

So today's Finns should be happy with what they have and stop all silly talk about getting back lost land.

(Of course, if Russia ever becomes a genuine democracy, maybe the Russians would be willing to open negotiations. But the chance that Russia will ever become a genuine democracy are as remote as, well, President Trump's winning a second term.)

Finland made a great statement , yes maybe you can take us it´d cost you ...+ woodlands of Finland a perfect playground for guerilla warfare .so koba and his criminal commie gang did some simple math and decided to stay away from Finland
they won. this is how Finland ´d look like today if they ´d lose the wars with the Asians .
If the Finns won, how come Karelia is still part of Russia?

Answer: they lost.
You're linking to a CIA report which predicted Russia could break up into the regions on the map within 10 years.

The report was written in 2004
if ´d read it you will see that CIA is 100% right, yes they were a bit wrong timing, but it has not changed the main prediction . Muscovy is moving forward 10 or so national states solution , and do it very fast
If the Finns won, how come Karelia is still part of Russia?

Answer: they lost.

not entire Karelia in hands of Muscovites today, and if you visit both sides of Karelia you will see directly who won all 4 wars . and this is status quo is not forever

Didnt some people here say that the Finns won the Winter War?

Considering the fact that it was only those chunks of territory and not, you know, the entire country......I'd say they came out ahead of the game.
Considering the fact that it was only those chunks of territory and not, you know, the entire country......I'd say they came out ahead of the game.

The USSR took Berlin from the Germans. If they wanted to take all of Finland, they would have done so easily. Anyone who thinks otherwise are just deluding themselves.
The USSR took Berlin from the Germans. If they wanted to take all of Finland, they would have done so easily. Anyone who thinks otherwise are just deluding themselves.

Yes, they did.....after several years of brutal fighting.

The Red Army in 1940 was not the Red Army of 1945. Not even close.

The simple fact of the matter is that you can screech about how they "could have" done something all you want.....but they didn't. And this is Stalin's Russia, so it's not like the cost in human life or international opinion was what stayed his hand.

"Easily" my ass. The Russians didn't gain anything "easily" in the Winter War. That you expect them to magically overcome the numerous serious problems they displayed in the conflict and "easily" take over the country.....and keep it garrisoned, for that matter.....is laughable.

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