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Filipino Immigration Discrimination. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 23, 2009
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"August 17, 2010
SPLC Files Suit on Behalf of Filipino Teachers
The Southern Poverty Law Center and two other groups have filed suit on behalf of 350 Filipino guest workers brought to this country to teach in Louisiana public schools. The lawsuit states that the Filipino educators were victims of human trafficking, racketeering and fraud—all to fill teaching jobs."

The same southern poverty law center that claims or implies that any group opposed to illegal immigration is racist? I have to wonder how accurate their claims about the Fillipino teachers are.
The same southern poverty law center that claims or implies that any group opposed to illegal immigration is racist? I have to wonder how accurate their claims about the Fillipino teachers are.

Having both lived there, and have relatives whom live there (odd fact, my cousins are Filipeno, never been there, I lived there... weird **** man) I hope that these accusations are false, but if they are not I hope this action helps. And no, as a general rule I haven't much use for the SPLC folks. But even the ACLU once in a blue moon gets something right so...

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