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Female Masturbation (1 Viewer)

Is this a real thing?
I just wanted to let you know that there's such a thing as a 'strap-in', latex underwear that keeps her dildo/vibrator inside her all day/night, and most can be discreetly controlled from her phone.

Have a good night :)
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It in and of itself happens to come from the Skene's glands however if your bed looks like an inflatable pool, your partner may have temporarily lost control of her bladder function along the way. It happens sometimes.
True enough, but some women can produce copious amounts. My one wife and I have to keep a towel under her (or me if her knee isn't giving her trouble). And because accidents do happen (thankfully VERY rarely) I can tell you, it's not urine coming out.

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I just wanted to let you know that there's such a thing as a 'strap-in', latex underwear that keeps her dildo/vibrator inside her all day/night, and most can be discreetly controlled from her phone.

Have a good night :)

Lovense Lush looks like fun.

It's just more than I want to pay for a toy.
I just wanted to let you know that there's such a thing as a 'strap-in', latex underwear that keeps her dildo/vibrator inside her all day/night, and most can be discreetly controlled from her phone.

Have a good night :)

Even better if it was by "his" phone or is that what you meant ?
The OP claims to be both female and a communist. They have a total of 10 posts.

I smell a troll.

I guess it is a real thing after all. I was probably mistaken. I have just never done it.
I guess it is a real thing after all. I was probably mistaken. I have just never done it.

Female masturbation or communism ?

If it's the former, I would recommend you persuade a female to allow you to try it. Might cost you an expensive dinner though.
Sinner that I am, I like to watch. :)
I have just never felt the need and it seems sort of gross I reckon.

Just curl a finger and find your spot. Before you know it, you'll be looking for a secluded location to diddle quite regularly.
hmmmm. I guess all women are different. Do you not ever have sex with your husband?

Im divorced but I have a BF and that answer would be a very emphatic yes.
Just curl a finger and find your spot. Before you know it, you'll be looking for a secluded location to diddle quite regularly.

Sorry, I just couldn't help myself, this scene came to mind :lamo

It seems Pleasantville comes to mind quite often whenever I read some of the stuff from the Right.
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