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Fauci scolds Rand Paul during tense exchange at hearing (1 Viewer)


Eco**Social Marketeer
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Mar 6, 2019
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Fauci scolds Rand Paul during tense exchange at hearing
A seemingly irritated Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, scolded Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) at a congressional hearing on Wednesday after the senator claimed that COVID-19 cases might not be rising in New York because of herd immunity.

Fauci, the country's top infectious diseases doctor, told Paul he was wrong to make the suggestion, and he said Paul had also been wrong in other public comments about the concept of herd immunity.

"No, you've misconstrued that, senator, and you've done that repeatedly in the past," Fauci said.
It was beautiful, and so well deserved. Someone suggested today they Rand Paul's license (as an ophthalmologist) should be revoked, as he's clearly incompetent as a doctor.
This happens with Senator Rand all the time... If you believe 22% is herd immunity, I believe you’re alone in that.
That video was awesome. Paul was clearly expecting Fauci, being called upon to answer questions, to feel diminutive and in awe of Paul's Senatorial power. It did not exactly work out that way.

Fauci scolds Rand Paul during tense exchange at hearing It was beautiful, and so well deserved. Someone suggested today they Rand Paul's license (as an ophthalmologist) should be revoked, as he's clearly incompetent as a doctor.

That guy's license is from a board he personally created.
It's like creating your very own DMV and then giving yourself a commercial driver's license with a hazardous materials endorsement so you can say that you're licensed to transport nuclear materials.

Having Rand Paul question one's legitimacy in the medical field is like hiring Qanon to do child welfare checks.
Fauci scolds Rand Paul during tense exchange at hearing It was beautiful, and so well deserved. Someone suggested today they Rand Paul's license (as an ophthalmologist) should be revoked, as he's clearly incompetent as a doctor.
Just more proof that today's trumpublicans value power and ideology over their constituents welfare.

Paul is an evil ****ing toad and deserves to have his ass handed to him. Good for Fauchi!
It was great but on our news they didnt show Paul's face after Fauci told him off.
Every time they send Rand Paul, the doctor, out to speak on healthcare, it is like hearing Jim Jordans talk about child endangerment and sexual assault. Sure, he might have a background that is related, but nobody wants him actually dictating how it should be handled.


Thought had by person at the White House: If you can remember, man, woman, car, camera, TV, you are fit to lead a country and no one has anything to worry about
There are posters on this board who believe we're close to herd immunity. One guy said 60% of our citizens are already infected with COVID.

You can't fix stupid. There's no use trying.
Ophthalmologist matching wits with a renowned immunologist. Who'll win that debate?
When in the holy hell did Rand Paul start sounding like Fox News?
Too bad Rand's neighbor was not around to further "talk" to him.

Rand is the biggest spoiled worm in DC. No wonder he keeps getting beat up.

The apple does not fall far from the tree.
Too bad Rand's neighbor was not around to further "talk" to him.

Rand is the biggest spoiled worm in DC. No wonder he keeps getting beat up.

Advocating for violence to squelch a political opponent because they said something in a stupid way. Is this the new societal norm?
Rand Paul....that guy...
That guy is an opthalmologist because he got board certified by a board that he created.
They used to do things like that during the collapse of the USSR, people would pay a bribe to an official and buy official papers that said they were doctors or lawyers.
In reality they'd been traffic cops or meat-cutters, but now they're doctors!
And he gets away with this scam of his because in his state it doesn't even matter.
Advocating for violence to squelch a political opponent because they said something in a stupid way. Is this the new societal norm?

no, it's rather old school.

A Trumpian adaptation.
Yes, Fauci humiliated Paul. And I'm glad. Paul sounded like a moronic Trump cultist.
There are posters on this board who believe we're close to herd immunity. One guy said 60% of our citizens are already infected with COVID.
There is a huge difference between 60% and 6,000,000 - % just LOOKS like zeroes....
I guess there is no telling who or what will be the excuse for sociopathic comments.
I was going to ask where you got your expertise on sociopathy, but then I remembered...
That video was awesome. Paul was clearly expecting Fauci, being called upon to answer questions, to feel diminutive and in awe of Paul's Senatorial power. It did not exactly work out that way.

As someone said, Faucci's from Brooklyn, he's going to tell it like it is.

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