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Falwell Goes Down (1 Viewer)


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Feb 12, 2013
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I guess Jerry did not fall well. :sneaky:

Jerry Falwell Jr's wife called 911 saying there was 'lots of blood' after husband fell while drinking

Jerry Falwell Jr, the former head of Liberty University who resigned earlier this summer after a series of scandals, appears to have suffered an injury while intoxicated shortly after news reports of an alleged sexual relationship between himself, his wife and a pool boy was published.

She said Mr Falwell Jr called her around 11pm and said he'd fallen down the stairs of their church and he was bleeding. Because the doors to the church were locked, Ms Falwell had to break in using a chair. She called 911 around 2:30am.

The 911 dispatcher asked Ms Falwell if her husband had been drinking, to which she replied "yes." When the dispatcher asked if he had been drinking heavily, she said "I'm not going to answer that question."

The hypocrisy of Far Right Christians knows no bounds. But, in Jerry's case, it looks like god has finally had enough.
He went to a church at night to get wasted, and fell down? :D

Religious hypocrites like him deserve worse, and will find it if the heaven/hell they claim to believe in exist.

PS: "their" church?
IIRC the “church” in the story is a guest bungalow on their property.......
Sounds like he really didn’t fall well at all. 🤣
You know what they say...the bigger they are, the harder they fall...;)
Doesn't this belong to a section titled "gossip".
This is ONE "far right Christian". AND, Christians try to forgive others weaknesses rather than create fifteen million threads on DP.
There are only two cheeks..........
This is ONE "far right Christian". AND, Christians try to forgive others weaknesses rather than create fifteen million threads on DP.
I see some have a need to defend the hypocrite.
The disaster continues, and no one should be surprised at how downhill this whole thing is going.
You know, at this point, I just don't care. He got exposed as a hypocrite, his reputation is ruined, He can go down the drain, or turn thing around, I just don't care at this point.
IMO, he needs to fall further, at least until he learns to fall well.
The disaster continues, and no one should be surprised at how downhill this whole thing is going.
That he is still trying to throw his wife and the pool boy under the bus tells me what I need to know about the durtbag's character.
he called mrs fallwell out of church at 11PM for help

and when she arrived she had to break the door down with a chair

nothing odd about that story
The one thing from Jerry and his wife Becki that is quite noticeable is neither have come out and say anything about the damage to their three children.
he called mrs fallwell out of church at 11PM for help

and when she arrived she had to break the door down with a chair

nothing odd about that story
I read the original story that way too. However, it seems the first reports were written too quickly.

The fact is Jerry called Becki from his church--essentially a barn on the Falwell compound. The doors were locked and his wife had to break into the building. Now, one does have to ask what Jerry is doing alone in his church at 11PM at night, drunk off his ass. But, that is a different story altogether.
My gripe with Jerry and the assholes like him is their self-righteous attitudes, meddling nature and outright hypocrisy. A bunch of annoying ****s thinking they are better than everyone else because of their twisted belief in the resurrected zombie boy. GMAFB, it's all bullshit. And, Jerry Falwell proves it. If you don;t believe me, listen to how he lectures and watch how he behaves. If that doesn't do it for ya, nothing will.
For decades members of the religious right have been telling the rest of the American people how unusually moral they are.

The first act of hypocrisy by the religious right happened in 1980 when they abandoned the most sincerely Christian president we have ever had for a product of Hollywood who rarely attended church. In 2016 they reached even lower and gave their support to a foul mouthed, lying, womanizing pagan.

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