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Europe Warns Obama: This Relationship Is Not Working (1 Viewer)


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Jul 1, 2010
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To think, I remember hearing so many people justify their vote for Obama based on foreign policy. Maybe not as much of an improvement there after all? I'll report you decide (ha, see what I did there?)!

Per Article:
Europe's disappointment with President Barack Obama's presidency was laid bare Thursday as the EU’s most senior figure called for a dramatic effort to revive transatlantic relations.

The president of the European Commission said the new era at the White House was in danger of becoming a “missed opportunity” for Europe.

José Manuel Barroso said the EU-U.S. relationship was not living up to its potential. The criticism follows a series of fundamental disagreements on how to deal with the economic crisis, climate change and trade reform.

FOXNews.com - Europe Warns Obama: This Relationship Is Not Working
Given the GOP's interference on every single issue of significance, this does not come as a surprise.
I can't think of anyone that voted for Obama based on his foreign policy? Come to think about it, I can't think of any reason why people voted for Obama. :)

Given the GOP's interference on every single issue of significance, this does not come as a surprise.
Every single issue of significance?

Can you provide us with the top three "most significant" foreign policy issues, what the GOP interference was for each, and how that affected our relationship with Europe?
I can't think of anyone that voted for Obama based on his foreign policy? Come to think about it, I can't think of any reason why people voted for Obama. :)


He's not Sarah Palin?
Why would it. By the way, the one thing the GOP cannot be blamed for is, Foreign Policy interference. They have exactly zero say in the matter unless the President wants them too. By wants them too, notwithstanding declaratioins of war, and funding, congress has no say!


Responding to Deuce
Last edited:
Hehe.. Although, I like Sarah personally, she's not Presidential IMO. I know that will piss off a lot of conservatives, but I happen to think it's true.

Every single issue of significance?

Can you provide us with the top three "most significant" foreign policy issues, what the GOP interference was for each, and how that affected our relationship with Europe?

You can find three in the OP.
Why would it. By the way, the one thing the GOP cannot be blamed for is, Foreign Policy interference. They have exactly zero say in the matter unless the President wants them too. By wants them too, notwithstanding declaratioins of war, and funding, congress has no say!


Responding to Deuce

The GOP controls enough of congress to force cloture votes whenever they feel like it. If they want to make the effort, they can block and and all legislation from passing the Senate. If you think congress has no effect on foreign policy and relations, I don't know what to tell you.
I remember quite clearly that a lot of people didn't like Obama because he had little to no foreign-policy experience.

I'm getting old - but this was just two years ago so it's likely an accurate memory I have. :)

*contemplates the importance of having knowledge that no one else has*
You can find three in the OP.
Ah yes. The OP. While you're blaming "the GOP" the Obama administration is blaming Europe:

The U.S. defended itself forcefully against claims that it had neglected Europe.

"Expectations were probably so high that they could not have been met when you looked at the European response to the election," a senior official in the Administration said.

The view from Washington is that communication with Europe on a range of crucial issues is difficult because the EU still lacks "a clear foreign policy apparatus."

So... are you not willing to support your earlier claim? Can you provide details on how the GOP thwarted Obama's efforts on three of the issues in the OP?
Ah yes. The OP. While you're blaming "the GOP" the Obama administration is blaming Europe:

So... are you not willing to support your earlier claim? Can you provide details on how the GOP thwarted Obama's efforts on three of the issues in the OP?

Cap and Trade - GOP goes the "OMG NOT OUR MONEY" route and we end up with watered down semblence of pollution control. If anything passes at all, they're talking about dropping the "cap" part entirely.
Cap and Trade - GOP goes the "OMG NOT OUR MONEY" route and we end up with watered down semblence of pollution control. If anything passes at all, they're talking about dropping the "cap" part entirely.
Ah - so now we've gone from "GOP's interference on every single issue of significance" to its stance on probably the least most significant issue in the OP - reducing greenhouse emissions. It is true that Republicans aren't fans of Cap and Trade, but is also true that the Dems couldn't agree on Cap and Trade among themselves. Further - it's also true that had the proposed legislation passed, we still would be at odds with Europe on that issue (in line with the "expectations too high" comment from the admin).

Now.. how about the real issues of significance at the G20. Obama's insistence that the world "stay the course" on economic stimulus. What about trade reform?

How is the GOP to blame in reference to Sarkozy's recent remark:
Obama does not come from the same tradition as his predecessors. He is interested in Asia and Russia, not Europe. There is no sense of a privileged relationship. They seem to take us for granted sometimes.
Id say, a lot of this critism against Obama is because people expect so much better from him, than they did the previous president and many current world leaders. As well as that, people are feeling such stress about the economic crisis etc, and such hope about what Obama can do that the slightest disappointment or delay is paniced about, out of proportion.
I dont trust a word Fox news says.
I dont trust a word Fox news says.

Then I guess Obama was never elected president.

*do do do do do . . . the twilight zone*

You can't trust *any* 24/7 news source - doesn't matter who - they're all full of crap and pay more attention to ratings than they do facts.
Cap and Trade - GOP goes the "OMG NOT OUR MONEY" route and we end up with watered down semblence of pollution control. If anything passes at all, they're talking about dropping the "cap" part entirely.

Good our economy can't afford it. It's not the corporations that will pay, it's the consumers who buy their products.
She ran for VP just like Biden. You really think that guy is better?

Yes. He's not a mor-...
Well, at leats he doesn't say things that a reallly stup-...
It's not like he embarasses the Dem-...

His political philosophy is closer to mine?
Yes. He's not a mor-...
Well, at leats he doesn't say things that a reallly stup-...
It's not like he embarasses the Dem-...

His political philosophy is closer to mine?
I thanked your post, but I need to thank you here too. It made me laugh :)
I dont trust a word Fox news says.

Id say Fox report from a very narrow prespective. I dont think they say anything that is not actually true, though.

I for one, would not use them as my main news source, because they dont give a broad enough view.
Governor Palin was not at the top of the ticket, Senator McCain was.

And the fact that McCain picked her as VP made me suspect he had Alzheimer's.

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