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Eric Bryan Stone would beat Trump (1 Viewer)

World Champs

DP Veteran
Apr 21, 2022
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The hip hop mogul and activist would beat Trump's ass if he ran again for president. Stone is wildly popular with Black women, the base of the Democratic Party. I think Trump should go away by the way.
I can only say who?
A summary of who the felon is from the previous thread idolizing this poser:
In other words - this young, white, wildly popular, very well known, BLM activist and prominent poser that no one has ever heard of is:

... a felon, a white wannabe hip-hop [c]rapper who wants to kill cops and take out whites, confronting them violently if he has to (as if murder isn't violent enough), in all fairness, confronting them about supposed evils they had nothing to do with (save be white - like him) because white people are responsible for black crime.

And he's going to run for president - or higher office (imagine that) - and already has his advertising out (I suspect we're seeing the bulk of it right now). Moreover, this felon is going to be teaching in all public and private schools AND he's going to write a book that will be published in all of them as well.

This is one seriously deluded, megalomaniacal narcissist of a felon with such visions of grandeur as he imagines offices higher than the presidency - all of which he's more than willing to accomplish with violence and murder.

....and you idolize him? Or did you just hire on to his campaign team as his social media maven and this is your first foray into that world?
I am not a very good reader, but I take it that Mr. S. is a Caucasian rapper who "dislikes" cops and other Caucasians.

If that is correct, then I feel so sorry for him.

He looks to be relatively young.

So if he or a loved one ever has a violent experience with some of the people whom he reportedly idolizes, he may be traumatically affected.
I am not a very good reader, but I take it that Mr. S. is a Caucasian rapper who "dislikes" cops and other Caucasians.

If that is correct, then I feel so sorry for him.

He looks to be relatively young.

So if he or a loved one ever has a violent experience with some of the people whom he reportedly idolizes, he may be traumatically affected.
perhaps he was traumatized by the people ye does not like?
It is my sincere hope that the Dems run this clown. Gotta be better than Joe, right?
Yeah, but there's no way this guy's getting past his own precinct, imho - *maybe* to county if he's really lucky.
I am not a very good reader, but I take it that Mr. S. is a Caucasian rapper who "dislikes" cops and other Caucasians.

If that is correct, then I feel so sorry for him.

He looks to be relatively young.

So if he or a loved one ever has a violent experience with some of the people whom he reportedly idolizes, he may be traumatically affected.

He wants white people to acknowledge that they have advantages over Black people.
It is my sincere hope that the Dems run this clown. Gotta be better than Joe, right?
He's younger than Biden, he can appeal to the Dems' young base, so he's a contender. Black women are the base of the Democratic Party. Black women love him.
Whites and cops?
He said Black neighborhoods are better to live in than white neighborhoods and that white people are the problem all over the world.
Yeah, but there's no way this guy's getting past his own precinct, imho - *maybe* to county if he's really lucky.
He lives in Harlem, New York. He can win in Harlem. He's popular with blacks.
Still zero likes.
The hip hop mogul and activist would beat Trump's ass if he ran again for president. Stone is wildly popular with Black women, the base of the Democratic Party. I think Trump should go away by the way.


He lives in Harlem, New York. He can win in Harlem. He's popular with blacks.
Well then good for him.

Harlem has a population of some 145,000 - 62% of which is black
New York City has a population of some 8,460,000
New York State has a population of 19,450,000

So even if your [c]rapper wannabe and two-bit felon who is loved by blacks and aspires to taking out whites and killing cops gets all 62% of the Harlem vote (just 62% of Harlem is black) - that's maybe 90k, barely 1 % of the NYC vote and a whopping 0.005% of the New York State vote.

My guess though? I bet he couldn't even garner a fourth of the black vote of Harlem.

The black community is infinitely smarter than this and they're tired of charlatans like this poser and hundreds before him (including BLM and especially the DNC) pretending to "care" about black people who instead simply use them to their own selfish purposes.

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