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embaressing moments (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 6, 2011
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Where they have FOX on in bars and restaurants
Political Leaning
I was wandering around in a hardware store the other day when this twenty something girl asked if I was finding what I needed. Without thinking I said " where's your caulk"? :lol: The look on her face was worth my embarrassment. We both started laughing but still though for a moment there I think I may have actually blushed, good thing I have a beard. Had anything happen to you lately that was a :doh moment?
There are too many to count ;)
This one is more of a true blonde moment than anything, but back in '98, my husband and I were flying to Chicago to see our son graduate from Navy basic training, during the month of January. We were almost to Chicago, and I looked out the window to see the view. Being a gardener, I notice terrain characteristics. I turned to hubs and said "baby, look how light the dirt is up here", to which he replied, "honey, that is snow". :lol:
So when people ask me do you want sugar in your tea I normally reply " no im sweet enough thanks", normally works as some light banter especially it its a women serving me my tea. Well recently I ordered a hot chocolate and the server asked if I wanted whipped cream on top, without thinking I said " no I'm creamy enough". I started to realise what I was saying halfway through so it almost became a question rather than a statement, the girl gave me the look and we both just stood their in awkward silence. I practically ran out of the shop after I paid.
At the tobacco shop, asking for a pack of Gauloises (French cigs), long and blond. To which the young lady behind the counter replied: with big breasts? I laughed.

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