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Emanuel Macron ou Marine Le Pen - who do you prefer as President of France? (1 Viewer)

Emanuelle Macron ou Marine Le Pen - who do you prefer as President of France?

  • Emanuelle Macron

    Votes: 38 92.7%
  • Marine Le Pen

    Votes: 3 7.3%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Aug 10, 2019
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Emanuel Macron ou Marine Le Pen - who do you prefer as President of France?
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Some details about Macron:

The Macron family legacy is traced back to the village of Authie in Hauts-de-France.[4] One of his paternal great-grandfathers, George William Robertson, was English, and was born in Bristol, United Kingdom.[5][6] His maternal grandparents, Jean and Germaine Noguès (née Arribet), are from the Pyrenean town of Bagnères-de-Bigorre, Gascony.[7] He commonly visited Bagnères-de-Bigorre to visit his grandmother Germaine, whom he called "Manette".[8] Macron associates his enjoyment of reading[9] and his left-ward political leanings to Germaine, who, after coming from a modest upbringing of a stationmaster father and a housekeeping mother, became a teacher then a principal, and died in 2013.[10]

Although raised in a non-religious family, Macron was baptized a Catholic by his own request at age 12; he is agnostic today

Some details about Le Pen

Legal studies and work​

Le Pen studied law at Panthéon-Assas University, graduating with a Master of Laws in 1991 and a Master of Advanced Studies (DEA) in criminal law in 1992.[33] Registered at the Paris bar association, she worked as a lawyer for six years (1992–1998),[33] appearing regularly before the criminal chamber of the 23rd district court of Paris which judges immediate appearances, and often acting as a public defender. She was a member of the Paris Bar until 1998, when she joined the legal department of the National Front.

I hate Macron, but Le Pen would be an utter disaster. Luckily it looks like she will lose.
Here his full name:

Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron
What in the French is that bullshit. Somebody has to stop them.
As it seems - one cannot edit a poll. :)
So we have to live with Emanuel/le.

Anyway, it has become fashionabe to declare onself as "non-binary". :)
Male or female is sooooooooo yesterday. :cool:

  • Total voters 9
8 x Macron
1 x Le Pen
I vote other.

I am not French. I do not live in France.

As far as I am concerned, the French can pick whomever they wish.

None of my business. :coffee:
I vote other.

I am not French. I do not live in France.

As far as I am concerned, the French can pick whomever they wish.

None of my business. :coffee:
Because what France does has no impact on America? Just because you don't vote there doesn't mean it's none of your business. Are you claiming you've never weighed in on another states politics in this forum?
I vote

As far as I am concerned, the French can pick whomever they wish.
I doubt whether they would ask your permission. :)

This poll is not about your permission. :cool:
It is about your opinion.
But I know that there are always some who are proud of their lack of opinion and of their general ignorance. :)
I doubt whether they would ask your permission. :)

This poll is not about your permission. :cool:
It is about your opinion.
But I know that there are always some who are proud of their lack of opinion and of their general ignorance. :)

Next time cite my post correctly.

"It reads: I vote OTHER."

I am not rendering a position in the election.

I am stating clearly it is none of my business as I am neither a French citizen, nor an expatriate of that nation.

I am unconcerned about who gets elected because it is "none of my business."

Although I often find it amusing when people who are not involved/impacted offer unsolicited opinions on a subject they have no business with either.

Your ad hominem response is denied.

Tagline time :coffee:
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I vote other.

I am not French. I do not live in France.

As far as I am concerned, the French can pick whomever they wish.

None of my business. :coffee:
I am not French either.
I am not Russian either.

And I do not think that there are many French or many Russians here.
So we cannot talk about those countries? :cool:

17 x Macron
02 x Le Pen
I think that it would be nice if the lady won.

1. It would prove the French have honest elections.

2. She would be France's first female president.

3. She would ask all immigrants to adopt French customs or assist them in returning to their homelands.

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