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Emails From Hillary Clinton’s IT Director at State Department Appear to Be Missing (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 28, 2008
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North Texas
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No Emails Found for Hillary Clinton's Senior IT Staffer at State Department - ABC News

The State Department said today it can’t find any of Bryan Pagliano’s emails from the time he served as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s senior information technology staffer during her tenure there.
Pagliano would have been required to turn over any official communications from his work account before he left the government. State Department officials say he had an official email account, but that they can't find any of those records and continue to search for them.

“The Department has searched for Mr. Pagliano’s email pst file and has not located one that covers the time period of Secretary Clinton’s tenure,” State Department spokesman Elizabeth Trudeau said today, referencing a file format that holds email.

“To be clear, the Department does have records related to Mr. Pagliano and we are working with Congress and [Freedom of Information Act] requesters to provide relevant material. The Department has located a pst from Mr. Pagliano’s recent work at the Department as a contractor, but the files are from after Secretary Clinton left the Department," Trudeau added.

Either the State Department has the worst IT department in the history of modern technology, or this is a bald-faced cover-up.

It's one or the other.
Re: Emails From Hillary Clinton’s IT Director at State Department Appear to Be Missin

Ho Hum. Just another day in the life of the Clintons. Business as usual.
Re: Emails From Hillary Clinton’s IT Director at State Department Appear to Be Missin

Another day, another Clinton crime exposed.
Re: Emails From Hillary Clinton’s IT Director at State Department Appear to Be Missin

Ho Hum. Just another day in the life of the Clintons. Business as usual.

Yup. Pretty much.

Now consider if Hillary is elected POTUS. I think it'd be nothing but the same, just more of it and piled deeper (and probably stinkier too).
Re: Emails From Hillary Clinton’s IT Director at State Department Appear to Be Missin

I wonder at what level personnel are required to keep their emails. When I worked at embassies I deleted emails all the time. We even received automated warnings when our emails were taking up too much space and were instructed to delete them. Now, I was just a middle management type but I wonder at what level up the food chain people aren't allowed to delete emails.
Re: Emails From Hillary Clinton’s IT Director at State Department Appear to Be Missin

I wonder at what level personnel are required to keep their emails. When I worked at embassies I deleted emails all the time. We even received automated warnings when our emails were taking up too much space and were instructed to delete them. Now, I was just a middle management type but I wonder at what level up the food chain people aren't allowed to delete emails.

Re: Emails From Hillary Clinton’s IT Director at State Department Appear to Be Missin

I think I would have to dig deep into those regs to answer my question. And since I am retired I don't much feel like it. :) I do remember we had strict disposition procedures for paper files and even digital records. But never anything regarding our emails other than don't let the PST files get too big. But maybe that was because the IT folks maintained backups of the server files and that met the requirements.
Re: Emails From Hillary Clinton’s IT Director at State Department Appear to Be Missin

the other shoe is going to drop before the election. how the liberals have talked themselves into thinking this is all just BS just proves their ability to rationalize ANYTHING. their best ability, in my opinion.
Re: Emails From Hillary Clinton’s IT Director at State Department Appear to Be Missin

Pagliano has a long history with Clinton. After running technology for her 2008 campaign, he went to work for her political action committee. For his services setting up the email server Clinton used exclusively as secretary, Pagliano was paid directly by Clinton and her family.

Pagliano then came to work for Clinton at State but continued to be paid by the Clintons to maintain the server, the Washington Post reported. Pagliano didn’t list the outside income on mandatory financial disclosure forms.

So Pagliano, while employed at State Dept., wasn't paid by his employer to set up Hillary's personal email server she used for business. He was paid directly by Hillary to install and maintain the server and didn't declare the income, or report it to the State Dept.

What's that worth, a $10,000 fine and mandatory jail time?

The Clintons are very good at implicating others in their twisted schemes.

I wonder what else caused Pagliano to plead the 5th? Will immunity get him to spill all the beans?

Mystery: Emails From Hillary?s Top Geek Are M.I.A. - The Daily Beast
Re: Emails From Hillary Clinton’s IT Director at State Department Appear to Be Missin

Μολὼν λαβέ;1065848958 said:
So Pagliano, while employed at State Dept., wasn't paid by his employer to set up Hillary's personal email server she used for business. He was paid directly by Hillary to install and maintain the server and didn't declare the income, or report it to the State Dept.

What's that worth, a $10,000 fine and mandatory jail time?

The Clintons are very good at implicating others in their twisted schemes.

I wonder what else caused Pagliano to plead the 5th? Will immunity get him to spill all the beans?

Mystery: Emails From Hillary?s Top Geek Are M.I.A. - The Daily Beast

I thought that Pagliano already accepted immunity, but then refused to testify. I never heard much more, but figured that the immunity offer was withdrawn when he refused to testify.
Re: Emails From Hillary Clinton’s IT Director at State Department Appear to Be Missin

I thought that Pagliano already accepted immunity, but then refused to testify. I never heard much more, but figured that the immunity offer was withdrawn when he refused to testify.

I believe that Pagliano initially refused to testify and then was offered immunity in exchange for his testimony. I imagine that Pagliano is relieved that just his emails have disappeared, and not him as well.
Re: Emails From Hillary Clinton’s IT Director at State Department Appear to Be Missin

I believe that Pagliano initially refused to testify and then was offered immunity in exchange for his testimony. I imagine that Pagliano is relieved that just his emails have disappeared, and not him as well.

Hmm. Shades of Vince Foster. If that's the correct order, I seem to recall it was reported the other way around, then all's well, it would seem (well not in the Hillary camp, but details, details).
Re: Emails From Hillary Clinton’s IT Director at State Department Appear to Be Missin

I thought the NSA archived all emails.
Re: Emails From Hillary Clinton’s IT Director at State Department Appear to Be Missin

I thought the NSA archived all emails.

Who does the NSA work for?
Re: Emails From Hillary Clinton’s IT Director at State Department Appear to Be Missin

Hmm. Shades of Vince Foster. If that's the correct order, I seem to recall it was reported the other way around, then all's well, it would seem (well not in the Hillary camp, but details, details).

I read extensively about Vince Foster, and was never convinced of anything one way or the other. I have no idea what's going on at State with records, but it sure looks like they're either incompetent or intentionally hiding data. The likelihood that the contents of such communications implicates people beyond just Hillary is pretty high. Such things don't occur in a vacuum, and the knowledge that the FBI is looking beyond just the classified issue makes me think that such disappearances are not accidental at all. Anyway, it's all speculation on my part. Maybe Kerry and Lynch can put this little fire out. I have my doubts about Kerry, but Lynch seems competent, partisan loyalties aside.
Re: Emails From Hillary Clinton’s IT Director at State Department Appear to Be Missin

I thought that Pagliano already accepted immunity, but then refused to testify. I never heard much more, but figured that the immunity offer was withdrawn when he refused to testify.

He needed to stall for time so that the servers could be deleted then scrubbed.
Re: Emails From Hillary Clinton’s IT Director at State Department Appear to Be Missin

He needed to stall for time so that the servers could be deleted then scrubbed.

And then receive immunity for destroying evidence.
Re: Emails From Hillary Clinton’s IT Director at State Department Appear to Be Missin

Hmm. Shades of Vince Foster. If that's the correct order, I seem to recall it was reported the other way around, then all's well, it would seem (well not in the Hillary camp, but details, details).

Vince Foster! The right-wing smells of desperation. I'm lovin' it! :lamo :lamo
Re: Emails From Hillary Clinton’s IT Director at State Department Appear to Be Missin

Vince Foster! The right-wing smells of desperation. I'm lovin' it! :lamo :lamo

It's there only hope in Nov, I call it the GOP's wet dream.
Re: Emails From Hillary Clinton’s IT Director at State Department Appear to Be Missin

Yup. Pretty much.

Now consider if Hillary is elected POTUS. I think it'd be nothing but the same, just more of it and piled deeper (and probably stinkier too).

old joke, she has a BS in BS and an MS (More of Same) and a PhD (piled higher and deeper).
Re: Emails From Hillary Clinton’s IT Director at State Department Appear to Be Missin

I wonder at what level personnel are required to keep their emails. When I worked at embassies I deleted emails all the time. We even received automated warnings when our emails were taking up too much space and were instructed to delete them. Now, I was just a middle management type but I wonder at what level up the food chain people aren't allowed to delete emails.

Just because you delete them doesnt mean they are deleted. I would hope the govt is journaling everything into a backup and keeping it for a decade or more. They just dont need it taking up space in the backup AND in your mailbox.
Re: Emails From Hillary Clinton’s IT Director at State Department Appear to Be Missin

Vince Foster! The right-wing smells of desperation. I'm lovin' it! :lamo :lamo

You are? Remind me again exactly who is under investigation here.
Re: Emails From Hillary Clinton’s IT Director at State Department Appear to Be Missin

Vince Foster! The right-wing smells of desperation. I'm lovin' it! :lamo :lamo

10-year-old response.
Re: Emails From Hillary Clinton’s IT Director at State Department Appear to Be Missin

Vince Foster! The right-wing smells of desperation. I'm lovin' it! :lamo :lamo

Tell us what makes you so enamored with Hilary-a position you had long before we had any clue who was going to be the GOP nominee.

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