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elosi says postmaster has no plans to restore mail cuts (1 Viewer)

Trump's Swamp would never lie to us!
Pelosi says postmaster has no plans to restore mail cuts

Yeah. I know. Another shocker.

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Postmaster General Louis DeJoy told her he has no intention of restoring removed blue mailboxes or sorting equipment and no plans for employee overtime."

Never take your eyes off DeJoy he will be a pain in the butt until he is replaced ......... conservatives are reckless decision makers. Trump is a goner and he is wasting USPS money trying to save his belligerent arrogant fat butt.
Come on guys. He accomplished part of what Trump needs then stopped.

That's honorable.
He'll be appearing before a House committee next week.

Pelosi should have that hearing televised so all Americans can hear that Trump fascist.
America is on a collision course for disaster if Trump is allowed to get away with this.

Mark my words, even the red blooded patriots who believe they’ll stand up against tyrannical Government but have fallen silent here, Will rue the day they allowed this to happen.

It’s in everyone’s interest, that the Democratic Process not be attacked by those in power.

And it again plays into my theory that many of those who swore up and down that they would “Defend Freedom” with their guns, are self aggrandizing liars.

They’re as likely to assist in state sanctioned crimes as they are to prevent them, if those crimes are against the opposition.
^ The perfect 2020 Trump/Rush/Sean/Q Republican.

^ The perfect false stereotyping of a person who doesn't ever listen to Rush or Sean, who doesn't know what "Q" is and who isn't a Republican.
^ The perfect false stereotyping of a person who doesn't ever listen to Rush or Sean, who doesn't know what "Q" is and who isn't a Republican.

you don't have to listen to them. their message eventually reaches millions of people who then are the perfect marks for a con man like Trump. hell, what they say is posted on this board every day and you like those posts or agree with them.

your comments in this very thread show that you are one of those bowling pins.
Pelosi says postmaster has no plans to restore mail cuts

Yeah. I know. Another shocker.

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Postmaster General Louis DeJoy told her he has no intention of restoring removed blue mailboxes or sorting equipment and no plans for employee overtime."
The PO has been removing freestanding mailboxes for years - which ones does she want to restore? Pelosi is just stirring **** for the sake of stirring ****.
Before Trump you used to be able to send and receive mail in the United States.

Or sure where you live, but the mail carrier for my neighborhood delivers every day between 11:30 and 12:30. Picks up any outbound mail at the same time.
^ The perfect false stereotyping of a person who doesn't ever listen to Rush or Sean, who doesn't know what "Q" is and who isn't a Republican.
I've seen "Q" mentioned a few times but haven't been interested enough to look into. Mostly, it seems to be just another LW boogieman they rant and rave about spontaneously when they run out of rational verbiage; which is frequently.
Please link to the post in which I advocated for voter fraud. When you don't find it, an apology will be required before I discuss anything with you further. Intellectual dishonesty will result in a scroll past. Have a good day.


I didn't say you advocated for voter fraud, so you can keep waiting for an apology that'll never come.

On the other hand, you COULD take this opportunity to denounce voter fraud, if you like.

Your choice.

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