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Elon Musk quietly had twins with one of his top executives, Shivon Zilis, court documents show. (1 Viewer)

Nine. Known. Children.

Oh. The. Horror!
The left enjoy character assassination when the subject doesn't carry their water.

When they do carry water, then excuses, downplaying, and dismissing the charges is the norm.

To be honest, I thought he'd be up to about 15 kids by now.

And Nick Cannon has 8.

Nick Cannon 2010.jpg

Well, he can afford as many as he likes.
Your posts have demonstrated that you have a lot of interest in the sex life of women.
Now now, he simply hasn't had the opportunity to post speculating whether Musk should keep his legs closed.

The big man slut.
Any response from the Hershell Walker campaign?
The left enjoy character assassination when the subject doesn't carry their water.

When they do carry water, then excuses, downplaying, and dismissing the charges is the norm.
Mmmhmm conservatives, on the other hand, definitely not dismissing the charges against their people.
Of course, now that they had twins, all bets are off. One could have beady little eyes and the other could have great big eyes.
They both have of one of each, unfortunately. Unlike Ms. Zilis, genetics is a fickle mistress.

This is between him and his wife and his mistress(es); if they're not looking for a scandal, there isn't a scandal to find.
I don't know much about his parenting. Hopefully he does a good job with it now.

9 kids while being the head of multiple companies. He probably sees them on special occasions every few months. Basically all will be growing up with an absent father.
9 kids while being the head of multiple companies. He probably sees them on special occasions every few months. Basically all will be growing up with an absent father.
that sucks. i was telling my wife the other day that i'm glad that my job lets me come home every night instead of traveling all over the place. during times in the past when i've been looking for work, some of the jobs that i saw asked if i wanted to be a "Road Warrior!" that would not work for me right now.
8 billion people on this planet and he thinks we need more??

Hmmmmm.. I wonder what he means..
I don't see the need to be so noisy. He can have as many children as he wants as long as he doesn't mistreat them. Since when did celebrity's number of children get talked about???
I don't see the need to be so noisy. He can have as many children as he wants as long as he doesn't mistreat them. Since when did celebrity's number of children get talked about???
There does seem to be a double standard when it comes to the number of different partners you have children with when it comes to men and women.
There does seem to be a double standard when it comes to the number of different partners you have children with when it comes to men and women.
And Christians want a mom and a dad and children.

Not a bunch of kids out of wedlock.
There does seem to be a double standard when it comes to the number of different partners you have children with when it comes to men and women.
Also helps to be rich and/or white.
I think he can afford to take care of them.
That's what the most important thing is when being a parent. Not actually being there for your kids but just having the money for them.
That's what the most important thing is when being a parent. Not actually being there for your kids but just having the money for them.
He must have some parenting "issues". His daughter went to court to "divorce" him.

"“I no longer live with or wish to be related to my biological father in any way, shape or form,” she wrote on the petition."


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