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'Ellen Degeneres Show can's 3 producers (1 Viewer)


Slow 🅖 Hand
DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2011
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FL - Daytona
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Do you believe it was as bad on Ellen's show as being reported? I always thought Degeneres was polite and funny with her guests but we can't see behind the scenes. And today's PC culture is so demanding of conformist perfection that it's ridiculous. You cannot be edgy or off-color though you must be 'woke' of all the most sensitive, social protocols. I don't go around saying rotten **** to people but I sure don't act all phony baloney to sooth self-righteous snobs and goody-goodies.

‘The Ellen DeGeneres Show’ Ousts Three Top Producers (EXCLUSIVE)

The news was delivered to "Ellen" staffers Monday afternoon during a staff meeting in which DeGeneres spoke via a videoconference call. DeGeneres was emotional to the point of tears, and apologetic as she addressed more than 200 staffers. According to multiple sources, DeGeneres told the staff she was "not perfect" and realized that in the effort for the show to run as a "well-oiled machine," sometimes leaders were not as sensitive to "human beings" as they should have been. She added that reading disturbing allegations about the atmosphere on the show was "heartbreaking."

DeGeneres even went so far as to note that the show has at times alienated staffers and even guests by shifting shooting timetables on short notice. She vowed to stick to agreed-upon timetables to make the production process smoother for all.
Do you believe it was as bad on Ellen's show as being reported? I always thought Degeneres was polite and funny with her guests but we can't see behind the scenes. And today's PC culture is so demanding of conformist perfection that it's ridiculous. You cannot be edgy or off-color though you must be 'woke' of all the most sensitive, social protocols. I don't go around saying rotten **** to people but I sure don't act all phony baloney to sooth self-righteous snobs and goody-goodies.

Cancel culture has always existed in some form or another.

From The ancient act of ostracizing someone for breaking a social, cultural or legal taboo, to the strict moral crusaders of the Victorian era, there have always been mutual agreed upon social, legal and cultural norms. When a law is violated, the offender is punished by a court of law. When a social or cultural norm is broken, the offender is made an effective pariah for breaking the unspoken social and cultural norms.
Cancel culture has always existed in some form or another.

From The ancient act of ostracizing someone for breaking a social, cultural or legal taboo, to the strict moral crusaders of the Victorian era, there have always been mutual agreed upon social, legal and cultural norms. When a law is violated, the offender is punished by a court of law. When a social or cultural norm is broken, the offender is made an effective pariah for breaking the unspoken social and cultural norms.

I think this is a case of extremes. There hasn't been any incident(s) that are brazenly sadistic, mean spirited, or outrageous.
If you're so outraged about their firing why is it neither you nor the article can say what it is they did to get fired?

Big fan of Ellen's show are you?

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