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Elbert Guillory: "Why I Am a Republican" (1 Viewer)


Feb 27, 2013
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
A must see Vid

we have another runaway slave from the democrat plantation

let the racial hate from the left commence

the left will do the same to Mr Guillory as they tried to do to Ben Carson
A must see Vid

we have another runaway slave from the democrat plantation

let the racial hate from the left commence

the left will do the same to Mr Guillory as they tried to do to Ben Carson

If I were you and Mr. Guillory I'd look closely at the vote in the last national election. Blacks went 91% for the president. Latinos went about 70%. Women 55% and young people at least by that much. The only two demographics Romney won was white men and folks over 65. Since whites will soon be a minority in America and since folks over 65 are dying 100 times faster than those under 30 it might be a good thing for the Republicans to rethink their strategy.....assuming they actually have one.

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