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edited reason missing from my posts? (1 Viewer)

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Exposing GOP since 2015
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Jan 21, 2013
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A few times today, I went to edit something simple from my posts and the reason for editing was missing. I usually like to go back to posts to see when the last time I updated it was as I usually do not leave a specific reason but the last edited time-stamp is a cool feature. Does this not show up for anybody else?
A few times today, I went to edit something simple from my posts and the reason for editing was missing. I usually like to go back to posts to see when the last time I updated it was as I usually do not leave a specific reason but the last edited time-stamp is a cool feature. Does this not show up for anybody else?

I dunno, let me check.

Edit: let's see what happens.
Last edited:
A few times today, I went to edit something simple from my posts and the reason for editing was missing. I usually like to go back to posts to see when the last time I updated it was as I usually do not leave a specific reason but the last edited time-stamp is a cool feature. Does this not show up for anybody else?

If I edit a post within the first couple minutes after I post it, I can edit it and the reason line doesn't show up, unless I add a reason in the box before saving the edit. If you don't put a reason in the box, it may not show that it's been edited. After the first minute or so goes by, then the line shows up even if you don't put a reason in the box.
If I edit a post within the first couple minutes after I post it, I can edit it and the reason line doesn't show up, unless I add a reason in the box before saving the edit. If you don't put a reason in the box, it may not show that it's been edited. After the first minute or so goes by, then the line shows up even if you don't put a reason in the box.

That's weird it used to show up right away or upon a page refresh

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That's weird it used to show up right away or upon a page refresh

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If the post is edited in the first couple of minutes, a reason will bot show up. If edited after that timeframe, it will show up. I'm not sure what the actual timeframe is and it's not easy to look up on my phone, but it's a software setting and it has changed as long as I've been here.
That's weird it used to show up right away or upon a page refresh

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I believe you have 30 seconds to edit a post without the post reflecting that it has been edited, and I've actually found that's useful sometimes and I think it's always been that way. After the initial 30 seconds, I believe you have 25 minutes to edit a post and that will reflect its been edited along with the reason if you add one.
I believe you have 30 seconds to edit a post without the post reflecting that it has been edited, and I've actually found that's useful sometimes and I think it's always been that way. After the initial 30 seconds, I believe you have 25 minutes to edit a post and that will reflect its been edited along with the reason if you add one.

Ah that makes sense. I guess I was editing too quickly for the time stamp to appear. Its weird that I never noticed it before... I guess I was always editing after the minute was up

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