New Jersey has some of the highest real estate prices in the country and the one of the highest property tax rates. A small 3 bedroom house on a 50x100ft lot in this town alone sells for close to $300,000. Were we to buy the house we live in today, we couldn't. Our neighbors are black, hispanic and middle eastern.
Meanwhile, my white 'middleclass' family can't pay its bills.
Few, if any businesses here are owned by white americans. The reasons behind this are varied, but here's at least partly why: Immigrant groups, especially those of Asian or Middle-eastern origins, use a sort of self-financing system. They arrive here, pay into a 'group fund'-a type of bank, if you will. This 'bank' helps them attain housing and invests in business ventures, making several partners. They buy small businesses, gas stations, food markets, etc and employ others in the 'group'.
Another reason they can buy housing, etc. is that they will find a house, use one couple to put down the money, then when it is time to move in, instead of one couple, you now have 10 people in the house-all have bought into it, but use the one couple as the buyer. (Happens a lot here.) Those houses are then converted, usually simply by using the second story and basement-into two and three family dwellings. It's illegal, technically, but since no outside remodelling is done, it's 'overlooked'.
A family of 6 adults earning minimum wage can do pretty well doing these things.
The problem that 'middle-class white america' has is that we are, essentially, left to our own economic defenses. We don't have a 'group-fund' or ten relatives to house. We've bought into the idea that the government is there to help us instead of forging ahead with unique solutions. Only in times of sheer familial desperation will you see anything even remotely resembling the ways of these immigrants in the sharing of living.
Minimum wage is there as a protection so that workers aren't exploited. True, businesses then exploit by sticking to minimum wage, but unless you're willing to buck up, start there and make a goal to move ahead, who's doing the bad deed here? I don't like having to work my ass off for $7 an hour, specially after having invested 20 grand for an education, but it's this or sell my kids....:mrgreen: