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Eating Their Own (1 Viewer)


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Mar 27, 2022
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Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert had to be separated during argument, report says​

Fellow GOP right-wing firebrand Representatives Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and Lauren Boebert of Colorado had to be separated during an argument earlier this year, according to a report.
While they may be seen by some as two sides of the same MAGA coin among fierce Republican supporters of former President Donald Trump, Politico reported that, in private, Republicans say that Ms Boebert despises being connected to Ms Greene.
The outlet also noted that Ms Boebert is considered to be more of a team player in the party, while both of them are disdained by Democrats for their aggressive rhetoric.
At a gathering of the House Freedom Caucus board of directors earlier this year not far from the Capitol in downtown Washington, DC, they reportedly got into an argument over Ms Greene’s appearance at an event organized by a white nationalist.

The spat became so ferocious that a least one bystander grew worried that the conflict might have become more than verbal if another member of the board hadn’t stepped in to calm down the situation, Politico reported.

Three people confirmed the incident to the outlet. Caucus members mostly avoided publically criticising Ms Greene and Arizona Representative Paul Gosar, and instead aimed their fire at event organizer Nick Fuentes.

The argument shows the larger conflict within the House Freedom Caucus, which was founded in 2015 with the aim of dragging Republican leadership to the right, and later became a Trump support squad.

There have been conflicts within the caucus concerning how to respond to the tapes showing that House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy privately suggested that Mr Trump resign in the wake of the Capitol riot and if the group should move back towards its beginnings of advocating for a smaller state.

“We need to reevaluate where we’re heading,” Representative Scott DesJarlais of Tennessee told Politico. “I like the principles that the Freedom Caucus was founded on, but I think that if we can’t work together as a group and push our ideas in a civil manner, then we’re not going to be very effective.”


Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert had to be separated during argument, report says​

Fellow GOP right-wing firebrand Representatives Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and Lauren Boebert of Colorado had to be separated during an argument earlier this year, according to a report.
While they may be seen by some as two sides of the same MAGA coin among fierce Republican supporters of former President Donald Trump, Politico reported that, in private, Republicans say that Ms Boebert despises being connected to Ms Greene.
The outlet also noted that Ms Boebert is considered to be more of a team player in the party, while both of them are disdained by Democrats for their aggressive rhetoric.
At a gathering of the House Freedom Caucus board of directors earlier this year not far from the Capitol in downtown Washington, DC, they reportedly got into an argument over Ms Greene’s appearance at an event organized by a white nationalist.

The spat became so ferocious that a least one bystander grew worried that the conflict might have become more than verbal if another member of the board hadn’t stepped in to calm down the situation, Politico reported.

Three people confirmed the incident to the outlet. Caucus members mostly avoided publically criticising Ms Greene and Arizona Representative Paul Gosar, and instead aimed their fire at event organizer Nick Fuentes.

The argument shows the larger conflict within the House Freedom Caucus, which was founded in 2015 with the aim of dragging Republican leadership to the right, and later became a Trump support squad.

There have been conflicts within the caucus concerning how to respond to the tapes showing that House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy privately suggested that Mr Trump resign in the wake of the Capitol riot and if the group should move back towards its beginnings of advocating for a smaller state.

“We need to reevaluate where we’re heading,” Representative Scott DesJarlais of Tennessee told Politico. “I like the principles that the Freedom Caucus was founded on, but I think that if we can’t work together as a group and push our ideas in a civil manner, then we’re not going to be very effective.”


All noise...
There is no "their own". Such people behave that way and they will behave that way towards everyone and anyone who thinks they're exempt from such treatment because they're "their own" is a fool and will be treated like the rest.

There's no safe base from maniacal idiots. There's no "I'm one of you". They are rabid animals.

Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert had to be separated during argument, report says​

Fellow GOP right-wing firebrand Representatives Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and Lauren Boebert of Colorado had to be separated during an argument earlier this year, according to a report.
While they may be seen by some as two sides of the same MAGA coin among fierce Republican supporters of former President Donald Trump, Politico reported that, in private, Republicans say that Ms Boebert despises being connected to Ms Greene.
The outlet also noted that Ms Boebert is considered to be more of a team player in the party, while both of them are disdained by Democrats for their aggressive rhetoric.
At a gathering of the House Freedom Caucus board of directors earlier this year not far from the Capitol in downtown Washington, DC, they reportedly got into an argument over Ms Greene’s appearance at an event organized by a white nationalist.

The spat became so ferocious that a least one bystander grew worried that the conflict might have become more than verbal if another member of the board hadn’t stepped in to calm down the situation, Politico reported.

Three people confirmed the incident to the outlet. Caucus members mostly avoided publically criticising Ms Greene and Arizona Representative Paul Gosar, and instead aimed their fire at event organizer Nick Fuentes.

The argument shows the larger conflict within the House Freedom Caucus, which was founded in 2015 with the aim of dragging Republican leadership to the right, and later became a Trump support squad.

There have been conflicts within the caucus concerning how to respond to the tapes showing that House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy privately suggested that Mr Trump resign in the wake of the Capitol riot and if the group should move back towards its beginnings of advocating for a smaller state.

“We need to reevaluate where we’re heading,” Representative Scott DesJarlais of Tennessee told Politico. “I like the principles that the Freedom Caucus was founded on, but I think that if we can’t work together as a group and push our ideas in a civil manner, then we’re not going to be very effective.”


Marjorie Taylor-Gazpacho should stick with grabbing the crotch of carboards Trumps.
Is anyone old enough to remember how conservative men, decades and decades and decades ago, made comments about how women shouldn't be in politics because of their emotions and periods and stuff?

It was all so ignorant back then but it is curious that we've come from there to where we are now with these 2 women who some consider the future of the Republican party when all they really are is crazy and mean.

Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert had to be separated during argument, report says​

Fellow GOP right-wing firebrand Representatives Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and Lauren Boebert of Colorado had to be separated during an argument earlier this year, according to a report.
While they may be seen by some as two sides of the same MAGA coin among fierce Republican supporters of former President Donald Trump, Politico reported that, in private, Republicans say that Ms Boebert despises being connected to Ms Greene.
The outlet also noted that Ms Boebert is considered to be more of a team player in the party, while both of them are disdained by Democrats for their aggressive rhetoric.
At a gathering of the House Freedom Caucus board of directors earlier this year not far from the Capitol in downtown Washington, DC, they reportedly got into an argument over Ms Greene’s appearance at an event organized by a white nationalist.

The spat became so ferocious that a least one bystander grew worried that the conflict might have become more than verbal if another member of the board hadn’t stepped in to calm down the situation, Politico reported.

Three people confirmed the incident to the outlet. Caucus members mostly avoided publically criticising Ms Greene and Arizona Representative Paul Gosar, and instead aimed their fire at event organizer Nick Fuentes.

The argument shows the larger conflict within the House Freedom Caucus, which was founded in 2015 with the aim of dragging Republican leadership to the right, and later became a Trump support squad.

There have been conflicts within the caucus concerning how to respond to the tapes showing that House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy privately suggested that Mr Trump resign in the wake of the Capitol riot and if the group should move back towards its beginnings of advocating for a smaller state.

“We need to reevaluate where we’re heading,” Representative Scott DesJarlais of Tennessee told Politico. “I like the principles that the Freedom Caucus was founded on, but I think that if we can’t work together as a group and push our ideas in a civil manner, then we’re not going to be very effective.”

Two classy gals--acting classy.
Any Catholic republicans in da house?

Represent with a loud "Hail Satan!" LOL!

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