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Due Process Laws/Regulation of the Militia: (1 Viewer)


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Jun 16, 2014
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UP of Michigan
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Due Process Laws/Regulation of the Militia:

I think your people’s idea of making the no fly list the no fly no buy list is so idiotic, that I am very upset with all of you.

If you ban the kind of weaponry the people need to balance the power of Government I will have to endure it because your opposition has no economic program.

For those of you who say it is only the next step, what, are you weaklings?

There’s got to be a legal loop hole or argument where by we can slap a whole bunch of regulations on the People?

That’s it, the militia is always well regulated and since this is the purpose of the right; to maintain a militia, you are free to impose a whole bunch of regulations .

But are you that stupid, no fly no buy list?

You should have due process for both.

You need to write in this legislation that you cannot discriminate on the basis of the list. You can’t see if your neighbor is on it. Only gun dealers can use it.

Go on now, you have lots of legislation to compose.

More so you should have a gun purchase list and being on it could be the aspiration of your youth.

People should be notified when they’re put on these lists.

Making only one list is so stupid because you got to include the mentally ill and those who abuse their freedom of speech (are guilty of terroristic threatening.)

That’s one of the regulations of the Militia, how you speak about your weapon, otherwise you can’t have one, you’re kicked out of the Militia.

Go now, go write your "Regulations of the Militia."
Due Process Laws/Regulation of the Militia:

I think your people’s idea of making the no fly list the no fly no buy list is so idiotic, that I am very upset with all of you.

If you ban the kind of weaponry the people need to balance the power of Government I will have to endure it because your opposition has no economic program.

For those of you who say it is only the next step, what, are you weaklings?

There’s got to be a legal loop hole or argument where by we can slap a whole bunch of regulations on the People?

That’s it, the militia is always well regulated and since this is the purpose of the right; to maintain a militia, you are free to impose a whole bunch of regulations .

But are you that stupid, no fly no buy list?

You should have due process for both.

You need to write in this legislation that you cannot discriminate on the basis of the list. You can’t see if your neighbor is on it. Only gun dealers can use it.

Go on now, you have lots of legislation to compose.

More so you should have a gun purchase list and being on it could be the aspiration of your youth.

People should be notified when they’re put on these lists.

Making only one list is so stupid because you got to include the mentally ill and those who abuse their freedom of speech (are guilty of terroristic threatening.)

That’s one of the regulations of the Militia, how you speak about your weapon, otherwise you can’t have one, you’re kicked out of the Militia.

Go now, go write your "Regulations of the Militia."
Psst, the 2nd A says nothing about who is to regulate the militia, or define the term. Any group of Americans can, and do, form militias or groups based on mutual cooperation during times of crises, and hey guess what, most are probably fairly well regulated since many such groups include those with LE and Military backgrounds. Nice try, been refuted many times.
Oh, as for the no fly list, do you know how you end up on one? Me thinks not.
There are too many unanswered questions about these fast evolving "compromise" proposals.

1) Which lists, subset or superset of those lists, is valid to use to deny a constitutional right?

2) What, exactly, gets one onto those lists? Who, exactly, can alter those reasons?

3) It appears that even if one is no longer on "the" list(s) then they are on some (other?) list of those that used to be on "the" list(s) (for up to five years?). That is pure hog wash because there must have been a reason to remove one from "the" list(s) in the first place. Does that mean one can ask if they were on "the" liist, be told no and yet still not have the right to buy (own?) a gun?

4) If one is on (or used to be on) one of these (secret?) lists is it then a (federal?) crime for them to have a gun?

5) Can we really trust a government that would redact and then un-redact a 911 recording all while refusing to say who made either of those completely oppostie decisions?
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There are too many unanswered questions about these fast evolving "compromise" proposals.

1) Which lists, subset or superset of those lists, is valid to use to deny a constitutional right?

2) What, exactly, gets one onto those lists? Who, exactly, can alter those reasons?

3) It appears that even if one is no longer on "the" list(s) then they are on some (other?) list of those that used to be on "the" list(s) (for up to five years?). That is pure hog wash because there must have been a reason to remove one from "the" list(s) in the first place. Does that mean one can ask if they were on "the" liist, be told no and yet still not have the right to buy (own?) a gun?

4) If one is on (or used to be on) one of these (secret?) lists is it then a (federal?) crime for them to have a gun?

5) Can we really trust a government that would redact and then un-redact a 911 recording all while refusing to say who made either of those completely oppostie decisions?
Well, if you put it like that, ha ha ha.

Should have started with item number 5 and you would not have even had to type the rest.
There are too many unanswered questions about these fast evolving "compromise" proposals.

1) Which lists, subset or superset of those lists, is valid to use to deny a constitutional right?

2) What, exactly, gets one onto those lists? Who, exactly, can alter those reasons?

3) It appears that even if one is no longer on "the" list(s) then they are on some (other?) list of those that used to be on "the" list(s) (for up to five years?). That is pure hog wash because there must have been a reason to remove one from "the" list(s) in the first place. Does that mean one can ask if they were on "the" liist, be told no and yet still not have the right to buy (own?) a gun?

4) If one is on (or used to be on) one of these (secret?) lists is it then a (federal?) crime for them to have a gun?

5) Can we really trust a government that would redact and then un-redact a 911 recording all while refusing to say who made either of those completely oppostie decisions?

The Obama administration will place every registered gun owner in America on the list.
The Obama administration will place every registered gun owner in America on the list.

I knew that the demorats had that (bolded above) list in mind all along. ;)
There are too many unanswered questions about these fast evolving "compromise" proposals.

1) Which lists, subset or superset of those lists, is valid to use to deny a constitutional right?

2) What, exactly, gets one onto those lists? Who, exactly, can alter those reasons?

3) It appears that even if one is no longer on "the" list(s) then they are on some (other?) list of those that used to be on "the" list(s) (for up to five years?). That is pure hog wash because there must have been a reason to remove one from "the" list(s) in the first place. Does that mean one can ask if they were on "the" liist, be told no and yet still not have the right to buy (own?) a gun?

4) If one is on (or used to be on) one of these (secret?) lists is it then a (federal?) crime for them to have a gun?

5) Can we really trust a government that would redact and then un-redact a 911 recording all while refusing to say who made either of those completely oppostie decisions?

1) This is why I say you must write very nice legislation and stop being like a bunch of stupid Neanderthals.

2) The courts and maybe the States but legislators, juries and Courts (and community mental health; their people should just be put on the list.)

3) I think you're talking about somebody else's proposals, not mine. In mine you're allowed to keep any weapons you may have even if you're on the list but it may be illegal for someone to give you guns or ammo unless you're hunting or on the range depending on your risk factor (1-5.) Shrinks have to report you and it's easier to get off the list if you have a lower risk factor.

4) The entire list must undergo Due Process.

5) Sure, there's plenty of reason good and bad someone might want to delete a 911 call. Why just last week a Mod deleted my thread! There was only one Mod listed on my profile so I assume it was them. I won't divulge who right now, but it was a Conservative.

I think you all must be smoking pot because you're all paranoid.
The Obama administration will place every registered gun owner in America on the list.

Got to get them to comply, good luck with that and without all or even most owners complying their registration would be useless.
Got to get them to comply, good luck with that and without all or even most owners complying their registration would be useless.

We don't want it to come to that but this is the potential that makes their present proposals untenable.
Psst, the 2nd A says nothing about who is to regulate the militia, or define the term. Any group of Americans can, and do, form militias or groups based on mutual cooperation during times of crises, and hey guess what, most are probably fairly well regulated since many such groups include those with LE and Military backgrounds. Nice try, been refuted many times.
Oh, as for the no fly list, do you know how you end up on one? Me thinks not.

The Militia is regulated by the Government, the President; the Commander in Chief balanced with the Legislature and Courts. That is why you write nice legislation and give the Courts power.

The President actually has nothing to do with it. He could give orders to Militias if there was a need and all Militias should rally to the President and Armed Forces. No Militia can rally to a foreign force. These are not allowed.

I know I want to go gaze at al what's his name, see what nonsense he's spouting, but I don't want to get on no list and find my ticket is non-refundable.
The Militia is regulated by the Government, the President; the Commander in Chief balanced with the Legislature and Courts. That is why you write nice legislation and give the Courts power.

The President actually has nothing to do with it. He could give orders to Militias if there was a need and all Militias should rally to the President and Armed Forces. No Militia can rally to a foreign force. These are not allowed.

I know I want to go gaze at al what's his name, see what nonsense he's spouting, but I don't want to get on no list and find my ticket is non-refundable.

Nope, the 2nd A says no such thing it is you that is reading something into it that simply is not there. A Militia does not have to be under the control and regulation of the government to be well regulated.

A no fly list that is not regulated by law is not something you want to tie gun ownership to, enough said on that.
The government can not constitutionally deprive the second amendment rights of citizens without due process. Period.
A no fly list that is not regulated by law is not something you want to tie gun ownership to, enough said on that.

The government can not constitutionally deprive the second amendment rights of citizens without due process. Period.

Yes, I agree with you.
Yes, I agree with you.

But not that enough has been said.

Instead of whining poorly for no buy list you need to be screaming for due process for those on the no fly list and when you've established due process there make a no buy list.
But not that enough has been said.

Instead of whining poorly for no buy list you need to be screaming for due process for those on the no fly list and when you've established due process there make a no buy list.

You are replying to yourself, you know that right? Umm and several people have brought up the topic of due process..........wow.

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