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'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E (W: 742) (2 Viewers)

Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

Let's say I did an interview with the local paper where I said that as a Bible believing Christian, I believe interracial marriage to be a sin. Let's say I then went on to compare interracial marriage to whites marrying an ape.

Unfortunately for your argument, you would be ignoring the generational and contextual shift that has occurred around homosexuality in just the past ten years. And just like interracial marriage, it's going to take time to work through our society and be "generally accepted. And for anyone that rather recognize that reality, as opposed to mount some pointless "culture war" against it, they understand that such actions just help foster and reinforce the resistance against it. In fact, it's why intelligent people tend to disagree with imposing views on democratic societies when cultural shifts are occurring naturally (Ginsburg ala RvsW)

Would you think my employer was being intolerant if they suspended or fired me for that?

The employer here is responding to organized threats of boycotts, not some random interview

PS also, where did I bring up the whole "intolerance" thing? Respond to what I write, not the pre-digested cud you have sitting around
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Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

There is no progressive irony here. As a nation we've decided we don't tolerate hate speech. If you want to spew hate then you will have to accept the consequences. That is the free will of the people, deal with it.

You don't know what hate speech is...

Sorry, not agreeing with a lifestyle is NOT hate speech and you (and you arrogantly speaking for everyone) have decided nothing...

You should embrace and respect that concept...

Who the hell do you think you are? you think you're better than everyone else? you seriously that obsessed with your intolerance?
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

Evidently common decency is an abstract concept for you.

How decent are you and your progressive friends being right now?
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

This wacko is free to say the hateful crap that is on his mind.

The viewers are free to stop watching A&E if they are offended by something one of their employees says.

A&E is free to listen to their customers and release an employee that is hurting its revenues.

There's no bullying here.
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

Common sense.

I see someone slamming gays by calling their sex acts equivalent to bestiality a good reason for A&E to rethink the contract. It's like saying Jews are Jesus killers. I mean, come on, everyone knows that if you are in entertainment, slamming gays or Jews is a quick ticket off the air.

"Think before you speak."
Except he didnt equate them...he listed them in a group of behaviors commonly known as 'sins' to Christians. All other meaning is meaning you and people like you are assigning.
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

You don't know what hate speech is...

Sorry, not agreeing with a lifestyle is NOT hate speech and you (and you arrogantly speaking for everyone) have decided nothing...

You should embrace and respect that concept...

Who the hell do you think you are? you think you're better than everyone else? you seriously that obsessed with your intolerance?

Apparently you've missed the boat. You're entitled to say you're against gay marriage, lifestyle, etc. You can say its a sin in your eyes, that is fine.

Claiming that LGBT is equivalent to beastiality, adultery, alcoholism, slandering, swindling, greed, prostitution... that is hate speech.
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

There is no progressive irony here. As a nation we've decided we don't tolerate hate speech. If you want to spew hate then you will have to accept the consequences. That is the free will of the people, deal with it.

and you prove it by ignoring posts calling this person an inbred hick.

hypocrisy is alive and well
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

Unfortunately for your argument, you would be ignoring the generational and contextual shift that has occurred around homosexuality in just the past ten years. And just like interracial marriage, it's going to take time to work through our society and be "generally accepted. And for anyone that rather recognize that reality, as opposed to mount some pointless "culture war" against it, they understand that such actions just help foster and reinforce the resistance against it. In fact, it's why intelligent people tend to disagree with imposing views on democratic societies when cultural shifts are occurring naturally (Ginsburg ala RvsW)

The employer here is responding to organized threats of boycotts, not some random interview

I think a lot of ideas will be accepted once people stop viewing themselves as "minorities" associated with single issues.

These people who define themselves through single issues are clowns..

They don't see themselves as anything other than progressive, gay, black, Muslim, union etc -- they define themselves and it's so angering...

It's like they're obsessed with their differences and believe their difference is somehow more important than others differences.

Of course they want to have their difference embraced and acknowledged for some odd reason..

I mean how is being gay or black any different than being abnormally tall or short? do we as a society go out of our way to promote tall or short people? no...
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Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

What else did this guy say that's causing people to accuse him of "hate speech"?
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

Apparently you've missed the boat. You're entitled to say you're against gay marriage, lifestyle, etc. You can say its a sin in your eyes, that is fine.

Claiming that LGBT is equivalent to beastiality, adultery, alcoholism, slandering, swindling, greed, prostitution... that is hate speech.

Again you progressives just don't get it..

Look at your post - you're trying to tell me what I can and cant say/believe...
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

and you prove it by ignoring posts calling this person an inbred hick.

hypocrisy is alive and well

This is a forum where people say all kinds of horrible crap. Why the hell should I care about what people are saying about this guy who spews his hate to a national audience? If you say things like that you should expect to get an equivalent response??? You play the victim card more than Al Sharpton and Michael Moore combined.
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

Well, it does seem to be a general overreaction to what he said, and the fact anyone maintains the idea that everyone needs to agree with them or face civil consequences is pretty childish. And that applies regardless of issue or politics, short of it having some real implications (and no, some ass-hat on reality tv having a stupid opinion is not something that carries "real implications".

In fact, at the end of the day, this will likely only push people away from issues like gay marriage, etc, and increase the perception that they are having a "pro-view" shoved down their throats

The issue is not what he said, but how he said it. If he had not included gays with terrorist and homosexuality with bestiality, the complaints would have been much milder. Presentation matters.
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

Again you progressives just don't get it..

Look at your post - you're trying to tell me what I can and cant say/believe...

You can say whatever you want... just don't expect everyone to want to listen to you anymore. Hence why they suspended Mr. Hate Speech. What part of this don't you understand?
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

This wacko is free to say the hateful crap that is on his mind.

The viewers are free to stop watching A&E if they are offended by something one of their employees says.

A&E is free to listen to their customers and release an employee that is hurting its revenues.

There's no bullying here.

I agree but the majority side with free speech and find what A&E did to be reactionary.... A&E is gong to suffer, just because of the position it took...

Right now what he said is irrelevant...
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

I think they look more like ZZ top than inbred hicks.

I think they look like my neighbors growing up. Of course I grew up in the country. We got the first day of deer season off school as a holiday...
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

You can say whatever you want... just don't expect everyone to want to listen to you anymore. Hence why they suspended Mr. Hate Speech. What part of this don't you understand?

Yeah right - you're making brash assumptions.... Just like you believe everyone should adhere to your politics or social philosophy you believe no one disagrees with you hence no one agrees with me..

No wonder why you progs hate the Bill of Rights.
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

Praying on TV is a bit over the top. But, I like that the character of the people on this particular reality show is such that they are not back-stabbing, arguing over petty crap like the drama queens we see on Real Housewives. It's a wholesome show, and I'm sorry that its getting axed. Maybe Fox will pick it up.

How is it "over the top", they are not forcing it on anyone. They are not praying for the downfall of anyone.
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

This is a forum where people say all kinds of horrible crap. Why the hell should I care about what people are saying about this guy who spews his hate to a national audience? If you say things like that you should expect to get an equivalent response??? You play the victim card more than Al Sharpton and Michael Moore combined.

why should you care if you are a hypocrite?

only you can answer that. I know why I care.
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

Actually, no, look at what he said: “But hey, sin: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical.” “Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there,” he said. “Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men.” (Duck, Duck, Homophobe? ‘Duck Dynasty’ Star Phil Robertson SLAMMED As ‘Vile’ After He Declares A Vagina ‘Would Be More Desirable Than A Man)

So what he said was just ridiculous and downright bigoted.

The truth hurts.
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

You can say whatever you want... just don't expect everyone to want to listen to you anymore. Hence why they suspended Mr. Hate Speech. What part of this don't you understand?

So the gays that got offended, just cant not watch the show. But by way of impacting his income, cry, stomp feet and hold their breaths like little children.
Oh, so tolerant of them.
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

The issue is not what he said, but how he said it. If he had not included gays with terrorist and homosexuality with bestiality, the complaints would have been much milder. Presentation matters.

Correct me if I am wrong, the bestality comment was made in response to a question about sinful behavior, and wasn't compared to homosexuality

<<<When asked what he thought was sinful, Robertson replied: "Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men.">>>

If that's the extent of his comments on bestiality then you are totally misrepresenting them. It's like saying I equate tax fraud and murder because I view both "as crimes"
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

Correct me if I am wrong, the bestality comment was made in response to a question about sinful behavior, and wasn't compared to homosexuality

<<<When asked what he thought was sinful, Robertson replied: "Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men.">>>

If that's the extent of his comments on bestiality then you are totally misrepresenting them. It's like saying I equate tax fraud and murder because I view both "as crimes"

Ummm...he directly connects homosexuality with bestiality.
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E


Those who promote tolerance are the least tolerant... It's so ironic...

You're not tolerant at all - you just promote ideas..

Tolerance is a 2-way street buddy...

You cant punish someone for not adhering to a philosophy.

If it were intolerant to have a different opinion, you are very intolerant. Nobody's rights were abridged, but you're calling people intolerant simply because they have a different opinion. That's not "intolerance."

People are "punished" for not adhering to a philosophy all the time. Remember all the country stations that stopped playing the Dixie Chicks because they had the temerity to criticize Bush? Was that "tolerant?" It's completely the wrong word. Words have meanings and just because you and your Republican buddies can't wrap your heads around that isn't my problem.
Re: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suspended by A&E

Leftist intolerance is on full display this year....Merry Christmas.

Intolerance of racism, sexism, stupidity, and homophobia is a good thing.

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