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Dr Donnie is at it again (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 23, 2018
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Political Leaning
Dr. Donnie Boy who fancies himself some sort of scientist or doctor, able to modify NOAA weather maps and overrule actual doctors announcing an emergency authorization from FDA (obviously a direct order from Donnie) regarding Convalescent Plasma use. NIH had asked FDA to delay allowing the use of Convalescent Plasma because the proof of its effectiveness is weak. In general the technology is pretty well known. However only the best, most well equipped hospitals can employ it safely. If the case for efficacy is weak, then the risks become an issue.

FDA has proven very "pliable" under Dr Hahn. We had evidence of that in their dealings regarding vaping. Now here it is again. I expect some dumbassed premature determination regarding vaccines from FDA around the election which would be laughable given the timing of Stage 3 trials and the timing of the election.

Safety is a major concern with vaccines because vaccines are given to large volumes of healthy people. Treatments are given to much smaller numbers of sick people. As such FDA can afford more risk with treatments than it can with vaccines.

Convalescent Plasma use sits somewhere in between vaccine and other treatment on the risk scale because it is more of a process than it is medicine.

Of course IDIOT Azar joined Dr Donald and Hahn at the briefing today.
Dr. Donnie Boy who fancies himself some sort of scientist or doctor, able to modify NOAA weather maps and overrule actual doctors announcing an emergency authorization from FDA (obviously a direct order from Donnie) regarding Convalescent Plasma use. NIH had asked FDA to delay allowing the use of Convalescent Plasma because the proof of its effectiveness is weak. In general the technology is pretty well known. However only the best, most well equipped hospitals can employ it safely. If the case for efficacy is weak, then the risks become an issue.

FDA has proven very "pliable" under Dr Hahn. We had evidence of that in their dealings regarding vaping. Now here it is again. I expect some dumbassed premature determination regarding vaccines from FDA around the election which would be laughable given the timing of Stage 3 trials and the timing of the election.

Safety is a major concern with vaccines because vaccines are given to large volumes of healthy people. Treatments are given to much smaller numbers of sick people. As such FDA can afford more risk with treatments than it can with vaccines.

Convalescent Plasma use sits somewhere in between vaccine and other treatment on the risk scale because it is more of a process than it is medicine.

Of course IDIOT Azar joined Dr Donald and Hahn at the briefing today.

"Talent" as you well know is more important than experience, and, Trump has talent at levels nobody has ever seen. Beautiful talent, talent that people call him all thew time and say "Sir, how are you so talented?". Sometimes when he meets people they literally weep in joyuos rapture at the enlightnement that literally beams from his golden locks and his perfect natural skin glow! They are moved beyond words by the magnificence before them! It's hard to imagine why other nations haven't asked for him to take over the leadership rule in their countries too, to spread the enlightnment. Only Trump can save the world from the darkness of the evil one, Kamala (Satan yes, really THAT SATAN, it's now been confirmed!) Harris.

Kamala Harris is going to SACRIFICE YOUR FIRST BORN! It's a cmapaign promise, look it up!

God has sent him! God protect him and save the whites! I mean America!:cool::elephantf
To add to the lunacy, specific hospitals that have established a track record of using Convalescent Plasma for other maladies already have access to its use for COVID where they believe it a possible benefit to a patient. So I don't even know what they are trying to accomplish with this Emergency Authorization other than have a big Sunday news flash about nothing and open up use to hospitals that are not as experienced in the use of Convalescent Plasma.

I also don't know where they are getting their numbers from. Dr Hahn was throwing around numbers like 35% of patients helped. BASED ON WHAT? There are no randomized clinical studies on the use of Convalescent Plasma for COVID patients. I guess Hahn has now graduated from the Dr Donnie school of medicine and is comfortable just pulling numbers out of his butthole.
Dr. Donnie Boy who fancies himself some sort of scientist or doctor, able to modify NOAA weather maps and overrule actual doctors announcing an emergency authorization from FDA (obviously a direct order from Donnie) regarding Convalescent Plasma use. NIH had asked FDA to delay allowing the use of Convalescent Plasma because the proof of its effectiveness is weak. In general the technology is pretty well known. However only the best, most well equipped hospitals can employ it safely. If the case for efficacy is weak, then the risks become an issue.

FDA has proven very "pliable" under Dr Hahn. We had evidence of that in their dealings regarding vaping. Now here it is again. I expect some dumbassed premature determination regarding vaccines from FDA around the election which would be laughable given the timing of Stage 3 trials and the timing of the election.

Safety is a major concern with vaccines because vaccines are given to large volumes of healthy people. Treatments are given to much smaller numbers of sick people. As such FDA can afford more risk with treatments than it can with vaccines.

Convalescent Plasma use sits somewhere in between vaccine and other treatment on the risk scale because it is more of a process than it is medicine.

Of course IDIOT Azar joined Dr Donald and Hahn at the briefing today.

maybe I'm reading something into this but it appears that you, Dr. jnug, will not be requesting that emergency medical assistance for yourself; while wanting to deny that option to others.
maybe I'm reading something into this but it appears that you, Dr. jnug, will not be requesting that emergency medical assistance for yourself; while wanting to deny that option to others.

Beyond the fact that in the wrong hands its use can actually be dangerous to the patient, jumping CP ahead without any support data will make it harder to actually generate the data required to prove its efficacy, not that you or Dr Donnie apparently care. Add to that, we are already getting to the point where people no longer trust anything they hear even from Doctors and Scientists and a political figure using the weight of his office to override the scientists and doctors simply makes that worse. Is it any wonder that polls indicate that even if there is a vaccine many will simply not take it?
Trump needs a miracle, or at least wants us to BELIEVE in a miracle. It was said that the boys, were to convince us that the vaccine would be ready for use, RIGHT AROUND voting day. Trump will use this therapy, to lull folks into risking infections. To get back to normal. So, the boys lie, and Trump disavows the boys, and hawks his blood. And we are supposed to vote on what could have been, or what he says will be.
Trump says nothing: Leftists lose their marbles.

Trump says something positive: Leftists lose their marbles.

Trump says nothing: Leftists lose their marbles.

Trump says something positive: Leftists lose their marbles.


What did he say that was positive in that briefing? I found nothing positive in that briefing.

And when has motor mouth Donnie ever said nothing.
Trump needs a miracle, or at least wants us to BELIEVE in a miracle. It was said that the boys, were to convince us that the vaccine would be ready for use, RIGHT AROUND voting day. Trump will use this therapy, to lull folks into risking infections. To get back to normal. So, the boys lie, and Trump disavows the boys, and hawks his blood. And we are supposed to vote on what could have been, or what he says will be.

A miracle in the midst of this kung flu **** is something we all need. Wouldn't you say?
Dr. Donnie Boy who fancies himself some sort of scientist or doctor, able to modify NOAA weather maps and overrule actual doctors announcing an emergency authorization from FDA (obviously a direct order from Donnie) regarding Convalescent Plasma use. NIH had asked FDA to delay allowing the use of Convalescent Plasma because the proof of its effectiveness is weak. In general the technology is pretty well known. However only the best, most well equipped hospitals can employ it safely. If the case for efficacy is weak, then the risks become an issue.

FDA has proven very "pliable" under Dr Hahn. We had evidence of that in their dealings regarding vaping. Now here it is again. I expect some dumbassed premature determination regarding vaccines from FDA around the election which would be laughable given the timing of Stage 3 trials and the timing of the election.

Safety is a major concern with vaccines because vaccines are given to large volumes of healthy people. Treatments are given to much smaller numbers of sick people. As such FDA can afford more risk with treatments than it can with vaccines.

Convalescent Plasma use sits somewhere in between vaccine and other treatment on the risk scale because it is more of a process than it is medicine.

Of course IDIOT Azar joined Dr Donald and Hahn at the briefing today.


stop this idiot.jpg
What did he say that was positive in that briefing? I found nothing positive in that briefing.

And when has motor mouth Donnie ever said nothing.

He said their may be a treatment! OMG! Pick up your marbles! :lamo
A miracle in the midst of this kung flu **** is something we all need. Wouldn't you say?

Religion is miracles. Medicine is Science. Not sure Donnie could even spell the word Science.
He said their may be a treatment! OMG! Pick up your marbles! :lamo

A revelation...there may be a treatment. Here let me say it to. There may be a treatment coming for COVID. Now if I drop my pants will you kiss my butt too?
Who needs webMD when you can come to DP for all the medical advice from internet experts with their medical degrees from the University of Wiki?
Dr. Donnie Boy who fancies himself some sort of scientist or doctor, able to modify NOAA weather maps and overrule actual doctors announcing an emergency authorization from FDA (obviously a direct order from Donnie) regarding Convalescent Plasma use. NIH had asked FDA to delay allowing the use of Convalescent Plasma because the proof of its effectiveness is weak. In general the technology is pretty well known. However only the best, most well equipped hospitals can employ it safely. If the case for efficacy is weak, then the risks become an issue.

FDA has proven very "pliable" under Dr Hahn. We had evidence of that in their dealings regarding vaping. Now here it is again. I expect some dumbassed premature determination regarding vaccines from FDA around the election which would be laughable given the timing of Stage 3 trials and the timing of the election.

Safety is a major concern with vaccines because vaccines are given to large volumes of healthy people. Treatments are given to much smaller numbers of sick people. As such FDA can afford more risk with treatments than it can with vaccines.

Convalescent Plasma use sits somewhere in between vaccine and other treatment on the risk scale because it is more of a process than it is medicine.

Of course IDIOT Azar joined Dr Donald and Hahn at the briefing today.

I have no idea why the president is allowed or in charge of these kids of announcements. He is making the treatment of COVID very political, and often spreads lies and misinformation. I would rather hear experts talk about such matters instead of Trump trying to control information for his own gain.

WTF. Congress, please prevent future presidents of acting like this in the future. Please put experts in charge of such information and announcements!
A miracle in the midst of this kung flu **** is something we all need. Wouldn't you say?

Convalescent blood is not new, and is not even a miracle. It seems to be a standard therapy for covid at this point.

A miracle, is getting you selfish bastards to go along with docs, and fight the virus right. We half assed it and even then it was almost a right wing revolution. In a month we could BEAT the virus. To ten percent of now. Testing and tracing become very effective at that point. WE HAVE OUR MIRACLE> .
To add to the lunacy, specific hospitals that have established a track record of using Convalescent Plasma for other maladies already have access to its use for COVID where they believe it a possible benefit to a patient. So I don't even know what they are trying to accomplish with this Emergency Authorization other than have a big Sunday news flash about nothing and open up use to hospitals that are not as experienced in the use of Convalescent Plasma.

I also don't know where they are getting their numbers from. Dr Hahn was throwing around numbers like 35% of patients helped. BASED ON WHAT? There are no randomized clinical studies on the use of Convalescent Plasma for COVID patients. I guess Hahn has now graduated from the Dr Donnie school of medicine and is comfortable just pulling numbers out of his butthole.
It's simple. Trump realizes the pandemic response has become the prominent factor in the election. So, he is building a narrative of personally handling (and triumphing over) the pandemic.

Mark my words, he will announce a cure or vaccine - something he himself got accomplished - before the election. I am sure of it!
Good job Mr.President.You are amazing.
It's simple. Trump realizes the pandemic response has become the prominent factor in the election. So, he is building a narrative of personally handling (and triumphing over) the pandemic.

Mark my words, he will announce a cure or vaccine - something he himself got accomplished - before the election. I am sure of it!

Absolutely.If the Dems are crediting him for the virus he must get credit for the cure.
Convalescent blood is not new, and is not even a miracle. It seems to be a standard therapy for covid at this point.

A miracle, is getting you selfish bastards to go along with docs, and fight the virus right. We half assed it and even then it was almost a right wing revolution. In a month we could BEAT the virus. To ten percent of now. Testing and tracing become very effective at that point. WE HAVE OUR MIRACLE> .

Then what's the ****ing problem?

You have linked to an article about a randomized trial begun in China that was never completed. So....no idea where you are trying to go with that. There are no completed randomized trials for Convalescent Plasma use for COVID. As such Hahn is pulling numbers out of his butthole.
Then what's the ****ing problem?

Read the posts in the thread and if you can comprehend what you read, you will know.
A miracle in the midst of this kung flu **** is something we all need. Wouldn't you say?

He already promised a miracle months ago, one day it'll be a miracle, we'll wake up and poof, the virus is gone.

I would prefer a vaccine.

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