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Doo doo doo lookin' out my back door... (1 Viewer)


"Mercy triumphs over judgment..."
DP Veteran
May 28, 2017
Reaction score
Down South
Been snowin' all day and still goin' strong...


Sorry just your thread title, I cannot disconnect that song from this scene.

We usually don't get snows like this, maybe one per year, if that and definitely not this early...but with global warming and all...:2razz:

We basically have Summer and February with some brief transition periods.
We basically have Summer and February with some brief transition periods.

We have summer/hot and winter/cold...very little spring and fall anymore and I don't like it one bit...
We usually don't get snows like this, maybe one per year, if that and definitely not this early...but with global warming and all...:2razz:

You do realize that global warming is what causes your unusual weather? Oh, never mind. :roll: Enjoy your shoveling.
People not familiar with the song might have gotten the wrong idea from the thread title.
Well, you have a pleasant view.

True...we live high upon a hill overlooking the community down below, with the mountains in the background, though the snow coming down is like a white out today......
That looks beautiful. Ok, shoveling snow and driving in that stuff is only a bit of fun, but I could go for making a snow angel just about now.
True...we live high upon a hill overlooking the community down below, with the mountains in the background, though the snow coming down is like a white out today......

I live in the city, so I haven't any long vistas like you do. I have to go to the cabin or the shore for that, and you can bet your bottom dollar that if don't get stuck in either place, I'm not about to go there to enjoy the beach or mountain vistas during a snowstorm. LOL
I live in the city, so I haven't any long vistas like you do. I have to go to the cabin or the shore for that, and you can bet your bottom dollar that if don't get stuck in either place, I'm not about to go there to enjoy the beach or mountain vistas during a snowstorm. LOL

I hear ya...we won't get off this hill for days...even if we could get off, it's a bear getting back up...
I hear ya...we won't get off this hill for days...even if we could get off, it's a bear getting back up...

Yep...I most certainly can imagine that being so. LOL

Live has presented me, blessedly infrequently, with occasions of having been by weather stuck at the top and bottom of a hill. LOL Regrettably, each instance of that happening derived from my own imprudence. :(

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