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Do you trust your government? (1 Viewer)

Do you trust your government

  • Yes. The government only wants to tell us the truth.

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • Mostly but with a grain of salt.

    Votes: 5 12.8%
  • Mostly not but sometimes they're honest.

    Votes: 13 33.3%
  • They might be hobest sometimes but because they lie so often I don''t belive them.

    Votes: 20 51.3%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Jun 14, 2012
Reaction score
Political Leaning
I'm not talking about politicians on the campaign stump. I'm talking about officials, some in non-elected capacities functioning in their roles in service to the American public.

Last week I was on a road trip and scanning the dial I hear a "special broadcast" featuring a spokesman from the CDC informing the public on the Zika Virus. All I can say is somebody is lying their hairy face off. Out of one side of their mouths we're hearing regular reports of the threat to Florida of the Zika Virus due to its tropical climate, what specific areas of the state are in the greatest danger, its worse than we thought, the President requesting emergency funds to combat it in the US, etc. Then this dude from the CDC was asked in a town hall type setting: "Does the Zika Virus pose any risk to American who do not travel outside of the US?" His answer: "Absolutely not. As long as you don't travel outside the the US you have absolutely nothing to be concerned about." Wednesday, Thursday, Friday! Either this CDC spokesman is completely clueless or is lying to the public.

This isn't the first time I've heard government officials lie to the American people in a public health related matter. It seems like job one is not to be honest with their employers, the people of the United States but rather to keep the public from panicking as if we're so emotionally unstable we need to be lied to to keep from being placed on suicide watch. Okay, I've fully vented. :lol:
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In a word no: They serve their union to extract more and more money out of the taxpayer. All they care about is feathering their own nest.
"Yes. The government only wants to tell us the truth"

:2funny: :lamo :rofl :2rofll: :2funny:

5 is not enough..
I don't trust anonymous polls.

as to my answer-it depends. many government workers are fine people and hard workers, some of them I worked with

others are not so good

just like any other entity in the USA

the problem is that the power and control of the federal government accentuates the evil or screw ups of bad apples working in it
I don't trust anonymous polls.

as to my answer-it depends. many government workers are fine people and hard workers, some of them I worked with

others are not so good

just like any other entity in the USA

the problem is that the power and control of the federal government accentuates the evil or screw ups of bad apples working in it
I very much agree, and would like to add: In the govt employment of which I'm familiar with (Municipal & County), between the unions and lack of individual accountability, lazy bums on the payroll tend to to hang-on forever without being let go, often sliding right into a nice pension or permanent disability claim!
I'm not talking about politicians on the campaign stump. I'm talking about officials, some in non-elected capacities functioning in their roles in service to the American public.

Last week I was on a road trip and scanning the dial I hear a "special broadcast" featuring a spokesman from the CDC informing the public on the Zika Virus. All I can say is somebody is lying their hairy face off. Out of one side of their mouths we're hearing regular reports of the threat to Florida of the Zika Virus due to its tropical climate, what specific areas of the state are in the greatest danger, its worse than we thought, the President requesting emergency funds to combat it in the US, etc. Then this dude from the CDC was asked in a town hall type setting: "Does the Zika Virus pose any risk to American who do not travel outside of the US?" His answer: "Absolutely not. As long as you don't travel outside the the US you have absolutely nothing to be concerned about." Wednesday, Thursday, Friday! Either this CDC spokesman is completely clueless or is lying to the public.

This isn't the first time I've heard government officials lie to the American people in a public health related matter. It seems like job one is not to be honest with their employers, the people of the United States but rather to keep the public from panicking as if we're so emotionally unstable we need to be lied to to keep from being placed on suicide watch. Okay, I've fully vented. :lol:

Government workers mid-level and below are not "policy makers." They are regular working stiffs like any working stiff you'll find outside government service.

Each one knows their tiny slice of job duties at varying degrees of competence, trying to earn a living, with the primary difference being the requirement to deal day-in and day-out with "Joe Public."

Joe Public as in irate, annoyed, demanding, appealing, loud, abusive, sneaky, judgmental, crude, reserved...and any other descriptive terms you can think of for all the personality types one might encounter...only they encounter them over and over on a daily basis.

After a while many get jaded, bored, overworked, annoyed, frustrated, or just don't give two sh*ts they just want the day to be over.

They don't know everything. They aren't privy to everything. One Agency seldom works well with another because they are all competing to maintain their jobs against the common lament "we don't need all these government agencies draining our tax dollars."

Your example was probably either misquoted, misstated himself, or was just not up on the current Agency party line at the time he made the comment.

To answer your question...I trust government workers about as much as I trust anyone else, only so far as I need to in order to get along in the world.
The government no longer serves the people. Elected officials now make more money, have better benefits, and pensions than the people paying their salary.This is an atrocity and a slap in the face to every taxpayer. I think they should be paid the same as every citizen gets paid to serve on jury duty. The career elected official needs to be abolished while we elect people who truly want to serve the country and the people. Take away the money and the benefits and none of the people currently in office would even run for office. They are not in it to serve but to get rich off the hard work of the taxpayer.
People that the trust the government would answer yes, while people that don't trust the government would answer yes to avoid being killed for answering no.

No rational person would trust government - we have thousands of years of history to show just how dangerous government is; yet, people still love to be suckered and walk themselves into the gulag time and again. It's truly amazing.
Of course I don't trust the government! There the one's turning the frogs ****ing gay! And putting the arsenic and cyanide in the water!😃
Do I trust the government?


Everything (and almost everyone) attached directly to the government does what it does far more inefficiently then the private sector would do it. It generally does it slower, at greater cost, with more waste, more ambivalence and less passion then the private sector would.

The government should do a few things: operate the military (but small regular and large reserves - not the bloated whale America has now), make and enforce laws, set guidelines, help those who cannot (as opposed to will not) themselves, collect enough funds to do these things and that's about it.

Oh, they should do one other thing...sit in the corner and SHUT UP.
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Where is the 'Never' option?

I never trust ANYTHING the government says or does unless they offer unbiased proof that what they are doing is right...which is almost never.

Here is what people who trust the government look like to me:

I'm not talking about politicians on the campaign stump. I'm talking about officials, some in non-elected capacities functioning in their roles in service to the American public.

Last week I was on a road trip and scanning the dial I hear a "special broadcast" featuring a spokesman from the CDC informing the public on the Zika Virus. All I can say is somebody is lying their hairy face off. Out of one side of their mouths we're hearing regular reports of the threat to Florida of the Zika Virus due to its tropical climate, what specific areas of the state are in the greatest danger, its worse than we thought, the President requesting emergency funds to combat it in the US, etc. Then this dude from the CDC was asked in a town hall type setting: "Does the Zika Virus pose any risk to American who do not travel outside of the US?" His answer: "Absolutely not. As long as you don't travel outside the the US you have absolutely nothing to be concerned about." Wednesday, Thursday, Friday! Either this CDC spokesman is completely clueless or is lying to the public.

This isn't the first time I've heard government officials lie to the American people in a public health related matter. It seems like job one is not to be honest with their employers, the people of the United States but rather to keep the public from panicking as if we're so emotionally unstable we need to be lied to to keep from being placed on suicide watch. Okay, I've fully vented. :lol:

You forgot the poll option of "hell no." Only fools trust their government, or any government for that matter.
I'm not talking about politicians on the campaign stump. I'm talking about officials, some in non-elected capacities functioning in their roles in service to the American public.

Last week I was on a road trip and scanning the dial I hear a "special broadcast" featuring a spokesman from the CDC informing the public on the Zika Virus. All I can say is somebody is lying their hairy face off. Out of one side of their mouths we're hearing regular reports of the threat to Florida of the Zika Virus due to its tropical climate, what specific areas of the state are in the greatest danger, its worse than we thought, the President requesting emergency funds to combat it in the US, etc. Then this dude from the CDC was asked in a town hall type setting: "Does the Zika Virus pose any risk to American who do not travel outside of the US?" His answer: "Absolutely not. As long as you don't travel outside the the US you have absolutely nothing to be concerned about." Wednesday, Thursday, Friday! Either this CDC spokesman is completely clueless or is lying to the public.

This isn't the first time I've heard government officials lie to the American people in a public health related matter. It seems like job one is not to be honest with their employers, the people of the United States but rather to keep the public from panicking as if we're so emotionally unstable we need to be lied to to keep from being placed on suicide watch.
Okay, I've fully vented.

Who forces you to believe everything that you hear or read?

People that the trust the government would answer yes, while people that don't trust the government would answer yes to avoid being killed for answering no.


Really? You think you're going to be killed if you answer no?
I'm not talking about politicians on the campaign stump. I'm talking about officials, some in non-elected capacities functioning in their roles in service to the American public.

Last week I was on a road trip and scanning the dial I hear a "special broadcast" featuring a spokesman from the CDC informing the public on the Zika Virus. All I can say is somebody is lying their hairy face off. Out of one side of their mouths we're hearing regular reports of the threat to Florida of the Zika Virus due to its tropical climate, what specific areas of the state are in the greatest danger, its worse than we thought, the President requesting emergency funds to combat it in the US, etc. Then this dude from the CDC was asked in a town hall type setting: "Does the Zika Virus pose any risk to American who do not travel outside of the US?" His answer: "Absolutely not. As long as you don't travel outside the the US you have absolutely nothing to be concerned about." Wednesday, Thursday, Friday! Either this CDC spokesman is completely clueless or is lying to the public.

This isn't the first time I've heard government officials lie to the American people in a public health related matter. It seems like job one is not to be honest with their employers, the people of the United States but rather to keep the public from panicking as if we're so emotionally unstable we need to be lied to to keep from being placed on suicide watch. Okay, I've fully vented. :lol:

I wonder, how well records are kept and recordings of internal discussions are stored that would allow an independent external observer to reconstruct who knew what and when. And when would this data be published? Without knowing this, one cannot make an informed guess.
Who forces you to believe everything that you hear or read?


I regularly believe half of what I hear and read. Only thing is that I don't know which half.
Do I trust the government?


Everything (and almost everyone) attached directly to the government does what it does far more inefficiently then the private sector would do it. It generally does it slower, at greater cost, with more waste, more ambivalence and less passion then the private sector would.

The government should do a few things
: operate the military (but small regular and large reserves - not the bloated whale America has now), make and enforce laws, set guidelines, help those who cannot (as opposed to will not) themselves, collect enough funds to do these things and that's about it.

Oh, they should do one other thing...sit in the corner and SHUT UP.

"Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves." ~ Ronald Reagan.

Think about that a little bit. It's one thing that Reagan said that I agree with.

"Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves." ~ Ronald Reagan.

Think about that a little bit. It's one thing that Reagan said that I agree with.

That's a great line.
For the most part...I trust OUR government a lot more than the governments that have existed in other times and in other places.

The people who feel differently...especially the people in this thread so far who think VERY MUCH differently...I think are not thinking things through completely.
I don't trust anonymous polls.
as to my answer-it depends. many government workers are fine people and hard workers, some of them I worked with
others are not so good
just like any other entity in the USA
the problem is that the power and control of the federal government accentuates the evil or screw ups of bad apples working in it
I don't think of "the Government" as the working stiffs that make no real decisions affecting our country. Those people ARE us, just with better benefits and usually higher pay than their counterparts in the "real world".
I sure miss that job.

Really? You think you're going to be killed if you answer no?
Recommendation. Search engine: Humor Definition
After all. Everyone knows you only really get killed if you step directly in front of a career politician and his/her plans.

Awe come on! We are our own greatest enemies.
If you seriously think the Government knows what is best for your day to day life than you do then you should definitely sign up for the Government's fan club. They would love to create an infant/kindergarten state where they just babysit the citizens day to day and make all of your decisions for you.

For the most part...I trust OUR government a lot more than the governments that have existed in other times and in other places.
The people who feel differently...especially the people in this thread so far who think VERY MUCH differently...I think are not thinking things through completely.
I think you are overcomplicating it, Frank.
Go to any number of individuals and say "honest politician" and see the reaction. This joke isn't around for no reason. It has good origins based in the real world.
The people making the decisions are typically not honest and are typically more for themselves than for the people at large. You can't trust dishonest people. It defies logic.
Saying that they are better than other tyrants in other parts of the world is that same deflectiology that has us voting for the "lesser evil" instead of someone we are excited about each election.

I think my opinion on the matter is obvious. ;)
For the most part...I trust OUR government a lot more than the governments that have existed in other times and in other places.

The people who feel differently...especially the people in this thread so far who think VERY MUCH differently...I think are not thinking things through completely.

Well, it isn't really a question of trusting the government. It is more one of whether one trusts the checks on and balances of power and the control instruments we have deployed. Will they stop the rogue in time?
I don't think of "the Government" as the working stiffs that make no real decisions affecting our country. Those people ARE us, just with better benefits and usually higher pay than their counterparts in the "real world".
I sure miss that job.

Recommendation. Search engine: Humor Definition
After all. Everyone knows you only really get killed if you step directly in front of a career politician and his/her plans.

If you seriously think the Government knows what is best for your day to day life than you do then you should definitely sign up for the Government's fan club. They would love to create an infant/kindergarten state where they just babysit the citizens day to day and make all of your decisions for you.

I think you are overcomplicating it, Frank.
Go to any number of individuals and say "honest politician" and see the reaction. This joke isn't around for no reason. It has good origins based in the real world.
The people making the decisions are typically not honest and are typically more for themselves than for the people at large. You can't trust dishonest people. It defies logic.
Saying that they are better than other tyrants in other parts of the world is that same deflectiology that has us voting for the "lesser evil" instead of someone we are excited about each election.

I think my opinion on the matter is obvious. ;)

I agree with you completely on that expanded part, N.

But...ummm...how does that make them different from EVERY OTHER HUMAN on the planet?

Nearly as I can determine...EVERY human I have ever known or heard about...is concerned more with self-fulfillment than anything else...and that includes the Mother Theresa's and Albert Schweitzers of the world.

So, YEAH...they ARE concerned more with themselves and their families...than with the people at large. So that means we are picking our leaders from among the humans on the planet.

What do you see as an alternative?

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